
Bonding with the sea and building dreams of deep blue

author:Shanghai Maritime Court

Today, it is the 18th China Navigation Day, which is an important festival to carry forward the spirit of the Silk Road, inherit the navigation culture, and enhance the navigation and maritime awareness of the whole people. Feeling the spirit of navigation, anchoring the direction of development, and determined to work ceaselessly, as the guardians of the "balance on the sea", the young cadres and policemen of the Shanghai Maritime Court shared their stories of their friendship with the sea and the deep blue of their dreams.

About China Maritime Day

In April 2005, with the approval of the State Council, July 11, the anniversary of Zheng He's first voyage to the West, was established as China's Maritime Day, and as the implementation date of "World Maritime Day" in mainland China. Since its establishment, China Maritime Day has played an active role in promoting navigation culture, inheriting the spirit of navigation, and enhancing the awareness of maritime power.

Find the ideal anchorage, one anchor

Haishang Ting Gu Shuangjie

My interest in the ocean originated with the nautical stories in middle school history textbooks. As early as 1405, the continental navigator Zheng He led a fleet to Southeast Asia, Africa and other places, along the way to calm conflicts, eliminate barriers, fight against the Wokou, and win the respect of various countries. Zheng He's story planted the seeds of bonding with the sea in my heart.

Because of my love of law, I firmly chose the direction of international law when faced with the choice of further education. During my studies in London, England, I studied the rules of shipping lanes in the Strait of Malacca, observed the trials of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, and gained a deeper understanding of the international maritime dispute resolution mechanism. These experiences made me realize that the economic and strategic seas are the embodiment of national strength, and maritime justice is an indispensable guarantee for moving towards deep blue.

Bonding with the sea and building dreams of deep blue

Remote cross-border trials

After completing my studies, I had the privilege of joining the Shanghai Maritime Court as an assistant judge. In my work, I have gained a more specific understanding of maritime corporations. They are rigorous and careful, and do not let go of any clues when investigating and collecting evidence in the case; They administer justice for the people, boarding ships to provide litigation services for hundreds of Chinese and foreign crew members; They acted vigorously, using the ship's big data platform to track thousands of miles and timely seize the ships involved in the case; They are close to the front line and try illegal fishing public interest litigation cases in accordance with the law, so as to promote publicity and promote the construction of marine ecological civilization.

Through the rough sea, I saw the calm and resolute heart of the seafarer. I will continue to use maritime justice as an ideal "anchorage", one anchor, and deep ploughing.

In the long voyage of life, face the waves

Trial Supervision Division Li Sirun

I was born in Dalian, a city adjacent to the sea. Since I was a child, I have been close to the sea. I love watching the waves churning by the sea, watching the boats sail to the end or far away. Growing up, I was not separated from the sea, and I could always hear adults talking about various terms of maritime traffic safety, the various types of ships in the port area, and the stories of ocean voyages. Later, I studied law and chose the law of the sea as my research direction. I have been to the United States and the Netherlands to learn about the knowledge systems of different legal systems, and I have also been to Norway to discuss the latest developments in the governance of the Arctic frontier. The ocean thread ran through my entire upbringing, so I began to look for a career that combined the ocean with the law. In the end, I got what I wanted and entered the Shanghai Maritime Court.

Bonding with the sea and building dreams of deep blue

Boarding the ship provides litigation services

In the two years since I entered the workplace, I have felt the profound historical accumulation and broad vision of the Shanghai Maritime Court. I participated in the cross-border dispute resolution for the first time to introduce foreign mediators, personally experienced the launch of the foreign law identification platform, understood the causes and consequences of identifying and applying Singapore laws to resolve disputes over foreign parties' ship-related financial loan contracts, saw the successful execution of foreign cruise ships to pay salaries to 100 Chinese and foreign crew members, and saw the proper handling of many maritime and maritime disputes praised by the parties...

Every step of innovation and development of the Shanghai Maritime Court, the trial and enforcement of every case, are guarding the fairness and justice on the vast ocean, which is also my deepest yearning and pursuit.

Bravely set sail and sail away into the distance

Case Filing Division Li Yuanhang

Perhaps because the name "Long Voyage" was secretly guiding, I chose international shipping law as my research direction during my studies at the School of International Law of East China University of Political Science and Law. During my time at the school, I participated in the International Law of the Sea Moot Court Competition, and on behalf of my side, I made a claim and defense in English on issues such as the sovereignty of islands and reefs and the delimitation of the sea. This moot court made me realize the importance of the ocean to the survival and development of the country and all mankind, and gave birth to a sense of mission to devote myself to the cause of the country's oceans. Since then, continuing my love of international shipping law, I have gone to companies and law firms for internships to improve my professional and English proficiency and explore my ideal career path.

Bonding with the sea and building dreams of deep blue

Investigate and collect evidence

After graduation, I was admitted to the Shanghai Maritime Court as I wished, and began a new journey of "long voyage". In my work, through one case after another, I was able to feel the important role of the national strategy of ensuring maritime judicial services from the perspective of combining macro and micro, and experience the significance of justice for the people and fair justice.

As a maritime legal person, I will continue to embrace the ideal of maritime justice, do the work carefully, finely, and realistically, and live up to the youth of Shaohua.

Guard more people's sailing dreams

Executive Board Lv Yunkai

I was born and raised in Pudong, Shanghai, and as a child I took a ferry back and forth between Pudong and Puxi, a short ten-minute voyage, which was my first impression of "sailing". Later, when I read the story of Magellan's voyage around the world and Columbus's discovery of the New World in books, I was deeply attracted by the ups and downs and wonderful sailing journeys, and I admired the courage of navigators to ride the wind and waves and explore the unknown. Under the guidance of my mentors during my university years, I systematically studied maritime law and deeply felt that maritime law was meticulous and thorough, which provided a basis for the settlement of shipping disputes that occurred in the vast sea.

Guided by my interest, I chose to pursue a master's degree at the National University of Singapore. "He is the stone of the mountain, and he can attack jade." Singapore is one of the most important international shipping centres in the world, and studying here gave me a more comprehensive understanding of the system of maritime law and the development of maritime justice.

Bonding with the sea and building dreams of deep blue

Arrest of ships in accordance with the law

After entering the Shanghai Maritime Court, I successively worked in the Yangshan DeepWater Port (Free Trade Pilot Zone Court) and the Executive Bureau. In the process of handling the case, I have been exposed to different types of maritime cases, including crew labor disputes, freight forwarding contract disputes, and so on. These cases made me truly feel that the navigation work is not only the beauty of riding the waves, but also the need to face the test of wind and waves and reefs, and it needs to pay sweat and hard work.

I hope that I can work with all maritime legal persons to use my professional knowledge to provide more high-quality and efficient maritime judicial services for navigators and protect the sailing dreams of more people.

On the route of the times

Everyone is a wave that rushes forward

Let us take the original heart as the sail and enthusiasm as the paddle

Brave the wide waves

Firmly guard the balance at sea

Text | Wei Xiaoxin