
Serbian women photographers use photography to tell stories and create photographs of magical realism

author:The uncle who carved the time
Serbian women photographers use photography to tell stories and create photographs of magical realism

ovana Rikalo。 is an art and portrait photographer who currently lives in Serbia.

Serbian women photographers use photography to tell stories and create photographs of magical realism

About 4 years ago, she engaged in creative photography by taking interesting photos of friends, nature and herself, trying to capture memories and special moments.

Serbian women photographers use photography to tell stories and create photographs of magical realism

She uses photography to tell stories and creates a work of art with emotion.

Jovana loves pastel tones, fairy tales and the surreal world.

Serbian women photographers use photography to tell stories and create photographs of magical realism

She is inspired by life, people and nature. And the events she's been through, and those moments that are still waiting to happen.

Serbian women photographers use photography to tell stories and create photographs of magical realism

She likes to make a connection between people and nature because that's where emotions lie.

Serbian women photographers use photography to tell stories and create photographs of magical realism

Magic only happens when we are connected together. Jovana's goal is to make others discover themselves in her work and show people the new world she has created.

Serbian women photographers use photography to tell stories and create photographs of magical realism

The photographer from Zrenjanin, Serbia, studied law in Novi Sad. Completely self-taught, he started taking random photos of himself, nature, and friends to capture memories, mostly just for fun.

Serbian women photographers use photography to tell stories and create photographs of magical realism

She had no interest in choosing the art of photography as my profession, and it wasn't until the fall of 2012 that Ovana Rikalo began to take photography seriously, when she bought a new digital camera and realized that she was passionate about photography.

Serbian women photographers use photography to tell stories and create photographs of magical realism

Finally realized how strong the feelings about photography are. Photography has become her greatest love.

Serbian women photographers use photography to tell stories and create photographs of magical realism

My passion and idea for photography is that when you capture something, it lasts forever.

Serbian women photographers use photography to tell stories and create photographs of magical realism

Ovana Rikalo is a great perfectionist. Loved that everything on the photo looked perfect, she did the retouching, removing the spots, but most of the time Ivana Rikalo liked to play with curves and colors with photoshop.

Serbian women photographers use photography to tell stories and create photographs of magical realism

Ovana Rikalo would write down any ideas she had, making it easier to make up a story that would later be presented in photographs. When deciding on an idea, the photographer goes out and looks for a suitable model to help convey the idea and the whole story.

Serbian women photographers use photography to tell stories and create photographs of magical realism

Ovana Rikalo uses photoshop to create finished images. Sometimes up to four or five hours, working until the photo is complete.

Serbian women photographers use photography to tell stories and create photographs of magical realism

Ovana Rikalo's goal is to continuously improve the field of photography and help those who wish to practice photography through workshops.

Serbian women photographers use photography to tell stories and create photographs of magical realism

Keep shooting and creating, and don't give up just because you don't have a good camera. A good photo is not taken with a good camera, but a good idea. Just be imaginative :)

Serbian women photographers use photography to tell stories and create photographs of magical realism

Capturing emotion and presenting is now an important part of her photography, and the whole creation of perfectly freeze-framed special moments and special feelings prompts her photographic exploration, acquiring creative ideas, and learning as much as possible about photo processing art.

Serbian women photographers use photography to tell stories and create photographs of magical realism

When it comes to the style and interests of photography, photographers prefer to shoot outdoors. The inspiration for the creation of the photos comes mainly from everyday life.

Serbian women photographers use photography to tell stories and create photographs of magical realism

In the moment of going out to take pictures, the photographer imagines what type of photo to create, what character to create. This could be an event experienced in the past, something that happened to the photographer himself, or it could be a fictional event.

Serbian women photographers use photography to tell stories and create photographs of magical realism

I love creating unreal situations in the real world and telling surreal stories with cameras. My mission is to create unique artwork that looks unnatural but feels authentic.

Serbian women photographers use photography to tell stories and create photographs of magical realism

Photographers sometimes manipulate retouching photos in Photoshop, always trying to stay realistic in their photo series.

Camera equipment for shooting

Uses a Canon 600D, 50 mm f 1.8 lens and natural light. A bit tired of shooting in the studio. She prefers to shoot outdoors and outside in eye-catching places.


Text: frank

Image: Ovana Rikalo

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