
The mother of 3 rich men, Meyer Musk, 72 years old, became popular: You walked out of the siege, out of yourself?

author:Funny and humble reading

Meyer Musk divorced at the age of 31, left the house alone with 3 children, and traveled to 3 countries to start an independent life. In the past 40 years, she has not only raised her 3 children to become billionaires, but also returned to the modeling stage in her 60s to start a beautiful life in her later years.

For women, marriage failure is a fatal blow to life. But if you don't lose yourself, you will be reborn.

Faced with the embarrassing dilemma after divorce, Meyer Musk quickly adjusted himself, obtained a master's degree, and started a new career. After the child became famous, she returned to the show at the age of 60, completed her young modeling dream, and walked out of the domineering road of "life by me".

Today, let's talk about how you get out of the siege.

The mother of 3 rich men, Meyer Musk, 72 years old, became popular: You walked out of the siege, out of yourself?

To step out of yourself is to break the comfort and live a strong self

It is said that divorce hurts women more than men. But if the woman who walked out of the besieged city could get out of herself and strengthen herself, she would have a new life.

Film and television actor Liu Mintao chose to get married and have children at the peak of his career. After retiring to the family, she was willing to give up her acting career and become the full-time wife of her husband and godson.

However, a rich and privileged married life did not bring her happiness. She spends less and less time seeing her husband, often drinking alone. What Liu Mintao can't accept is that he has no job for many years, no financial resources, and even eats an ice cream to see her husband's face.

Instead of spending time in a soulless marriage, break through it, step out, and bloom on your own. In the 7th year of marriage, Liu Mintao chose to divorce.

Liu Mintao, who walked out of the besieged city, regained his acting career, and the hits of "The Pretender" and "Langya List" made Liu Mintao, who came back at the age of 44, finally find himself.

The mother of 3 rich men, Meyer Musk, 72 years old, became popular: You walked out of the siege, out of yourself?

Divorce is not terrible, the terrible thing is to be knocked down by divorce. As long as you can break the comfort and live a strong self, what you lose in marriage will definitely be found in your own life coordinates.

To step out of yourself is to let go and forgive yourself for being once upon a time

How many women, after divorce, are either heartbroken, feel that the sky is falling, desperate for this life, or hate the past, not willing to do so, and can never put it down. Don't you know that if we can't let go of ourselves and reconcile with the past, we will be competing with ourselves, and we will be torturing the rest of our lives.

Sister Ling is entangled in the past marriage, and puts the happiness of the second half of her life into it.

Lingjie was originally doing medicinal materials business, the husband who has always been lazy was at home because of unemployment, he asked to enter Lingjie's company, Lingjie in order to improve her husband's morale, let him go out to buy, one after another, the husband said to pull a single big business. Sister Ling trusted her husband, so she sent 1.8 million yuan to her husband for the purchase of medicinal materials, but she did not expect that the business was deceived, the medicinal materials were fake, and she gave her husband 1.8 million yuan adrift.

The mother of 3 rich men, Meyer Musk, 72 years old, became popular: You walked out of the siege, out of yourself?

Sister Ling divorced her husband after her business was frustrated. Who knew that three months after the divorce, the ex-husband remarried, and the bride turned out to be the financial sister of Lingjie's company. At this moment, Sister Ling seems to understand that the 1.8 million payment is not a drift, but a design and deception by her husband and financial sister.

After knowing the truth, Sister Ling was not willing to be deceived, so she began to collect evidence and her husband's endless lawsuit, which was 12 years. Today's Sister Ling has gray hair, accumulated grievances in her chest, and is sick, but she still does not give up the dispute with her ex-husband.

Life can have a few 12 years. A woman who is forever entangled in past grudges and learns not to let go is gambling with the happiness of the second half of her life.

Even if marriage has failed you, even if life has deceived you, you must learn to reconcile with the past and reconcile with yourself, after all, we walked out of the siege to say goodbye to the past.

Learn to let go and forgive the past, in order to start a new life.

The mother of 3 rich men, Meyer Musk, 72 years old, became popular: You walked out of the siege, out of yourself?

To get out of yourself is to reshape your life and not to look down on yourself easily

Choose a city to grow old, and meet a person with a white head. What woman doesn't aspire to be with a lover for the rest of her life? However, when divorce strikes, women cannot wait for the fate of abandonment, and the only thing they can do is to fight against fate.

In order to pursue his beloved Lin Huiyin, the romantic poet Xu Zhimo did not hesitate to abandon his wife Zhang Youyi. Zhang Youyi, who was pregnant with Liujia, was abandoned by Xu Zhimo in a foreign country.

Zhang Youyi did not look down on herself because of this, but instead thought about the pain and continued to improve herself. She raised her son all the way, learned to improve herself all the way, and her life began step by step, from a down-and-out woman who was abandoned by her husband in the past to the first female banker in China.

Women, the most important thing to look down on is themselves, do not completely deny themselves because of the failure of a marriage, let alone lower their standards of happiness.

We want to thank our ex-husband for giving us the opportunity to be born again, to let women know how good they should be and deserve to have the highlights of life.

The mother of 3 rich men, Meyer Musk, 72 years old, became popular: You walked out of the siege, out of yourself?

Have you stepped out of the besieged city, have you stepped out of yourself? When divorce comes, we accept it, face it squarely, use it as a life trial, and grow from it. As long as we let go of the past, forgive ourselves, find ourselves, strengthen ourselves, and value ourselves, another happiness will be waiting for you not far ahead.