
Fund Project: Exploration of efficiency enhancement of multi-flowered yellow essence planting under the forest in Jingning, Zhejiang

author:Blue willow

Fund project: Jiangsu Lianyungang camellia solar greenhouse potting technology

Fund Project: Lianyungang Academy of Agricultural Sciences Youth Scientific Research Fund Project [QNJJ1905], Lianyungang Municipal Finance Special Project.

Tang Xueyan and so on

Camellia japonica ( Camellia japonica ) belongs to the camellia family camellia genus, is one of the "top ten famous flowers" in China, is also the main potted flowers and trees in the spring festival of the flower market, its tree shape is beautiful, flowers and leaves are suitable for ornamentation, the flower posture is exquisite, the leaf color is evergreen in all seasons, the flowering period is long, the flowering period is 1 to 3 months, from October to May of the following year, it is open, and the ornamental value is extremely high. Camellia sinensis prefers warm and humid environment, prefers fertile slightly acidic sandy loam soil, most of the germplasm resources are distributed in South China and the Yangtze River Basin, and the vast majority of varieties need to be potted and cultivated in the north of the Yangtze River and saline-alkali areas.

Lianyungang City, Jiangsu Province, has unique geographical conditions, superior climate, moderate rainfall, sufficient winter sunshine time, but the soil in Lianyungang area is mostly neutral and alkaline brown soil, the minimum temperature in winter is lower than the minimum tolerance temperature of most camellias, and the thermal insulation and storage effect of the solar greenhouse is good and environmentally friendly and energy-saving, and can effectively solve the problem of safe wintering of camellia in Lianyungang area, so camellia in Lianyungang area should be cultivated as a potted flower in a solar greenhouse.

Fund Project: Exploration of efficiency enhancement of multi-flowered yellow essence planting under the forest in Jingning, Zhejiang

1 seedling preparation

1.1 Seedling selection

Choose camellia cuttings with strong growth potential, bright flower color and good resistance, and marry inoculated seedlings.

1.2 Rootstock selection

The rootstock, camellia 'winter-resistant', camellia plum and local oil tea are selected as rootstocks, and the rootstock stem is thicker than the scion stem, requiring the thickness of the trunk or the thickness of the main trunk buds to be more than 0.5cm, and the growth is robust and the root system is developed.

2 Colonization

2.1 Container Selection

Choose containers such as clay pots, plastic nutrition bowls and non-woven beauty planting bags with good air permeability. The bottom of the container is paved with small stones 1.0 to 1.5cm thick to ensure smooth drainage, and the container specifications should match the specifications of the colonized seedlings, the general container diameter is 1/2 of the crown width of the colonized seedlings, and the container height is 1/3 of the height of the colonized seedlings.

2.2 Matrix selection

It is required to be loose and breathable, with a pH of 5.5 to 6.5, mixed with peat, vermiculite, perlite, etc., and added 10kg/m3 of decomposed organic fertilizer to form a low-cost and easy-to-transport matrix.

2.3 Colonization time

The colonization time is from October to November or from February to March of the following year, and the first flowering seedlings should not be potted before flowering.

2.4 Upper pot colonization

Generally, pots with a base diameter of 5 to 10 times the diameter of the seedlings are selected, and 1 seedling is colonized per pot. Before planting, the broken and overly long root system of the seedlings should be pruned, and the appropriate amount of substrate should be loaded into the bottom of the pot first, the seedlings should be placed in the pot, the roots should be dispersed and straightened, and then the substrate should be filled to 2 to 3cm at the mouth of the pot, and the pot should be gently vibrated to compact. After colonization, arrange it neatly in a sunny place and water it thoroughly.

Fund Project: Exploration of efficiency enhancement of multi-flowered yellow essence planting under the forest in Jingning, Zhejiang

3 Field management

3.1 Temperature and ventilation management

The most suitable temperature for potted plants during the growing period is 15~25°C. In summer, when the temperature reaches 38 °C, the plastic film should be uncovered, ventilation should be strengthened and the shade net with a shading net of 50% or 70% shading rate should be used to cool down, while increasing the spray frequency and increasing the air humidity. With the temperature drop in autumn and winter, from the end of October to the beginning of November, a thermal insulation shed covered with 1 to 2 layers of plastic film is built, plus insulation cotton is covered with insulation, and electrical appliances can also be used in the greenhouse to heat up, maintaining the evening shed temperature above 5 °C.

3.2 Lighting Management

Spring and autumn can grow in full light conditions, summer when the light is very strong, pay attention to proper shading, around noon can be used 50% shading rate of shade shade cooling. When the light is insufficient in winter, the grass curtain is opened early and covered at night to increase the light.

3.3 Moisture management

Seedlings should be watered once immediately after colonization, so that the root system is in full contact with the substrate, watering should be carried out before 10 am or in the evening, camellia flowers like to be wet and avoid standing water. When the temperature begins to rise in the spring, water every 5d; in the summer high temperature and strong light environment, it is advisable to water more, every 3 days to prevent wilting; after the autumn, water every 7d; in winter, according to the indoor temperature and growth conditions, water 1 time every 5d. Under the cultivation conditions of solar greenhouses and other facilities, the potting environment should maintain a relatively high humidity and should be controlled between 60% and 80%.

Fund Project: Exploration of efficiency enhancement of multi-flowered yellow essence planting under the forest in Jingning, Zhejiang

3.4 Fertilize

3.4.1 Fertilization methods. Camellia fertilization is generally sprayed, and drip irrigation can also be used when conditions permit.

3.4.2 Types of fertilization. In accordance with the principle of thin fertilizer application, compound fertilizer and decomposed cake fertilizer are appropriate, and a variety of fertilizers can also be used alternately. In the spring, nitrogen fertilizer is mainly applied, balanced compound fertilizer is applied in early summer, less nitrogen fertilizer is applied after October, more phosphorus and potassium fertilizer is applied, and cake fertilizer is applied in winter from January to February. Young seedlings can be applied more nitrogen fertilizer, and compound fertilizer is applied at the strong seedling stage.

3.4.3 Fertilization time. Generally, the newly potted seedlings and changing potted seedlings should not be fertilized within 1 month, and the summer high temperature should be applied less or no, and the rest of the season can be fertilized. If the plant is semi-dormant, fertilization should be suspended. The amount of fertilizer is determined according to the size of the seedlings, the growth state, the development stage and the active ingredients of the fertilizer used, and the general single-pot compound fertilizer is 5 to 10g, and the amount of cake fertilizer is 20 to 50g.

3.5 Ventilation Management

Pay attention to ventilation throughout the growth period and adjust the ambient temperature and humidity of the potted plants. When the temperature and humidity are too high, the grass curtain and plastic film are uncovered for cooling and moisture removal; when the temperature and humidity are low, the grass curtain and plastic film should be covered in time to keep warm and humidify.

3.6 Changing pots

The time of changing pots is the same as that of the upper pot, which is suitable from October to November or from February to March of the following year. According to the size of the seedlings, gradually replace the appropriate size of the pot, every 2 to 3 years is appropriate. Gently remove the seedlings to avoid damaging the branches and leaves, remove the old soil outside the roots, prune the old roots and diseased roots, fill the cultivation substrate, gently vibrate the pots, compact, and water through.

3.7 Pruning and leaf picking

It can be carried out throughout the year, mainly in winter, pruning diseased insect branches, dead branches, long branches, etc., supplemented by summer and autumn, light pruning, improving ventilation and light transmission, and promoting flower bud differentiation. Throughout the growth period, the old leaves and diseased insect leaves are removed regularly every month and burned intensively.

3.8 Sparse buds

According to the different flowering periods to choose the budding time, autumn flower varieties every year from June to July budding, winter flowers and the following year's spring flower varieties can be appropriately delayed budding period, generally before September can be completed. Young plants do not leave buds to ensure good vegetative growth, thin and weak plants remove smaller buds, less large buds at the top, strong adult plants leave 2 to 3 buds per branch, and small flowers and abundant flowers do not bud.

4 Pest control

Common diseases of camellia are anthrax, algal spot disease, bituminous coal disease, leaf blight and root rot; common pests are aphids, mesozoans, tea inchworms, red spiders and moths. The prevention of pests and diseases is the mainstay, and the purpose of integrated control is achieved through scientific cultivation management.

4.1 Anthrax

4.1.1 Harmful symptoms. The onset time is usually from April to September, and the leaves are infected with The leaves are infected with A. ambulatory, and dark green spots appear at the tip and leaf margin, gradually expanding to form irregular tan spots, with small gray-white spots in the middle. In severe cases, it spreads to the entire leaf, causing leaf defoliation.

4.1.2 Prevention and control methods. Thoroughly remove diseased leaves, cut out dead branches and diseased branches in time in summer and winter, and concentrate on incineration; before the onset of the disease, spray 1% Bordeaux liquid once every half month or spray 1 time per week with 600 times Bacillus Qing or 75% wettable powder 1000 times liquid, spray 3 to 4 times continuously; strengthen cultivation management, pay attention to ventilation and dehumidification.

4.2 Algal spot disease

4.2.1 Symptoms of harm. The onset time is usually in March to August, parasitic rust algae infects leaf tissue, initially appears needle-like gray-white to yellow-brown dots, and then gradually radioactive spread, forming irregular spots, the middle of the spots are raised, the surface is attached to fibrous felt, gray-green to dark brown. The coverage of pathogens affects leaf photosynthesis, resulting in weak plant growth.

4.2.2 Prevention and control methods. Strengthen cultivation management, ventilation and light transmission, timely pruning of diseased dead branches, removal of diseased leaves; spraying 0.2% to 0.5% copper sulfate solution for prevention and control at the beginning of the disease, spraying once every half a month, 3 to 4 times continuously; flowering period and after flowering with 50% carbendazim wettable powder 800 times ~ 1000 times liquid or 70% methyl tolbuzin wettable powder 800 ~ 1000 times liquid for prevention and control.

4.3 Bituminous coal disease

4.3.1 Harmful symptoms. Onset usually occurs in April to July and is precipitated by aphids and mesozoans. The surface of the affected leaves is covered with hyphae, which initially appears as a black dot or lump layer, and gradually increases to form a bituminous coal seam, covering the surface of the branches and the entire leaf, hindering the photosynthesis and respiration of the plant, resulting in growth and development obstruction.

4.3.2 Prevention and control methods. Improve ventilation conditions and timely control of insect sources such as aphids and mesenchymal insects; spray 75% imidacloprid 5000 times liquid or 40% phosphorus 1500 times liquid in the new shoot stage; spray stone sulfur compound 300 times liquid during the dormant phase.

4.4 Leaf blight

4.4.1 Harmful symptoms. The onset time is usually from May to October, caused by the infection of young leaves by the fungus Hemiknossis, and the initial leaf tip appears yellow-brown water-stained small spots, gradually spreading into tan fan-like spots, with obvious edges, causing the whole leaf to dry up and fall in severe cases.

4.4.2 Prevention and control methods. Increase water spray in drought to increase the humidity of the potting environment to alleviate or inhibit the occurrence of disease; spray 70% methyl tolbuzin wettable powder 1000 to 1500 times liquid or 50% carbendazim wettable powder 600 times liquid once every half month at the beginning of the disease for 3 to 4 consecutive times.

4.5 Root rot

4.5.1 Harmful symptoms. The onset time is usually 6 to 7 months, by a variety of pathogenic bacteria infecting the root system of the plant, the initial victim of the root of the water stained yellow-brown spots, soft to rot and black, hindering the upward transport of nutrients and water, resulting in yellowing of leaves, young shoots withered, and death of the whole plant in severe cases.

4.5.2 Prevention and control methods. Strengthen cultivation management, ventilation and light transmission, maintain good drainage, timely excavation of diseased strains and their surrounding fungal soil, and spray 1% copper sulfate solution for soil disinfection; select varieties with high disease resistance for cultivation, transplant with 70% methyl tolbucin wettable powder 1000 to 1500 times liquid for root disinfection.

4.6 Aphids

4.6.1 Harmful symptoms. From March to August, aphids use mouthparts to pierce the new shoots of young leaves to suck up sap, and the buds and leaves shrink, and the plants cannot grow normally. Aphid excrement induces bituminous coal disease.

4.6.2 Prevention and control methods. In the early stage of insect pests, spray 1 times every 3 to 5 days with 50% phosphate amine emulsion 2000 times liquid or 50% Leguo emulsion 1000 to 1500 times liquid for 3 consecutive times, 10% imidacloprid wettable powder 1500 times liquid or 2.5% permethrin 2000 to 4000 times liquid spray, once every half a month, for 2 consecutive times.

4.7 Mesozoans

4.7.1 Symptoms of harm. There are many kinds of mesophyllites, the main pests of camellia are blown sponge borers, red wax bugs, bran flakes, prickly sucking branches and leaves to absorb sap, the leaves are gray-green to yellow, when severe, the whole plant dies, and excrement can induce bituminous coal disease.

4.7.2 Prevention and control methods. Strengthen cultivation management, ventilation and light transmission; spray 50% Lego Emulsion 1500 times liquid or 8% avermectin 2500 times liquid every 7 days, 3 to 4 times continuously; spray 1 times 10% imidacloprid 1500 times liquid or 2.5% permethrin 2000 to 4000 times liquid every half month for 2 consecutive times.

4.8 Tea inchworm

4.8.1 Harmful symptoms. From May to October, the larvae of the tea ruler inchworm chew on the leaves, and when the insects are serious, they harm the leaves and young shoots, affect photosynthesis, and inhibit the normal growth of the plant.

4.8.2 Prevention and control methods. Before the 3-instar larvae, spray 800 to 1000 times liquid of iminothion or 1000 times of octylthion emulsion or 2000 times of permethrin liquid of permethrin, and in severe cases of insect infestation, spray 50% Lego emulsion 1500 times liquid or 50% phosphine emulsion 2000 times liquid.

4.9 Red Spider

4.9.1 Harmful symptoms. The insect body is small and not easy to detect, and the sap is sucked on the back of the attached leaf, and the affected leaf is yellow, producing small white spots, and when severe, the whole leaf withers and falls off.

4.9.2 Prevention and control methods. Strengthen cultivation management, ventilation and light transmission; spray 15% pyridoxine emulsion 2000 times liquid, spironite ester 4000 times liquid and other acaricides during the pest stage, once every half a month, 3 to 4 times continuously.

4.10 Moths

4.10.1 Symptoms of harm. The moths that harm camellias mainly include leaf curls, stinging moths, tea caterpillars, tea tip moths, etc., and the larvae are harmful to young leaves and new shoots, resulting in hollow and easy breakage of the affected branches and leaves, yellowing and death, and seriously inhibiting plant growth.

4.10.2 Prevention and control methods. At the beginning of the insect infestation, the insect body is manually extracted and intensively incinerated, or sprayed with 5% permethrin 2000 to 4000 times liquid or 50% octylthion emulsion 1000 times liquid or 80% borer pine emulsion 800 times liquid.

Fund Project: Exploration of efficiency enhancement of multi-flowered yellow essence planting under the forest in Jingning, Zhejiang

5 Packaging and shipping

5.1 Packaging

The buds are ready to market when they are in color. According to the specifications of camellia potted flowers to match the appropriate packaging containers, you can choose cartons, plastic boxes, wooden seedling boxes and other lightweight containers. To ensure the quality of the potted flowers, ensure that the plants and pots are clean and keep the substrate moist inside the pots before packaging. Carefully bandage the leaves and buds with the packaging material when packaging to avoid touching the leaves and buds during transport.

5.2 Transport

Transport times should be as short as possible to prevent deflation caused by lack of light. Long-distance means of transport should also have rainproof, wind-shielding and temperature control facilities.

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Camellia saplings potted with flower buds flowers flower viewing plants indoor good breeding four seasons flowering five color red dan ¥38 purchase