
I'd rather not eat meat before going into bed, but also eat 2 kinds of "black fruit" and 3 kinds of "white vegetables"! Dispel the heat and humidity to nourish the spleen and stomach, and the poison is three volts

author:Beiqing Net

In the blink of an eye, the three-volt day is coming again (July 16 into the ambush)! It was hot and stuffy, and people were really uncomfortable! As soon as the weather is hot, people don't want to eat anything, and they can't get an appetite for anything, let alone eat fish and eat meat. Fish and meat can be eaten without, but the fruit still needs to be eaten. Yellow longan, mango, purple grapes, mulberries, red lychees, watermelons... Do they look both eye-catching and seductive, and don't they taste good? But today, Xiaobian does not want to take the usual road, I want to recommend to you 2 kinds of "black fruits" that must be eaten before the ambush, they can be eaten raw and cooked, and also have a good health effect -

Before entering the ambush, you must eat 2 kinds of "black fruit" to nourish the spleen and stomach and get rid of dampness!

I'd rather not eat meat before going into bed, but also eat 2 kinds of "black fruit" and 3 kinds of "white vegetables"! Dispel the heat and humidity to nourish the spleen and stomach, and the poison is three volts

Diamond angle: healthy spleen and stomach and do not hurt the yin diamond horn, also known as waist diamond, water chestnut, diamond fruit, sweet taste, can strengthen the spleen and stomach and do not hurt the yin, so it is also regarded as "the fruit of health". Don't look at the diamond horn looks black and not slippery, but it has a crisp and beautiful skin, has a fragrant taste, and can be eaten raw as fruit, or steamed and shelled to eat, or boiled porridge.

I'd rather not eat meat before going into bed, but also eat 2 kinds of "black fruit" and 3 kinds of "white vegetables"! Dispel the heat and humidity to nourish the spleen and stomach, and the poison is three volts

Diamond horn is not only eaten in a variety of ways, but also its medicinal and therapeutic value is also worth mentioning. According to the "Compendium of Materia Medica", "diamond ganping, can relieve the heat of the accumulation of food, quench thirst." It is crisp and sweet, but as an aquatic plant, the skin of the diamond horn may be adsorbed with the parasite - ginger flakes. If you eat it raw without treatment, you may swallow the cystic larvae of ginger flakes, resulting in ginger flakes disease, resulting in abdominal pain, diarrhea, loss of appetite and other discomforts, and severe cases can lead to malnutrition, affect growth and development, and even death. Therefore, it is best to eat it after cooking.

I'd rather not eat meat before going into bed, but also eat 2 kinds of "black fruit" and 3 kinds of "white vegetables"! Dispel the heat and humidity to nourish the spleen and stomach, and the poison is three volts

After cooking, the taste is soft and sticky, and as sweet as sugar fried chestnuts, often eaten can strengthen the spleen and stomach, replenish the qi, the elderly and children can eat with confidence.

I'd rather not eat meat before going into bed, but also eat 2 kinds of "black fruit" and 3 kinds of "white vegetables"! Dispel the heat and humidity to nourish the spleen and stomach, and the poison is three volts

Water chestnut: heat and dampness and consumption of water chestnut, also known as horseshoe, skin color purple and black, white flesh, sweet and juicy, known as "underground Sydney", is another choice for summer heat. Chinese medicine believes that water chestnut taste sweet, slightly cold, has the effect of clearing the lungs and throat, damp expectorant, appetizing and digesting food, etc., and has a certain effect on throat discomfort, dry mouth and other symptoms.

I'd rather not eat meat before going into bed, but also eat 2 kinds of "black fruit" and 3 kinds of "white vegetables"! Dispel the heat and humidity to nourish the spleen and stomach, and the poison is three volts

In the summer, many people love to go to supper stalls to eat some barbecue and marinated meat, but eating too much meat is easy to cause fire or indigestion. At this time, you may wish to eat some water chestnut, which can not only clear the heat and appetize, but also relieve the meat. However, it should be noted that water chestnut grows in the mud for a long time and is easily infected with ginger flakes, so it is recommended that everyone still cook it.

Since the "black fruit" is arranged, doesn't the "white dish" have to go a wave? They're just --

Fu Tian would rather not eat meat, but also eat 3 kinds of "white vegetables"!

Zi Bai: Clear heat, pass two stools white, that is, zi bamboo shoots. Chinese medicine believes that the white taste is sweet and cold, can detoxify heat, quench thirst, and facilitate urination. Summer heat is booming, heat is easy to hurt people, and Zibai was born at the water's edge, with its own "cool feeling", can clear the heat and remove troubles, and "hot heat" can go away with the two. It can be seen that zibai is a good product for summer peace. In addition, zibai contains more carbohydrates, proteins, fats, etc., which can supplement the nutrients of the human body and play a role in strengthening the body.

I'd rather not eat meat before going into bed, but also eat 2 kinds of "black fruit" and 3 kinds of "white vegetables"! Dispel the heat and humidity to nourish the spleen and stomach, and the poison is three volts

But it should be noted that the content of zibaceric acid is high, and it is best to blanch the water before cooking; People with high uric acid are best not to eat, and people with spleen deficiency and easy diarrhea should not eat more; Zibai is also susceptible to ginger flakes, so it is recommended to cook thoroughly before eating.

Lotus root: healthy spleen and stomach, good qi and blood in the hot summer, many people are eager to stay in the air-conditioned room all the time, and then eat some frozen drinks, raw and cold food, which can be called "the best package for summer escape". However, people are cool, but the stomach and intestines can't stand it. At this time, the lotus root that replenishes the spleen and stomach comes in handy.

I'd rather not eat meat before going into bed, but also eat 2 kinds of "black fruit" and 3 kinds of "white vegetables"! Dispel the heat and humidity to nourish the spleen and stomach, and the poison is three volts

Chinese medicine believes that when the lotus root is eaten raw, the sexual taste is sweet and cool, which can clear the heat and vitality, moisten the lungs, and quench the thirst. After cooking, the sexual taste of lotus root will change from sweet and cool to sweet and warm, and it has the effect of strengthening the spleen and nourishing the stomach, nourishing the qi and replenishing the blood, nourishing the yin and moisturizing the dryness. Using lotus root to cook soup, you can urinate, clear heat and moisturize the lungs, and have the characteristics of "activating blood without breaking blood, stopping bleeding without stagnating blood". Made of lotus root, it can also consume diarrhea, appetize and clear heat.

Note: When purchasing, if the lotus root looks too white and shiny, you should smell whether there is a sour taste or a chemical reagent smell, in case it is a bleached lotus. Lotus root contains more starch and crude fiber, eating too much at a time is easy to indigestion, it is recommended to eat up to 2 times a week, 100 to 200 grams each time.

I'd rather not eat meat before going into bed, but also eat 2 kinds of "black fruit" and 3 kinds of "white vegetables"! Dispel the heat and humidity to nourish the spleen and stomach, and the poison is three volts

Winter melon: clear heat and dampness, hydration phlegm in summer is the best season to eat melon, how can this be less white and tender winter melon! Winter melon has a sweet and cool taste, with heat, detoxification, water, phlegm and other medicinal effects, especially suitable for summer consumption when summer and humidity coexist.

I'd rather not eat meat before going into bed, but also eat 2 kinds of "black fruit" and 3 kinds of "white vegetables"! Dispel the heat and humidity to nourish the spleen and stomach, and the poison is three volts

In addition, the water content of winter melon is as high as 96%, light and easy to digest, which can not only replenish the water needed by the human body, but also a good product to quench heat and thirst. It is commendable that the carbohydrate content of winter melon is very low, which is 1/40 of that of general rice, which has little effect on diabetic postprandial blood sugar, so diabetics can use winter melon as a daily food. Finally, I recommend a food treatment for everyone - winter melon water duck soup, winter melon that is good for the summer, plus water duck that replenishes the qi and calms the stomach, which is the first choice for the soup of the summer hot day.

I'd rather not eat meat before going into bed, but also eat 2 kinds of "black fruit" and 3 kinds of "white vegetables"! Dispel the heat and humidity to nourish the spleen and stomach, and the poison is three volts

Ingredients: 1000 grams of old winter melon (with skin and seeds), 1/4 piece of fresh lotus leaves, 50 grams of lotus seeds and lilies, 1 water duck, 100 grams of lean pork, 3 slices of ginger. Method: Wash and cut the old winter melon, soak the lotus seeds and lilies in water for 15 minutes, wash the duck and chop the pieces, wash the lean pork and set aside; Put the above ingredients together in a clay pot, add an appropriate amount of water, boil over a low flame, change the heat to a simmer for 2 hours, and finally put an appropriate amount of salt to taste.

The pictures in this article are from One Map Network.

(Health Daily Push)