
"Asia's First Righteous Hero" Ahn Jung-geun was generous after assassinating Japan's first Prime Minister, Ito Hirobumi

author:Mythical beast painter
Life is long and fleeting, some people see dust, some people see stars

The news of Abe's assassination in recent days has been overwhelming, which reminds the painter of the anti-Japanese righteous soldier on the Korean Peninsula who assassinated Japan's first prime minister a hundred years ago- Ahn Jung-geun. Why is Ahn Jung-geun known as the anti-Japanese righteous soldier of the Korean Peninsula? Today, the painter will take you to understand the "righteous soldier" of Ahn Jung-geun.

"Asia's First Righteous Hero" Ahn Jung-geun was generous after assassinating Japan's first Prime Minister, Ito Hirobumi

Ahn Chung-geun

First of all, let me introduce you to Ahn Jung-geun: Ahn Jung-geun is a well-known independence activist on the Korean Peninsula. After the Russo-Japanese War, Ahn joined the patriotic movement and began to actively oppose Japanese aggression. Later, he participated in a series of volunteer movements, but all of them failed. After several failures, Ahn Jung-geun came to Harbin, China, where he successfully assassinated Hirobumi Ito, the first Prime Minister of Japan, who invaded Korea, and was later arrested on the spot. Later, the District Court of the Governor's Office of Kanto prefecture in Japan sentenced Ahn Jung-geun to death and executed him in Lushun, China. Ahn Jung-geun is one of the few people who is also called a "righteous man" by Both North and South Korea.

"Asia's First Righteous Hero" Ahn Jung-geun was generous after assassinating Japan's first Prime Minister, Ito Hirobumi

Hirofumi Ito

The second is another protagonist, Ito Hirobumi: Ito Hirobumi believes that without the need for a painter to repeat, one of the most famous politicians in modern Japan, one of the nine elders of Meiji, the 1st, 5th, 7th, and 10th prime ministers of Japan. He was the father of the Meiji Constitution and the founder of the Constitutional Friends Association. For Japan, this person can be said to be a generation of heroes; But for the Korean Peninsula, he was the shameless aggressor, and of course he was also the culprit of the Sino-Japanese Sino-Japanese War and the beginning of China's century of humiliation.

In his childhood, Ahn Jung-geun did not like to read, and he liked to dance with knives and guns, ride horses and shoot arrows. Someone advised An Chonggen: "Ru's father is famous for his articles in the present world, so why does Ru treat the ignorant and inferior people with themselves?" An Chonggen replied, "Ru's words are also, but listen to my words: Xiang Yu, the king of Xichu, said: 'Books are enough to remember names' Yun, and the reputation of the ancient hero Chu Bawang is still inherited from Qianqiuye." I don't want to write about literature, and my husband, my husband, and so on, don't persuade me! It was also these experiences of Ahn Jung-geun in his childhood that led him to set the ambition of "using martialism to save the people from weakness and help the country in danger". The young Ahn Jung-geun took refuge in the Catholic Church for a while after following his father, and then chose to be baptized.

"Asia's First Righteous Hero" Ahn Jung-geun was generous after assassinating Japan's first Prime Minister, Ito Hirobumi

Russo-Japanese War

Later, the Russo-Japanese War broke out on the Korean Peninsula, and the young Ahn Jung-geun witnessed the crisis of the motherland and threw himself into the national salvation movement from then on; At this time, Ahn Jung-geun had not yet thought of resorting to force to save the country against Japan, but hoped to save the country through the establishment of education and patriotic enlightenment.

Soon after, the large-scale national salvation movement on the Korean Peninsula attracted the attention of the Japanese, and then Ito Hirobumi forcibly disbanded the Korean Imperial Army and carried out a series of countermeasures against the ideology and culture of the Korean people.

"Asia's First Righteous Hero" Ahn Jung-geun was generous after assassinating Japan's first Prime Minister, Ito Hirobumi

Volunteer Organization of the Korean Peninsula

When Ahn Jung-geun left home to join the anti-Japanese volunteer movement at the border, he also left his family with a farewell poem:

The boy has the ambition to go out of the Yang Pass, and he will not return if he is not successful in life.

Buried bones are willing to go to the grave first, and there are green mountains everywhere in the world.

After that, Ahn Jung-geun led the volunteers to fight with the Japanese army many times, but due to the small number of volunteers and many internal contradictions, the rebels were finally defeated. An Chonggen led the troops to break through, almost all the volunteers were killed, and finally there were only 3 warriors around An Chonggen, An Chonggen saw that the volunteers were killed and wounded countless times, in order to encourage the remaining 3 people, so he left a desperate poem to prepare for death:

The boy has the ambition to go abroad, and he does not get into trouble.

Comrade Wangsu swore to shed blood and not to be an unjust god on earth.

In the end, the other 3 people still persuaded Ahn Jung-geun to go to Russia first, wait for a good opportunity, and then try to plan a big thing.

"Asia's First Righteous Hero" Ahn Jung-geun was generous after assassinating Japan's first Prime Minister, Ito Hirobumi

After the Korean Volunteer Movement was cleaned up by Japan, Ahn Jung-geun also decided to change the policy to save the country and save the people, and finally Ahn Jung-geun and his friends agreed to use assassination methods to combat the arrogance of the Japanese invaders in order to restore national independence. The assassination was first chosen by Japan's first prime minister, Hirobumi Ito, and they vowed to complete it within three years or commit mass suicide to apologize to the people. Fortunately, God did not let them wait too long, and in October of the same year, Ahn Jung-geun and others heard an important news that Ito Hirobumi would arrive in Harbin, China in a few days.

"Asia's First Righteous Hero" Ahn Jung-geun was generous after assassinating Japan's first Prime Minister, Ito Hirobumi

On October 26, 1909, Ahn Jung-geun arrived in Harbin with an eight-round Browning pistol, and after a simple disguise, Ahn Jung-geun mixed with the Japanese expatriates. At exactly 9 o'clock, Ito Hirobumi's train pulled into the platform, and Russian Finance Minister Kokovtsov boarded the train and talked with Ito Hirobumi for more than 20 minutes, after which the two began to review the Russian honor guard accompanied by their entourage.

"Asia's First Righteous Hero" Ahn Jung-geun was generous after assassinating Japan's first Prime Minister, Ito Hirobumi

At 9:30, Ito and the others had already walked to the vicinity of Ahn Jung-geun, saying that it was too late, and it was fast, Ahn Jung-geun took out a pistol and fired three shots at Ito in a row, because he had never seen Ito, Ande-geun was worried about hitting the wrong person, and fired four shots at several Japanese around Ito. Suddenly, there was chaos in the whole place, and then Ahn Jung-geun put down his pistol and was calmly arrested. Although Ito Hirobumi was immediately taken to the hospital, he died at 10 a.m., and Ahn Jung-geun was handed over to the Japanese by the Russian side and locked up in the basement.

"Asia's First Righteous Hero" Ahn Jung-geun was generous after assassinating Japan's first Prime Minister, Ito Hirobumi

On February 14, 1910, the District Court of the Kanto Governor's Office of Japan sentenced Ahn Jung-geun to death; Ahn Jung-geun chose not to appeal and wrote in court, "The heavens and the earth have been overturned, and the righteous sigh; The building will fall, and a wood will be difficult to support", in order to express his inner helplessness. At 10:00 a.m. on March 26, Ahn Jung-geun walked onto the gallows and calmly took revenge.

"Asia's First Righteous Hero" Ahn Jung-geun was generous after assassinating Japan's first Prime Minister, Ito Hirobumi

After the assassination of Ito Hirobumi, Ahn Jung-geun had a huge influence on the Korean Peninsula, and also had a major influence on the international community, especially in China.

Yuan Shikai's inscription is: "Ordinary life camp is only finished now, and the dead map is not a husband." In the name of the three Koreas, there are thousands of years of life and death. Sun Yat-sen's inscription is "Gong Gai Three Koreans Famous All Nations, Born without a Hundred Years and Died for Thousands of Years, Weak Countries Sinners and Strong Country Ministers, Even If They Change Places, They Are Also Tenghou." Zhang Taiyan called An Chonggen "Asia's first righteous hero", and more than twenty celebrities such as Cai Yuanpei wrote inscriptions. Liang Qichao, who was in Japan, composed a song "Autumn Wind Broken Vine Song", and its praise part was: "Yellow sand rolls on the ground, the snow outside heilongjiang is like a knife, the blood is bleeding five steps, and the mountain and moon are high." ”

Around the time of May Fourth, dramas reflecting An Chonggen's righteous deeds were performed one after another in various parts of China. Zhou Enlai and Deng Yingchao participated in the performance of "An Chonggen" (also known as "Hate of the Fallen Country") when they were studying in Nankai, Tianjin, with Deng Yingchao playing An Chonggen. Zhou Enlai once said: After the Sino-Japanese Sino-Japanese War, the struggle of the Chinese and Korean people against Japanese imperialist aggression began at the beginning of the 20th century, when Ahn Jung-geun assassinated Itō Hirobumi in Harbin.

"Asia's First Righteous Hero" Ahn Jung-geun was generous after assassinating Japan's first Prime Minister, Ito Hirobumi

In 2013, when South Korean President Park Geun-hye visited China, she said that Ahn Jung-geun is a historical figure respected by the Chinese and South Korean peoples, and hoped that the Chinese side could erect the Ahn Jung-geun Monument in Harbin, and President Xi Jinping of the People's Republic of China said that he would instruct relevant departments to cooperate. However, Park Geun-hye's proposal caused dissatisfaction among then-Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who immediately issued an article saying: "Ito Hirobumi is a great man respected by the Japanese, and South Korea and Japan should respect each other." Shortly thereafter, the Ahn Chung-geun Memorial Hall opened in Harbin.

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