
Mobile game anime linkage volume crazy, some manufacturers were tragically waterloo, they found another way to have a miraculous effect?

author:Shirasawa gets

More and more game manufacturers will choose the current popular animation IP as the linkage object, excessively pursue high heat, but ignore the matching degree of drama and game tone. In fact, some dramas that are more in line with the game world view may be more popular than the current popularity, but it can bring players a more immersive sense of substitution, which is a good choice for mobile game linkage.

Mobile game anime linkage volume crazy, some manufacturers were tragically waterloo, they found another way to have a miraculous effect?

If it is only for the sake of linkage, or even only selling skin without substantive content intersection, its popularity is only a flash in the pan. On the contrary, the in-depth matching of "The Fifth Personality" and "Detective Conan" is a very successful case, and the detective setting and detective reasoning story background of the game protagonist are very much in line with the main tone of the suspense detective of "Detective Conan".

Moreover, "The Fifth Personality" also carefully matched the similarity of the linkage characters, such as the game's detective linkage is Shinichi and Conan, and the air force with a higher force value is Xiaolan, who is good at karate.

Mobile game anime linkage volume crazy, some manufacturers were tragically waterloo, they found another way to have a miraculous effect?

In addition to the design intentions of the game side, the success of the two linkage is also inseparable from the fact that "Detective Conan" is a well-known veteran IP. The public basically has a certain understanding of anime characters, which not only increases the player's interest in linkage and stickiness to the game, but also promotes the understanding of the game by non-player groups, making "The Fifth Personality" more out of the circle.

Mobile game anime linkage volume crazy, some manufacturers were tragically waterloo, they found another way to have a miraculous effect?

It can be said that "The Fifth Personality" and "Detective Conan" prove that the classic old Fan is never outdated, and the tonal match can double the effect. Recently, the "Blood Clan" mobile game announced the news of linkage with the "A Scientific Super Electromagnetic Cannon T", although the super power setting of the Super Cannon is different from the magical reality theme of the Blood Clan, but in fact, the two have a fairly high degree of fit in the background setting, and the linkage is even more integrated, realizing the double kitchen ecstasy of gamers and fans.

Mobile game anime linkage volume crazy, some manufacturers were tragically waterloo, they found another way to have a miraculous effect?

"Blood Clan" mobile game is adapted from the well-known national comic "Blood Clan Bloodline", the story begins with the vampire injury incident in a middle school in contemporary society, which leads to the blood identity of the heroine Lilo, the conflict between the blood clan and humans and wizards under the peaceful life, and then further unfolds the epic war between people and aliens.

Mobile game anime linkage volume crazy, some manufacturers were tragically waterloo, they found another way to have a miraculous effect?

And "A Scientific Super Electromagnetic Cannon T" is a fantasy combat drama based on campus daily life and mixed with various urban crime cases. The new and old two-dimensional elements should have heard of the prestige of the cannon sister. "Gun Sister" is the name of fans to the heroine of the Super Cannon series Misaka Mikoto, she is the third ranked "electric shock messenger" among only seven Lv5 super powers in Gakuen City, and the character is very contrasting and cute, and is loved by everyone.

Mobile game anime linkage volume crazy, some manufacturers were tragically waterloo, they found another way to have a miraculous effect?

However, just because the background matches, it cannot be liked by fans on both sides, and the unexpected development of the content level can make people satisfied. The two protagonists, Gun Jie and Li Luo, are both powerful, naturally competitive and particularly arrogant girls, such a similarity makes people can't help but look forward to the collision after the two of them meet, is it not a fight or not? Or do you fall in love and kill each other in opposing camps? Will they be jealous of each other?

Mobile game anime linkage volume crazy, some manufacturers were tragically waterloo, they found another way to have a miraculous effect?

Although the game official revealed the news of the linkage determination, it did not announce the specific content, leaving a huge but interesting suspense, which can be described as satisfying the appetite. As players, we can only continue to pay attention to the "Blood Clan" mobile game and wait for the official to reveal more linkage content, so as to know how strong the chemical reaction between Gun Sister and Li luo will collide!

Mobile game anime linkage volume crazy, some manufacturers were tragically waterloo, they found another way to have a miraculous effect?

Rather than blindly chasing the linkage of heat, will you prefer this linkage method that focuses on the intertwining and integration of the two sides? Or do you have a more satisfying mobile game linkage anime campaign? You can tell the editor in the comment area Oh ~ At the same time, you are also welcome to share your conjectures about what will happen when Gun Sister and Li luo meet, everyone's brain hole must be very interesting!