
Why are some people 'densely packed' age spots, while others have almost none? I understand it after reading it

author:Dr. Ying talks about health

Birth and old age illness and death is the common sentiment of people, everyone will experience birth, but also have to face death, with the growth of age, the original young appearance will eventually grow old, if you look closely will find that those elderly people always have more densely distributed pigment spots on their faces, the spots on the face of the elderly are also known as age spots, which is a very normal physiological performance after aging. #爱乐养生 #

Age spots are very normal physiological phenomena, generally do not need special treatment, will continue to increase with age, due to the production of age spots, most of the elderly I psychological pressure is still very large, after all, now is a face of the era, the face value is the passport of the entire society, how to remove age spots has also become a topic of discussion among most elderly people.

Why are some people 'densely packed' age spots, while others have almost none? I understand it after reading it


What are age spots?

Age spots, also known as seborrheic keratosis, are a common benign tumor of the epidermis, commonly found in adults over 40 years of age, the incidence will increase with age, also known as senile warts or basal cell papilloma.

Age spots can occur on any skin, most often on the head and neck and on the trunk and limbs, and the production of age spots is related to skin aging, genetic factors, allergies and many other reasons.

The most commonly used treatments in the clinic are freezing, cutting, curettage, electro-optical techniques, etc.

Why are some people 'densely packed' age spots, while others have almost none? I understand it after reading it


Why are some people 'densely packed' age spots, while others have almost none? I understand it after reading it

1. Hormonal causes

The age spots on the face of the elderly are related to hormones, when their metabolic capacity is reduced, the oil disease and melanin in the skin cannot be excreted in time, and with the flow of blood in the body, too much accumulation, over time will form unsightly age spots.

Of course, the elderly spots are related to their own metabolism, if they can not be adjusted in time, the probability of spots will be greater.

Why are some people 'densely packed' age spots, while others have almost none? I understand it after reading it

2. Dietary reasons

People take food as the day, diet is the basis for maintaining good health, bad eating habits are the main cause of the high incidence of a variety of diseases, if you can not adjust the diet in time in daily life, often consume too much greasy food, or long-term overeating, it will also make the skin become dry and greasy, which is the main reason for the formation of age spots.

Middle-aged and elderly people should pay attention to nutritional balance in their usual diet, and also consume enough water-soluble hormones so that the skin will be watery and tender, and at the same time, wrinkles, pigmentation and elderly warts can be reduced.

3. Genetic factors

The generation of age spots is related to heredity, and if both parents have age spots on their faces, then the probability of elder spots in children will also increase.

4. Ultraviolet radiation

The production of age spots is related to ultraviolet radiation and long-term ultraviolet radiation, which can change the SK in the skin, especially the skin tissue exposed to sunlight will appear due to the damage of SK, and the appearance of skin aging and decay spots will occur, and the probability of elderly spots with improper sun protection will be higher.

Why are some people 'densely packed' age spots, while others have almost none? I understand it after reading it

5. Skin aging

The production of age spots is a very normal physiological manifestation of people after aging, with the increase of age, the rate of skin decline accelerates, the subcutaneous tissue gradually ages, and the damage to SK will further deepen the degree of skin aging, thereby inducing age spots.


How should the elderly prevent the production of age spots?

(1) Do a good job of sun protection

Ultraviolet rays on the skin of the human body has great corrosiveness, do not feel that only in the summer will have ultraviolet rays, as long as there is a sun throughout the year, there will be ultraviolet rays, if you can not apply sunscreen in time before going out to do a good job of sun protection, the face is exposed to the sun for a long time, and the speed of skin aging will be faster and faster.

The ultraviolet toxicity of the sun's rays is very large, it is likely to molt the face, then we must do a good job of sun protection, do not wait until the appearance of age spots before doing sun protection.

Why are some people 'densely packed' age spots, while others have almost none? I understand it after reading it

(2) Replenish water

Water is the source of life, everything in the world is inseparable from the moisture of water, want to make the skin always maintain a moist and lustrous state, usually to develop a good habit of drinking more water, timely supplement the nutrients and vitamins needed by the body, ensure 8 cups of water every day, in order to prevent the loss of water and collagen in the skin, delay the production of age spots.

(3) Change diet

The elderly want to prevent the production of age spots, but also actively adjust the diet, change bad eating habits, reasonable diet, balanced nutrition, headphone intake of greasy spicy and irritating food, will increase the burden on the stomach and intestines, but also affect their own absorption of nutrients.

A light diet is more beneficial, and good health can also reduce the secretion of subcutaneous oil, protect the skin's moisture and radiance, and reduce the formation of age spots.

Why are some people 'densely packed' age spots, while others have almost none? I understand it after reading it

(4) Scientific skin care

Adhere to scientific skin care, adhere to the maintenance of the skin, can effectively delay the aging state of the skin, prevent the formation of pigment spots, pay attention to the tolerance of the skin while skin care, can effectively fade the spots, whiten the face, conditional middle-aged and elderly people want to fade the age spots can choose medical beauty.

Current medical aesthetic technology is still very mature, which is helpful for fading age spots, while also delaying aging and promoting the production of subcutaneous basal collagen.


Extension - Can Erythromycin Ointment Remove Age Spots?

Erythromycin ointment belongs to the class of topical antibiotics, mainly used for the treatment of impetigo, purulent skin diseases, small area burns, ulcerative surface infections and acne vulgaris, the use of the method is very simple, only need to apply the ointment to the affected area of the skin, followed by a cotton swab gently applied, 1 to 2 times a day can effectively improve skin problems.

Why are some people 'densely packed' age spots, while others have almost none? I understand it after reading it

I don't know when the Internet began to circulate about the erythromycin ointment can remove age spots, experts have also done research on this problem, they found that erythromycin ointment can not be directly applied to the skin of the face.

For people with thin skin cuticles, directly applying erythromycin ointment to the face can easily lead to skin allergies, but also induce folliculitis, which may make more and more spots on the face, so this method is very undesirable and is not recommended to try.