
Can Yemen save a country that could have made a fortune by oil, but was destroyed by a "small grass"?

author:Old Six says history

This country is inseparable from a kind of leaf, and the people of the whole country are obsessed with it.

The streets and alleys, men and women, young and old, you can see a lot of people with bulging cheeks,

They chewed one after another, without the slightest intention of stopping,

What's going on here? What the hell are they chewing on?

Why are they so obsessed?

Can Yemen save a country that could have made a fortune by oil, but was destroyed by a "small grass"?

Their country is Yemen, and what they chew is actually a kind of tea.

This is called Arabic tea, also called Qiao tea, its leaves and young leaves can be edible,

He was originally born in tropical Africa, but humans have chewed him for thousands of years.

The history of ancient Egypt has recorded that this kind of thing is a divine substance.

Through him, he can communicate directly with the gods of heaven and better understand the instructions of the gods.

In fact, this is an addictive leaf that will make people chew, because it contains an exciting substance callidone.

Under constant chewing, it will stimulate your central nervous system and put your brain in a state of excitement,

Can Yemen save a country that could have made a fortune by oil, but was destroyed by a "small grass"?

At the beginning, eating a small amount will have a refreshing effect, but after a long time, it will produce laziness.

It will even have the effect of drugs,

In countries like Ethiopia, Somalia, the Arabian Peninsula,

The use of Qiao tea has been used for thousands of years, in the 13th century,

Ethiopian chewing was to fight the hunger and fatigue of the time,

Beginning in the 15th century, the black slave trade began,

At that time, there was also a lot of trade transportation,

So qiao tea and this kind of thing began to circulate everywhere with the black trade,

At that time, the Arab region was a period of vigorous development.

Can Yemen save a country that could have made a fortune by oil, but was destroyed by a "small grass"?

He also participated in the slave trade, and Qiao Tea naturally came to the Arab region.

This kind of thing has now been popularized by the United Nations and some European and American countries,

Identified as a hazardous product, prohibited from entering and trading in the local customs,

So why doesn't Yemen talk about this kind of thing joining the ranks of prohibiting buying and selling? And what about the hype?

This is actually because 80% of people in Yemen are chewing these teas.

Regardless of age, almost all chewing tea,

According to incomplete statistics, 90% of men in Yemen chew tea every day.

And women also have this 50% of the amount chewed every day,

Those young children watched every day as their parents chewed every day,

Can Yemen save a country that could have made a fortune by oil, but was destroyed by a "small grass"?

I also think chewing these things is a very normal thing,

The youngest child is only ten years old and begins to take tea from adults to chew,

And the younger ones will continue to ask their parents for it, which will also empty their wallets little by little.

A doctor once examined and found that the Yemeni children grew up,

Often the body and brain will produce different degrees of damage,

They have a very bad local habit, that is, every afternoon,

They get extra excited, why?

Is it because they are excited about their work? Of course not

Because the fresh tea is delivered to the market at this time, they will put down their work,

Can Yemen save a country that could have made a fortune by oil, but was destroyed by a "small grass"?

Then they will all go to the market to buy fresh tea,

Then the crowd began to chew, and this chew was three or four hours.

Don't they all go to work? Can I walk away at will?

This is also a bad habit of the locals, because the local people chew a lot,

Even government officials will skip the shift to buy tea.

After all, the activity of Qiao tea is only a short period of 24 hours,

If the activity is gone, they don't have that pleasure when they chew it.

will be weak, dizzy, fearful feelings,

And even some of the important meetings and major decisions in Yemen that involve the country,

Will find a special conference room, everyone sits in it,

Can Yemen save a country that could have made a fortune by oil, but was destroyed by a "small grass"?

While chewing tea, talking about the meeting,

Maybe at this time, they will think that their brains will be unusually clear,

But can a decision made in such a situation really work?

In this environment, most Yemenis are beginning to become lazy.

They stay in the house every day to chew tea, and they don't go to the government unit to handle business at all.

All civil servants go to work in the morning and start doing nothing in the afternoon,

They will even set aside a room at home to entertain colleagues and friends.

Later, even every household had this kind of house,

And some of them also play games.

Can Yemen save a country that could have made a fortune by oil, but was destroyed by a "small grass"?

Sai Sai who can chew faster, who can chew more,

People who are booing on the side are everywhere,

Some of them were lying on the couch like they were paralyzed.

Immersed in their own world, they can't even hear the voices of others,

And some troops in these countries will chew tea during wartime.

Later, they actually tacitly ceased fire for a period of time,

Both sides will chew tea at this time,

Many people chew tea leaves, resulting in swollen cheeks,

The whole face has been deformed, but there is still no way to stop them.

Can Yemen save a country that could have made a fortune by oil, but was destroyed by a "small grass"?

There is a local saying that it is better not to eat,

It is better to have no conjugal life, nor can it be without the company of Qiaocha,

All of them buy qiao tea in large quantities, and the daily expenditure is very serious,

So naturally they don't have any serious work.

In order to be able to get money to buy Qiao tea, they began to be corrupt,

Ordinary people also began to steal, to rob,

This has also led to their social unrest, and various forces are running amok,

Why did their country fall into this?

Can Yemen save a country that could have made a fortune by oil, but was destroyed by a "small grass"?

As a country located at the southwestern tip of the Arabian Peninsula,

Their capital is called Sana'a,

It is one of the cities in the history of the world that has been inhabited continuously by humans for the longest time.

Because they have a history of more than two years,

Their country has a long history of more than 3,000 years of written records.

But it is one of the cradles of ancient civilizations in the Arab world,

And next door to him is a country rich in local tycoons, oil is cheaper than water,

As a middle Eastern country, Kuwait has a lot of oil resources.

This has been called "the laziest country in the world",

And Yemen obviously also has a large amount of oil and natural gas resources,

Can Yemen save a country that could have made a fortune by oil, but was destroyed by a "small grass"?

The geographical location and environmental resources of the two countries are extremely similar,

Their financial resources are all dependent on the export of oil,

And the amount of oil that their family has proven is about 1.85 billion cubic feet.

This basically accounts for one-eighth of the continent's oil reserves.

If Yemen had made up its mind at that time to eliminate Qiao tea from the country,

There may be heavy pain, and there may even be a danger of extinction due to infighting.

But at least it can leave a glimmer of life, waiting for the poison of Qiao tea to disappear,

There are also oil and minerals to rely on, but they are so persistent,

In addition to this, their local address the Mineral Investigation Bureau found at the time,

Can Yemen save a country that could have made a fortune by oil, but was destroyed by a "small grass"?

Yemen is also very rich in mineral resources,

There are gold, silver, lead, zinc and other metals,

One of the provinces has more than 30 gold mines.

Occupied 39 million tons, and the quality of the cotton they grow was very good,

Every year, a large number of exports will be made, and the cultivation of coffee also occupies an important position in the European coffee market.

The world's famous mocha coffee is produced in Yemen,

Yemen's geographical location is also quite special,

It is located next to the Bab el-Mandeb Strait, through which the Red Sea passes.

With control of half of the Bab el-Mandeb Strait,

Trade and transportation from Europe and Asia all pass through the Bab el-Mandeb Strait

Can Yemen save a country that could have made a fortune by oil, but was destroyed by a "small grass"?

Mastering such an important time and place,

It is said that even if their country can not spend unscrupulously, it should eat and drink without worry,

But they are indeed one of the least developed countries in the world,

It's a mess of playing a good hand,

Speaking of which, I have to mention the history of Yemen.

Yemen was once a vassal of the Ottoman Empire,

Then in 1918, the Ottoman Empire collapsed,

Yemen then became independent and proclaimed the Kingdom of Mutawakyria in Yemen,

Later, he was defeated in the war with Saudi Arabia, and began a tragic doom.

Can Yemen save a country that could have made a fortune by oil, but was destroyed by a "small grass"?

Britain, as the empire of the sun at that time, took advantage of the collapse of the Ottoman Empire,

The arabian peninsula is fragmented, and Britain wants to get a piece of it.

And the geographical location occupied by Yemen is very eye-catching,

Britain wanted to develop Yemen into its colony, so it occupied the southern part of Yemen,

Forced them to sign a series of unequal treaties,

One of them is to divide Yemen into north and south, which also creates the division of Yemen.

Later, North Yemen declared its independence, and South Yemen was not far behind.

Waged a war against Britain, and finally established the People's Republic of South Yemen,

Britain, as the ruler of South Yemen, stood idly by and watched all this,

I didn't expect to cause such a powerful destruction to this country,

Can Yemen save a country that could have made a fortune by oil, but was destroyed by a "small grass"?

Since then, the korean peninsula has been staged exactly the same situation in the two Yemens, north and south.

Subsequently, with the strategic contraction of the Soviet Union, the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union ended.

The West and other Arab countries began to support North Yemen,

The Soviet Union and Eastern European countries supported South Yemen.

After that, their problems continued to intensify, and the Civil War broke out randomly.

Known in history as the "Yemen Civil War", this civil war lasted for nearly two months,

The death and wounding of the leaders of the two houses also caused 12,000 innocent casualties.

And the economic loss caused by this is as high as 11 billion US dollars,

This also makes Yemen, which is not rich, even worse.

After that, this strange plot of unification and division, in the unity of division,

Because their differences and antagonisms in thought have not been fundamentally eliminated,

Can Yemen save a country that could have made a fortune by oil, but was destroyed by a "small grass"?

So they inevitably clash, coupled with the interference of foreign powers,

Their problems have not been properly solved,

So the civil unrest in Yemen, which broke out in 2015, has not been resolved.

In view of the fact that their safety is not guaranteed in such a war situation,

Your own life may be taken by war at any time,

There is no hope for their future, and they also begin to chew tea.

Can mix a day is a day, and later they also began to be dissatisfied with imports,

Began to turn to their own cultivation, because their original grain harvest will be used to buy qiao tea,

So they simply started growing Qiao tea, and this plant is more marketable in Yemen.

There is no worry about not being able to sell it, and it can also be used for myself and my family,

Can Yemen save a country that could have made a fortune by oil, but was destroyed by a "small grass"?

The most important thing is that Yemen is also a tropical desert climate, drought and little rain,

It is said that qiao tea can be harvested twice a year, and the harvest is also high,

But Qiao tea is suitable for growing on moist land, so his cultivation and cultivation need to consume a lot of water resources,

Harvesting a small bag of qiao tea requires watering at least 500 kg of water,

This should also take into account the local climatic conditions are relatively good,

According to transfer calculations, 60% of yemen's national water resources are used to grow qiao tea.

There is not even a long river in Yemen, even if the water used for domestic use is very economical.

So their water resources are mainly from groundwater, because importing water from foreign countries is too expensive.

But water resources are not unlimited, their crazy mining,

As a result, the local soil desertification is becoming more and more serious,

Can Yemen save a country that could have made a fortune by oil, but was destroyed by a "small grass"?

And after planting Qiao tea, this land is even abandoned,

There is no other crop to be grown, and poisonous crops are not just talk.

The Middle East region is already suffering from severe water shortages, and experts expect that by 2025,

With a population of 170, Sana'a will become a waterless capital,

In addition, whether there will be water in the future Sana'a we still don't know,

But now Sana'a is indeed the veritable capital of plastic bags,

Because these are all brought about by the local habit of chewing tea,

The packaging of Qiao tea is usually made of plastic bags,

After the locals bought the tea, the plastic bags were directly thrown to every corner of the local area.

For a long time, the local streets and alleys are full of plastic bags,

Can Yemen save a country that could have made a fortune by oil, but was destroyed by a "small grass"?

And plastic bags, as the least environmentally friendly materials, its degradation takes at least 500 years,

This has undoubtedly had a huge impact on the ecological environment of Sana'a.

And Qiaocha is just a low-grade version of the drug, and later passed through the hands of the outlaws who are mad,

Qiao tea was extracted from the ingredients and synthesized artificially,

Became an upgraded version of the bath salt, this drug has 13 times the excitatory function of heroin,

Because of his high purity and high hallucinogenicity, bath salts soon became a substitute for Qiao tea,

The development of society requires productive forces, and they, as Yemenis,

But indulging in chewing tea every day, has lost the pursuit of life,

What their country wants to stagnate, even more and more regressive,

It is precisely because of the existence of Qiao tea that the British wanted to change the trade differences with us.

Can Yemen save a country that could have made a fortune by oil, but was destroyed by a "small grass"?

Even using despicable and shameless tricks to sell us such a harmful thing as opium,

Fortunately, the strong will of the Chinese nation finally resisted this temptation.

Completely eliminate opium from our country, and drugs as a product of no harm,

We should start from ourselves, cherish life, stay away from drugs, reject drugs,

For the health of family and friends, we should fight the outlaws to the end.

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