
Three volt days, apples and pears can not be eaten, this fruit do not miss! 10 pieces of 3 pounds, extremely high nutrition, strong seasonality

author:Master of Traditional Chinese Medicine Health

Summer inherits the vitality of spring, contains the maturity of autumn, but shows the spirit of vibrant summer, its beauty lies in vitality and heat;

Lies in the sunshine is unbridled, the showers are slightly cool; In an old popsicle, a piece of watermelon;

Three volt days, apples and pears can not be eaten, this fruit do not miss! 10 pieces of 3 pounds, extremely high nutrition, strong seasonality

It lies in fresh vegetables and melons and fruits, and thousands of people love it, that is, peaches, which are extremely nutritious and seasonal, and must be eaten quickly when they meet, and it may take a year to miss it.

Three volt days, apples and pears can not be eaten, this fruit do not miss! 10 pieces of 3 pounds, extremely high nutrition, strong seasonality


The little one is called the "fruit of the lungs"

1. Relieve cough

Peach sweet, sour, warm, for the fruit of the lungs, lung diseases should be eaten, has a raw and cough effect, can be used for lung dry cough.

2. Laxative

Peaches are rich in pectin and dietary fiber, which can absorb a lot of water in the large intestine, help gastrointestinal peristalsis, help remove waste products in the intestine, have the effect of moisturizing the intestines and laxative, and can prevent constipation.

Three volt days, apples and pears can not be eaten, this fruit do not miss! 10 pieces of 3 pounds, extremely high nutrition, strong seasonality

3. Rich in iron

Peaches have a high iron content and have a certain preventive health care effect for iron deficiency anemia or iron deficiency.

4. Rich in potassium

Peaches are rich in potassium, which can help eliminate excess salt in the body and achieve the effect of lowering blood pressure.

Three volt days, apples and pears can not be eaten, this fruit do not miss! 10 pieces of 3 pounds, extremely high nutrition, strong seasonality


Peaches are also divided into male and female? "Male peaches" are sweeter?

The old fruit farmer said that according to the experience handed down by the ancestors, the male peach with the top bulge is generally better than the mother peach that is concave at the top, whether it is sweetness or moisture. Therefore, when choosing peaches, you can choose male peaches to buy.

Three volt days, apples and pears can not be eaten, this fruit do not miss! 10 pieces of 3 pounds, extremely high nutrition, strong seasonality


Buy peaches and keep in mind the "33 Principles"

1. Buy more fluff

2. Two buy colors with a little yellow

3. Three buys are relatively heavy

Three volt days, apples and pears can not be eaten, this fruit do not miss! 10 pieces of 3 pounds, extremely high nutrition, strong seasonality

1. Don't buy too soft

2. Do not buy color is too uniform

3. Do not buy peaches with white stalks

Three volt days, apples and pears can not be eaten, this fruit do not miss! 10 pieces of 3 pounds, extremely high nutrition, strong seasonality


How should peaches be eaten?

Three volt days, apples and pears can not be eaten, this fruit do not miss! 10 pieces of 3 pounds, extremely high nutrition, strong seasonality

Remove the peach peel, wash it with water, remove the peach kernels, and then squeeze out the peach juice, at which point the peach flesh is sliced until the peaches become small cubes.

In addition, the juice of the peach is very rich, and it may not be eaten on the same day, so it can be covered with plastic wrap, placed in the refrigerator, and taken out the next day, it can still be eaten. In addition, lemon juice is added to ensure the freshness of the peaches and avoid excessive sweetness of the peaches, so as to achieve the effect of blending the taste.

Three volt days, apples and pears can not be eaten, this fruit do not miss! 10 pieces of 3 pounds, extremely high nutrition, strong seasonality

Eating "peach jam" can be healthy, you can also lose weight, and you can also supplement the nutrients needed by the body.

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