
Five interesting facts about Ghana in Africa

author:Kaihua Hongyi

Africa is a magical continent, with desert smoke, noisy cities, grass and warblers, and poor mountains and bad waters.

I visited Ghana, Ghana, Africa in 2019 for a year, and ran all over Ghana from south to north to encounter many magical and interesting things, which I will share with you here.

First, black people are very inferior

On the third day of going to Ghana, I went out to investigate the market, the company was equipped with a three-dimensional and decent black driver, he had a daughter living in the fifteen-square security booth in our villa area, usually eat some African cassava to make a paste salary of four hundred yuan, but also attach great importance to education, to children to read kindergarten almost two hundred yuan a month, we all wear suit shirts, in their minds Chinese is white, is superior, usually nothing is allowed to enter our living room bedroom, Because we brought a lot of delicious food, in the car will also eat unscrupulously, chat very happy, the car drove for more than an hour, we went down to the ground to rest for a few minutes by the way, the surprise came, several of us Chinese ran to the grass to urinate, and this black driver after we returned, actually took out the little brother pee in front of us, and from time to time looked at us with pride, I was stunned for a while, could this be a local custom?

Later, I asked my colleagues who came around for nearly three months, and he said that this was what he was accustomed to, because they were black people who were more inferior, except for the bull in the pants pocket, there seemed to be nothing to show off in front of the Chinese, you Chinese eat well, live well, and wear well, and I am black, some of which are energy and large size!

Five interesting facts about Ghana in Africa

Second, the illogicity of black Africa

Because of the frequent outing of the market, will often enter the city, because the capital is also similar to the domestic third- and fourth-tier cities, there will be a scene of traffic, the roadside will see a lot of local or Indian beggars, generally see the poor face or in the convenience we will give them a dollar or two to send them away, but the surprise came, in just two months met three times to carry out the big BEN to beg us black people, they said there is no money to refuel, OK, or a few days without eating, I asked them, so why do you have the money to buy such a good car? They said that the car was bought a long time ago, all the money was bought for the car, and after buying it, there was no income and only begging. Or laugh and laugh at funny excuses such as the death of the old man in the family, the wife running away, and so on.

In addition, there are very few toilets in Ghana, including the shed where residents live, you will find a lot of black plastic bags on the road exposed to the road, dense, that is, it is a bag for poop, or other garbage, they are still on the road after disposal, generally we will feel sick or think that it is not hygienic. But I have met many times, and many Chinese have reacted not to throw garbage on the road, which is not allowed for them, including spitting, smoking, which is very unhygienic and unethical, and even reported that a Chinese businessman was beaten by a black person because he threw a bottle on the road, and was also exposed on the TV station (you can find this video on the Internet), I also smoked a few times and was drunk loudly, but I was often smoked by black people.

Five interesting facts about Ghana in Africa

Third, women in Ghana have the highest rate of infidelity in the world

Basically Ghana has a 50% divorce rate and a 62% infidelity rate for women, which means that basically seven out of ten women are in that relationship with more than two men, or you can date in Ghana with almost no money. Of course, there must be life forced or life majeure factors in it, such as men running away, yes, black men in Ghana basically do not do housework, do not bring children, very casual will empathize. But I think that's just one of the factors. Since I was in charge of customs clearance, I needed to run customs frequently.

Customs in the civilian basically are higherly educated or a decent black woman, most of them are dressed up more energetic and eye-catching, the figure is more concave and convex, with natural convexity this point can kill 90% of the domestic women, large, soft, full, agitated are more detailed, of which four or five female employees take the initiative to add my contact information (whatsapp), at first it was thought that the work needs, you can contact each other in time, but think wrong, as long as you leave work, From time to time, they will take the initiative to brag to you, ask for warmth, and send some photos of life to make you recognize their beauty.

Once I said that these pictures are beautiful, but there is nothing special, she actually sent me photos of their lives, and I asked her why she suddenly sent these pictures? She said nothing because of boredom, she likes me because I am white and handsome, she also said that she has a husband, ran, this is a very normal phenomenon in Accra, asked me if I can come to me, or I went to her residence, I thought about it or refused at least have an I cup of fate, aids in the local area is still very rampant, clean self-love is better!

Five interesting facts about Ghana in Africa

Fourth, the local people's love of religion

Most people in Ghana believe in Christianity and Muslims. What I want to say here is Christianity, especially the middle and low-level people are even more devout to the point of falling to the ground. Due to the needs of the business, we recruited a few black people, running business and miscellaneous warehouses, because the locals were more aware of the local culture and the world. For Chinese, everything is based on work, that is, making money, which is basically part of Saturday and Sunday, but for black people it is a different argument, on Sunday, whether it is windy or rainy, Christians have to go to worship, and they are dressed up, dressed up, even a beggar has to buy a most gorgeous set of clothes, smiling, singing and laughing in luxurious churches.

Once we need to run a long distance, a few little blacks asked me for leave, said that Sunday can not work because I want to go to church to worship, the dress has been bought, I said that this work is very important, the guests have made an appointment, the words of the success of your income is also quite considerable, but they refused, the reason is that they have made an agreement with God can not put the plane, I wonder, into the countryside can only respect them, in exchange for Chinese what will happen? This is also a good thing for them, poor, but there is God in the heart, and there is happiness, we can't understand!

Five interesting facts about Ghana in Africa

Fifth, African-style democracy

Speaking of democracy in Africa seems like a beautiful thing. But democracy and freedom are opposites, and it is difficult to have democracy in a poor and undeveloped country, even in the United States and Europe. Because there are more and more cabinets sent to Ghana in the country, customs clearance occupies most of our time, the beginning is also very smooth, the relationship with several beautiful female staff is also very good, when it is difficult, we use the way we Chinese are best at, pay money to solve, can be that year Ghana elected a new president, the new official took office three fires, actually the previous customs staff were all replaced, to a new batch of staff, are new, it is said that they are the president's faction of people, for us, can handle things well, who comes the same, We're not going to get caught in the temptation of the I cup anyway.

But the problem came, dealing with the problem are new staff, no business skills, actually how much tariff to deduct do not know, bitter, legs are broken, cabinets crowded with docks, due to the first year of the establishment of the company, we trusted the relationship to find the customs connections, came to visit our factory, sent an air conditioner, made a little hard work, and then did it smoothly. Every time I go to customs, I have to submit a lot of information, but I see that they are stuffed directly into the box, basically do not look, I asked why so much proof of information? He said because of the regulations.

In the streets of Ghana, there are very few people who rush the red light, which seems to surprise us, the driver said that they are afraid of the police, because as long as he comes, he will have to pay money, and basically every time we go out, we will encounter such and such a bullish police to lead the way, followed by some politicians.

In general, the people of Ghana in Africa are still kind, in fact, they can fully develop agriculture independently, it is difficult to develop good agriculture without agricultural foundation, they have fertile land and rich human resources, why not do this?

I hope that the people of Ghana are getting better and better, different cultures and histories, it is inevitable that there will be different jokes.

Ghana fun facts, there are many more, here to share with you here, thank you!

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