
She gave up being a diplomat in order to become an actress, debuted for 13 years and 0 scandals, and was spoiled as a princess by her husband at the age of 38

author:Noji tea tea

Everyone in life has to face many opportunities to choose, different choices determine different development directions, beautiful actress Yu Mingjia originally gave up the opportunity to be a diplomat in order to become an actor. After 11 years in the industry, Yu Mingjia concentrated on filming, never hyped up in order to increase her popularity, and in the 11 years since her debut, she has been a virtuous wife, using the term "up to the hall, down to the kitchen" to describe her without any violation.

She gave up being a diplomat in order to become an actress, debuted for 13 years and 0 scandals, and was spoiled as a princess by her husband at the age of 38

Yu Mingjia has good family conditions, relatives and friends are high-level intellectuals, good family influence makes her very good from childhood, is a beautiful woman full of books. Dad has high hopes for his daughter, hoping that she will study seriously and become an excellent elite, but Yu Mingjia himself really likes literature and art, and also participated in dance training with the help of his mother, but unfortunately, when he entered the school, he was stopped by his father to learn dance and concentrate on learning. By his father's strict education, Yu Mingjia's cultural achievements have always been ahead of other students, and he got a place for a guaranteed student in high school, but yu Ming gave up the opportunity to be a diplomat when he grew up, and against his father's wishes, he resolutely chose to apply for the Central Academy of Drama.

She gave up being a diplomat in order to become an actress, debuted for 13 years and 0 scandals, and was spoiled as a princess by her husband at the age of 38

After systematic professional training, Yu Mingjia's acting skills have made great progress, and after graduation, she did not directly enter the show business circle like other students, but was admitted to Beijing Renyi and continued to precipitate her own performance ability through drama performance. In 2007, she starred in Ming Jia in "Golden Wedding", playing the daughter of Zhang Guoli and Jiang Wenli, after which she officially debuted and began her acting career. Debuted 13 years and 0 scandals, 38 years old was spoiled by her husband as a princess. After "Golden Marriage", Yu Mingjia once again cooperated with Wang Zhiwen, Chen Daoming and other well-known "old drama bones" to co-starred in "Mobile Phone", partnering with powerful actors, so that Yu Mingjia's performance ability was further improved. Since then, Yu Mingjia has starred in more and more works.

She gave up being a diplomat in order to become an actress, debuted for 13 years and 0 scandals, and was spoiled as a princess by her husband at the age of 38

The "Mendi" cooperated with Tong Dawei made her shine even more, and the audience still remembered this superb beauty star. What is even more admirable to the audience is that Yu Mingjia, who debuted for 13 years, only focused on filming, rarely hyped and made scandals for his own fame, and did not participate in various commercial performances to improve his exposure. Yu Mingjia's innocence as an actor is the most appreciated by the audience, and after developing a stable career, Yu Mingjia did not choose to marry into the rich like her actress.

She gave up being a diplomat in order to become an actress, debuted for 13 years and 0 scandals, and was spoiled as a princess by her husband at the age of 38

When she and her husband got married, her husband was still working hard in her career, but Yu Mingjia, who valued feelings more, did not care and still chose to get married. Based on her respect for her husband, Yu Mingjia did not disclose her husband's information, protected her husband well, and she also gave birth to two lovely daughters for her husband, who successfully inherited her mother's beauty and occasionally appeared in the camera with her mother.

She gave up being a diplomat in order to become an actress, debuted for 13 years and 0 scandals, and was spoiled as a princess by her husband at the age of 38

Today, the 38-year-old Yu Mingjia is still low-key starring in her own film and television dramas, and her husband is also very fond of her, spoiling her and her two daughters together as a princess, with high looks and good acting skills, purely for the sake of making movies without making scandals, hoping that there will be more such actresses in the future.

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