
Like the cactus ball, just raise Xi Ke's "Pauline Lamp", high value, flowering, simple maintenance

author:Flower Sounds Gardening


Cactus balls are potted green plants that many flower friends love to raise, they are natural and solid, easy to maintain and manage, and set the observation of balls, thorns and flowers in one. Summer, is the "home" of cactus ball, today to take you to know a very worthy of breeding, like cactus ball flower friends do not miss.

First, know the "Pauline Lamp"

Like the cactus ball, just raise Xi Ke's "Pauline Lamp", high value, flowering, simple maintenance

Pauline lamp

If you walk into the world of cactus balls, you will find that it is colorful and colorful, and there are many beautiful varieties of cactus balls. The one introduced today, called "Pauline Lantern", also called the icon, the famous product of the fairy ball world, cultivated by the well-known breeder Seak's, is known for its excellent flower type, flower color and superior flowering ability, and is also a variety that makes many novice flower lovers "enter the pit".

Like the cactus ball, just raise Xi Ke's "Pauline Lamp", high value, flowering, simple maintenance

The sphere is beautiful

Pauline lamp belongs to the color grass (colored grass ball), before flowering and other colored grass grow similarly, when the plant is in the shape of a ball, the sphere is dignified and round, after a few years it will become a long cylindrical shape, diameter of 10 cm, high energy has 30-40 cm, the body has a regular edge, the edge has a short burr, mainly do pot ornamental, the pot planting is very adaptable, the caliber of more than 15 cm can be raised.

Like the cactus ball, just raise Xi Ke's "Pauline Lamp", high value, flowering, simple maintenance

The flowers are super beautiful

There is a saying in the fairy ball circle, produced by Xi Keshi, it must be a fine product. Take Pauline lamp as an example, the flowers of this variety are super beautiful, as bright as its name, medium generation, flower diameter of about 11 cm, petals have 2-3 layers, lotus seat distribution, like lotus flowers, the flower color is red + purple red, as brilliant as a flame, especially in the sun, shine, gorgeous, let people feel that the original fairy ball can also open so beautiful!

Like the cactus ball, just raise Xi Ke's "Pauline Lamp", high value, flowering, simple maintenance

Flowering is more powerful

In terms of flowering period, Xi Ke's colored grass is similar, and the natural flowering period is from late spring to autumn, during which the flowering is repeated several times. The advantage of Pauline lamp is that the amount of flowers is super, the small ball grows to 4-5 cm to have the ability to flower, often it is more flowers, the larger the sphere, the more flowers, the adult plant at the same time dozens of flowers is not a problem, the longer it is raised, the more spectacular it blooms.

Second, the Pauline lamp to promote flowers suggestions

Like the cactus ball, just raise Xi Ke's "Pauline Lamp", high value, flowering, simple maintenance

Spectacular isn't it?

Colored grass is actually very good at flowering, as long as it is well raised, it begins to enter the pop-up mode at the end of spring every year, not only flowering diligently, compound flowers are also fast, sometimes two waves can bloom in a month. In order to cultivate this effect, here is a little advice for everyone:

First, be sure to bask in more sun, sufficient sun exposure time is a prerequisite for flowering (at least 3 hours a day), if long-term lack of light, it will lead to long and no flowering;

Second, reasonable fertilization, every spring and summer, it is best to often give flowers, potassium dihydrogen phosphate and other flower-promoting fertilizers, dilute with water and water together (water and fertilizer ratio 1000:1), thin fertilizer diligent application;

Third, the winter should be fully dormant, after the temperature drops in winter, the cactus ball will enter the dormant mode, at this time to control the water, cut off the water, let it rest fully, save energy, so that the spring flowering will be more powerful.

【Talent exclusive 30 days to raise the dead to supplement the mail】Heat-resistant drought-resistant radiation protection indoor flowering Seak's big flower color grass ¥9.9 purchase

Third, the planting suggestions of Pauline lamp

Like the cactus ball, just raise Xi Ke's "Pauline Lamp", high value, flowering, simple maintenance

Easy to take care of

Flower pots: color grass on the cultivation container requirements are not strict, plastic pots, ceramic pots can be, the pot does not have to be too large, almost on the line, the small ball first uses the small pot, and then change the pot after growing up, avoid "small ball on the big pot";

Soil: prefer loose, good air permeability, more particulate soil, such as succulent soil, peat soil, saprophyll soil, add a little vermiculite, perlite will be better, do not use cohesive heavy, easy to compact garden soil;

Suitable environment: where the sun is full, twist the ball every half a month or so to ensure that the whole plant can be evenly exposed to the sun;

Like the cactus ball, just raise Xi Ke's "Pauline Lamp", high value, flowering, simple maintenance


Watering: Cactus ball is very drought-tolerant, the water demand is not very strict, follow the "no dry watering, dry and thorough watering" watering principle;

Summer: When the sun is strong in the summer (noon), it is best to move to a cool and ventilated place to avoid exposure to the sun;

Overwintering: The overwintering temperature should be above 0 degrees, and the environment should be kept dry, and it is best not to water during sleep;

Breeding: can be sown, cuttings, Pauline lamp this variety is easy to produce side buds, adult plants can be divided into several small balls every year, small balls can be broken down a little bit of cuttings, a pot can become many pots.

Like the cactus ball, just raise Xi Ke's "Pauline Lamp", high value, flowering, simple maintenance

Balcony potted products

Summary: "Xi Ke's" cactus ball in the cactus ball industry is famous, the ball keepers are proud of having it, and Pauline lamp is one of the best, the flower color is beautiful, the blossom is powerful, the cultivation difficulty is low, it is a very worthy variety, but also not expensive, like the flower friends can try.

Seak's - Pauline Lantern Cactus Ball Succulent Plant Flowering Cactus Ball ¥25 Purchase

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