
For Abe's tears, Zeng Ying, a female journalist who was supported by Tsinghua professors, was finally banned

author:Tiance Entertainment Jun

|| Tiance Entertainment Jun

Unexpectedly, the assassination of former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe caused endless quarrels in domestic public opinion!

The special historical relationship between China and Japan, the assassination of Shinzo Abe will naturally lead to more topics, and everyone has the right to express their views on the assassination of Shinzo Abe, but it is also necessary to take into account the feelings of the people of the whole Chinese and the history of China and Japan.

For Abe's tears, Zeng Ying, a female journalist who was supported by Tsinghua professors, was finally banned

Wrath! Zeng Ying choked up and cried when she reported the death of Shinzo Abe. Zeng Ying's behavior was called criticism by the majority of netizens, and Zeng Ying herself was also scolded by the majority of netizens on the hot search. For Zeng Ying's move, the vast number of Chinese people are also puzzled, the death of a former Japanese prime minister actually made a Chinese reporter cry uncontrollably, what kind of mentality is this? What kind of logic is it?

For Abe's tears, Zeng Ying, a female journalist who was supported by Tsinghua professors, was finally banned

In the face of accusations and criticism from the majority of netizens, Zeng Ying explained in Weibo:

For Abe's tears, Zeng Ying, a female journalist who was supported by Tsinghua professors, was finally banned

In Zeng Ying's response, she has a tough attitude, she firmly believes in her own values, to be a kind and upright person, and to respond to netizens should not breed malice because they are "Japanese"; She prayed for world peace and apologized to the vast number of netizens for her gaffe.

Although this Weibo seems to admit its mistake to the majority of netizens, it actually did not satisfy everyone. On July 8, Shinzo Abe was assassinated, but the day before was July 7, which was a special day, and every Chinese remember this humiliating day. Zeng Ying did not speak on July 7, nor did she cry bitterly, but on July 8, the former Japanese prime minister who had invaded China choked up and cried, as a journalist, Zeng Ying's riotous operation really made the majority of netizens unable to understand, let alone forgive!

For Abe's tears, Zeng Ying, a female journalist who was supported by Tsinghua professors, was finally banned

Zeng Ying's explanation was not recognized by the majority of netizens, but caused more scolding, and in the early morning of July 9, Zeng Ying once again sent a long text to respond to everyone:

For Abe's tears, Zeng Ying, a female journalist who was supported by Tsinghua professors, was finally banned

After reading Zeng Ying's long speech, I just want to express a few meanings:

  • Zeng Ying fully affirmed Abe's outstanding contribution to the improvement of Sino-Japanese relations, and believed that the eight years of Abe's reign were the best era for Sino-Japanese relations to come out of the trough and gradually enter a better state.
  • Zeng Ying believes that Abe is a person worthy of respect, and is shocked and sorry that he left in this way. At the same time, the majority of netizens accused her of the overwhelming online violence.
  • Zeng Ying stressed that she is not the "XX" in everyone's mouth, and she believes that she is well taken care of in Japan, and she is grateful to Japan, emphasizing that she is an ordinary Chinese with flesh and blood and conscience.
For Abe's tears, Zeng Ying, a female journalist who was supported by Tsinghua professors, was finally banned

Netizens counted Zeng Ying's past, found that Zeng Ying has been living in Japan for twelve years, and was also revealed by netizens that Zeng Ying had publicly published a letter in 2018 to apply for a change of nationality, and she also said that if the change is successful, she will be the second Chinese woman to run in Japan after Li Xiaomu, and will also be the first Chinese woman to run in Japan. In order to apply for a change of nationality, saying such proud words really surprised the majority of netizens.

Zeng Ying's explanation did not calm the anger in the hearts of netizens, but her speech made the majority of netizens see her true thoughts in her heart: after living in Japan for a long time and cultivating true feelings, she will choke and cry for a former Japanese prime minister! As of now, Zeng Ying's Weibo has also been banned, citing violations of relevant laws and regulations.

For Abe's tears, Zeng Ying, a female journalist who was supported by Tsinghua professors, was finally banned

With the fermentation of public opinion, the majority of netizens accused Zeng Ying, and Xiao Ying, a professor at Tsinghua University, came forward to support Zeng Ying. Xiao Ying said: I believe that in the future historical review, more Chinese people will understand and admire this Chinese woman who adheres to her conscience and reason; She knows the value ideals for China and the world to cherish her protection from the revenge of Internet violence. Subsequently, it was pointed out that Ms. Zeng Ying's feelings were impossible to understand by brainless coelenterate animals and inhuman network barking.

For Abe's tears, Zeng Ying, a female journalist who was supported by Tsinghua professors, was finally banned

Professor Xiao angrily scolded his compatriots as brainless animals for Zeng Ying, and called the accusations and criticisms of the majority of netizens as a humane Internet bark. As a professor at Tsinghua University, he should have higher cultivation and quality, but he exports dirty words and imposes extremely ugly words on his compatriots, which is really puzzling.

For Abe's tears, Zeng Ying, a female journalist who was supported by Tsinghua professors, was finally banned

According to Wikipedia, Xiao Ying, born in 1962, is currently a professor and doctoral supervisor in the Department of Philosophy of Tsinghua University, under the supervision of the famous aesthetician Mr. Ye Lang. Since 2011, he has written many articles criticizing the Spring Festival Gala.

For Abe's tears, Zeng Ying, a female journalist who was supported by Tsinghua professors, was finally banned

Professor Xiao Ying's strong support for Zeng Ying has made the majority of netizens feel good. Xiao Ying's evaluation of Zeng Ying is extremely high, and at the same time, in Xiao Ying's view, the majority of netizens have no conscience and rationality about the assassination of Abe Shinzo, affirming that Zeng Ying has belittled the Chinese people. As a Tsinghua professor who has not even achieved the most basic civilization, opening his mouth is an insult to the vast number of netizens, is this the rationality he admires?

For Abe's tears, Zeng Ying, a female journalist who was supported by Tsinghua professors, was finally banned

Xiao Ying has this remark is not the first time, some time ago when the human-taught version of the mathematical illustration caused great public opinion, Xiao Ying had publicly responded, I do not think that the pictures of this textbook are ugly, let alone that these pictures will have a bad effect on the learning and education of primary school students, but also said that in an era of open innovation, we can not use a kind of "ugly allergy" in the design of teaching materials. This remark has aroused the accusations of the majority of netizens, who have said that how can such remarks come from the mouth of a Tsinghua professor?

For Abe's tears, Zeng Ying, a female journalist who was supported by Tsinghua professors, was finally banned

In response to the assassination of Shinzo Abe, Shi Wenying, a professor at the department of Chinese of Tangshan Normal University, even exported insults to the Chinese people and made insulting remarks against China, and was eventually investigated by the school and banned from Weibo.

The term professor is a sacred existence in everyone's heart, representing knowledge and wisdom, and now Professor Xiao Ying and Professor Shi Wenying have made amazing remarks, which has worried the majority of netizens.

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