
3 symptoms to remind people with periodontal disease! Reminder: Don't want to lose your teeth, do 3 things in advance

author:The majority of orthodontic doctor Wang Sijin

According to the survey, periodontal disease is the main cause of tooth loss among mainland residents. And because of the difficult to cure characteristics of periodontitis, the earlier it is found and treated, the better the control effect!

3 symptoms remind you that you are likely to have periodontitis, be sure to be vigilant!

1. Bleeding gums

Under normal circumstances, there will be bleeding gums when brushing teeth and biting hard objects, and this situation is continuous, so it is necessary to be vigilant.

3 symptoms to remind people with periodontal disease! Reminder: Don't want to lose your teeth, do 3 things in advance

2. Swelling gums

The gums are swollen and there are symptoms such as softness, whitening, and redness, so be vigilant!

3. A large number of stones appear in the teeth

There is a large number of stones accumulated in the teeth, and the bad breath is obvious and difficult to eliminate, so be vigilant.

3 symptoms to remind people with periodontal disease! Reminder: Don't want to lose your teeth, do 3 things in advance

Do 3 things well to prevent the appearance of periodontitis

1. Brush your teeth

Brush your teeth with a soft-bristled toothbrush that suits your mouth belt and use the Bass brushing method to brush your teeth and food debris between your teeth.

2. Clean the gap between teeth

Use floss to clean the food debris between the teeth to prevent the long-term accumulation of food residue between the teeth and cause inflammation of the gums.

3 symptoms to remind people with periodontal disease! Reminder: Don't want to lose your teeth, do 3 things in advance

3. Clean your teeth

The annual ultrasound cleaning can effectively clean up the calculus, eliminate the main influencing factors of periodontal disease, prevent the gums from shrinking, and prevent the appearance of periodontitis.

3 symptoms to remind people with periodontal disease! Reminder: Don't want to lose your teeth, do 3 things in advance