
The 70-year-old taiwanese old peasant returned to the mainland to visit his relatives, and after saying his name, it caused a sensation, and the central authorities ordered the restoration of party membership

author:Tomb Man
The 70-year-old taiwanese old peasant returned to the mainland to visit his relatives, and after saying his name, it caused a sensation, and the central authorities ordered the restoration of party membership

Wen | Tomb Man

Edited by | Tomber

In 1946, shortly after a couple got married, the bride was still immersed in the joy of the new marriage, full of joy to buy furniture and decorate the slightly shabby new home.

However, at this time, on the ninth day after the marriage, the groom ruthlessly abandoned his wife and followed the Kuomintang to Taiwan, and told his wife when he left:

"You find a good family to marry."

After that, for 42 years, he did not hear from him, and when he returned to his homeland in his seventies, he found that he had already had a full house of children and grandchildren, and his identity also attracted widespread attention from all walks of life, and finally the central government ordered him to restore his party membership.

So who is this old man with a tortuous life experience?

The 70-year-old taiwanese old peasant returned to the mainland to visit his relatives, and after saying his name, it caused a sensation, and the central authorities ordered the restoration of party membership

Study hard

This person's name is Xie Hanguang, born in 1921 in Fengshun County, Guangdong Province, nicknamed Bingkun, and his parents are farmers with their backs to the sky facing the loess soil. Xie Hanguang was clever and clever from an early age, loved to learn, and at the age of five, he was able to recite a large number of classic articles, which surprised the school teachers. Although his parents were authentic farmers, they also knew that only by studying could they get out of the poor village.

When his peers in the village went to work early, Xie Hanguang's parents did not care about gossip, but still let him finish his high school courses and successfully entered the "National Guangxi University" at the age of 19.

Let the Xie family raise their eyebrows from now on, to know that in the years and months at that time, generally only the children of high-ranking officials and wealthy businessmen families were able to produce a college student, and it was difficult for peasant families to produce a college student.

Xie Hanguang studied forestry in the College of Agriculture at the university, and Zhu Kezhen, the father of Chinese meteorology, and Li Siguang, the founder of Chinese geomechanics, were his teachers.

The 70-year-old taiwanese old peasant returned to the mainland to visit his relatives, and after saying his name, it caused a sensation, and the central authorities ordered the restoration of party membership

During his university years, Xie Hanguang also met Dong Liang, Chen Zhonghao, Liang Zhengqing and Zhang Bozhe, who often gathered to discuss current affairs, learn advanced communist theory, march in response to anti-Japanese activities, and later became close comrades-in-arms.

In 1942, Xie Hanguang, who had just graduated, was assigned to a farm in Liuzhou, Guangxi Province, as a technician, and because of his solid theoretical foundation and down-to-earth work attitude, he was quickly promoted to farm director by the farm leader.

At that time, the Japanese army invaded China on a large scale, and Shenzhou was sunk. Although Xie Hanguang was an ordinary worker, he was also a bloody Chinese man, and whenever revolutionaries took refuge in Liuzhou, he always personally took these "progressives" to his farm to avoid being pursued, and over time, the farm became an underground contact point for the Communist Party.

During this period, he often had long talks with the Communists all night, confirming the communism he learned about in college, admiring these Party members who were willing to throw their heads and blood for China, expressing a strong yearning for their firm beliefs, following the light of the revolution, and often fantasizing that they could join in.

The 70-year-old taiwanese old peasant returned to the mainland to visit his relatives, and after saying his name, it caused a sensation, and the central authorities ordered the restoration of party membership

During the War of Resistance Against Japan

Determined to join the Party

In 1944, the defeat of the Japanese army was determined, but still doing a dying struggle, they sent a large number of troops to the southwest of the mainland, wantonly slaughtered innocent people, looted supplies, the local people rose up to resist, but was brutally suppressed, in order to escape the war, Xie Hanguang was forced to leave the Liuzhou farm and flee with the local people, on the road saw many people who were deeply suffering from the Japanese army, hungry, unclothed, dead and injured countless people.

The rise and fall of the country is the responsibility of the puppeteer. What he saw along the way deeply stung Xie Hanguang's patriotic heart, and he was eager to save the country and save the innocent people, so he decided to join the revolutionary ranks and join the Communist Party of China to contribute his own strength to his motherland.

However, at that time, the war was raging, and even the Soldiers of the Red Army who had experienced hundreds of battles did not dare to guarantee that they could survive, and organizationally they could not bear the withering of Xie Hanguang's talent, so they did not agree to Xie Hanguang's application to join the party.

In 1945, the Japanese army surrendered unconditionally, and China was in ruins. After many years of understanding of the Communist Party, Xie Hanguang decided that only the Communist Party could save China from fire and water; after many inquiries, he got in touch with the person in charge of the South China Branch of the COMMUNIST Party of China in Hong Kong and submitted an application for joining the Party again.

The 70-year-old taiwanese old peasant returned to the mainland to visit his relatives, and after saying his name, it caused a sensation, and the central authorities ordered the restoration of party membership

Newlywed Yan'er

While in Hong Kong, Xie Hanguang was introduced to a woman with a generous demeanor and a beautiful face. The two had similar tempers and the same hobbies, and the two fell in love, and in 1946 the two married.

A few days after the marriage, Xie Hanguang received his first task as a communist; although the Japanese army was beaten away, the domestic situation was still not stable; the reactionaries of the Kuomintang Party targeted the Communist Party and wantonly persecuted our party members; the Taiwan side was in urgent need of a lurker with an agrarian background as a cover, and Xie Hanguang was the best choice.

Newly married Yan'er, but to go to Taiwan, Xie Hanguang's inner struggle can be imagined, but he still chose to accept the task and fight for the country.

Because of the hidden nature of his work, he was not good at telling his wife what he was going to do, but only said that he would go out for a long time, and if he did not come back after a few years, he would find a good family to marry.

Xie Hanguang's wife was a woman with a general understanding, and at this time she realized that Xie Hanguang was going to do something big, so she wiped her tears and said that she would wait for Xie Hanguang to return.

The 70-year-old taiwanese old peasant returned to the mainland to visit his relatives, and after saying his name, it caused a sensation, and the central authorities ordered the restoration of party membership

Lurking in Taiwan

Under the arrangement of the party organization, Xie Hanguang successfully entered the Lotus Pond Branch of the Taiwan Forestry Experimental Institute by virtue of his status as a college student of the Department of Agriculture, and because of his outstanding professional ability, he successfully became the director a year later, and with this identity as a cover, Xie Hanguang carried out his work more smoothly, and installed many underground party members sent by the organization in the institute.

In 1947, Hsieh Han-kwong's college classmate Zhang Bozhe was sent to Taiwan, and the old classmates were extremely happy to meet, and Xie Hanguang also arranged for him to serve as the section chief of the forestry laboratory he was responsible for.

Later, Zhang Bozhe was elected secretary of the Taichung Working Committee of the Communist Party of China and became the direct leader of Xie Hanguang, and after that, two other classmates who had a good relationship during the university, Liang Zhengqing and Chen Zhonghao, also came to Taiwan, and Xie Hanguang also arranged work for the two with the convenience of his position.

From 1948 to the first half of 1949, the Kuomintang lost one battle after another, and the Communists throughout the country rejoiced and waited for the arrival of the People's Liberation Army, and Taiwan was no exception.

Cai Xiaoqian, secretary of the Taiwan Provincial Working Committee, secretly contacted the East China Bureau and asked it to provide funds, weapons, and ships to prepare to mobilize the people on the island of Taiwan and carry out armed struggle. However, at that time, all sectors of society always believed that the liberation of Taiwan was a matter of certainty, and there was no need to sacrifice comrades.

The 70-year-old taiwanese old peasant returned to the mainland to visit his relatives, and after saying his name, it caused a sensation, and the central authorities ordered the restoration of party membership

Old photos of Taiwan

After years of development, Taiwan's party organizations have more than 1,300 party members, and there are nearly 3,000 advanced people who want to join the party, and they can mobilize nearly 100,000 people in an instant, and have also established a number of armed base areas in Lugu Village, Yatan Mountain, Baimao Mountain, and other places.

The underground party organization in Taiwan Province once had a secret newspaper, Guangming Pao, which was initially only used as an internal newspaper, but as the front line continued to send good news, guangming pao shifted from the underground to the ground, and the number of printed periodicals suddenly surged, and for a time all public places in Taiwan Province were plastered with "Guangming Pao."

In March, the party organization called on National Taiwan University and Taiwan Normal University to jointly launch a large-scale student uprising, students dragged banners to the streets to march, singing red songs, the whole island people boiled over, one after another joined the student parade, at the same time Zhang Bozhe led the Taichung branch to collect Taiwan's military information, and plotted against the captains of several warships, ready for the liberation of Taiwan by the People's Liberation Army.

The 70-year-old taiwanese old peasant returned to the mainland to visit his relatives, and after saying his name, it caused a sensation, and the central authorities ordered the restoration of party membership

Guangming Newspaper

The situation on the island of Taiwan was very good, but Chiang Kai-shek could not sit still, angrily denounced Mao Renfeng for unfavorable intelligence, and demanded that he solve the case in a short period of time and not affect the final plan to withdraw Taiwan. Taiwan was the Kuomintang's last retreat, and Chiang Kai-shek would never allow Taiwan to fall into the hands of the Communists.

The secret service agents under Mao Renfeng followed the streets and alleys of the "Guangming Bao" newspaper, and Shunten found the keelung Middle School printing shop that secretly printed the newspaper, and successively arrested more than 40 underground workers here.

The situation on the island deteriorated sharply, the Kuomintang once again set off a white terror on the island, zhang Bozhe was also arrested and imprisoned, and after several days of cruel torture and still not forcing him to tell important information about the party organization, he was brutally killed by agents of the Secret Service.

The 70-year-old taiwanese old peasant returned to the mainland to visit his relatives, and after saying his name, it caused a sensation, and the central authorities ordered the restoration of party membership

Cai Xiaoqian, who was arrested and imprisoned at the same time, did not experience severe torture and gave up all the information he knew, and he alone implicated more than 1,800 communists and uprooted the entire Taiwan underground organization.

In the face of this greedy traitor who was afraid of death, even the agents of the Secret Service despised him very much, and Gu Zhengwen, who had served as the head of the investigation team of the Secret Service, despised him very much, and he wrote in his memoirs in his later years:

"Cai Xiaoqian's character made me most dissatisfied, and every day he only desperately wrote according to the outline of the confession book I gave him, and these manuscripts were piled up half a person high."

In this large-scale search and arrest that swept the whole island, Xie Hanguang was one of the few people who survived, and before Zhang Bozhe was arrested, he asked someone to bring Xie Hanguang a letter containing 30 yuan, in which he wrote that the party organization had been exposed, immediately hid, and looked for an opportunity to return to the mainland.

After receiving the letter, Xie Hanguang was very worried about the safety of the members of other party organizations, but the Kuomintang police were already on their way, and Xie Hanguang immediately went to the Zhongpu branch of the Forestry Experimental Institute to take refuge.

The 70-year-old taiwanese old peasant returned to the mainland to visit his relatives, and after saying his name, it caused a sensation, and the central authorities ordered the restoration of party membership


After the wind passed, Xie Hanguang left the Zhongpu branch to contact the party organization, but found that the members of the party organization had not been heard from, at this time Xie Hanguang was already fighting alone, facing the Kuomintang police on the street all the time, he did not dare to stay in the city for long, and went to the inaccessible mountains.

When passing through a small mountain village, Xie Hanguang met a "nobleman", and a peasant named Tang Xibo saw Xie Hanguang's wretched appearance and went forward to ask what Xie Hanguang was doing.

In Taiwan at that time, the Kuomintang often recruited local youth into the army and expanded the source of troops, causing local complaints. Tang Xibo was very sympathetic to Xie Hanguang's plight, so he hurriedly took him home and hid him, and when the Kuomintang wanted to search here, he hid him in a deep mountain cave.

The 70-year-old taiwanese old peasant returned to the mainland to visit his relatives, and after saying his name, it caused a sensation, and the central authorities ordered the restoration of party membership

Tang Xibo would send some food to Xie Hanguang every few days, and the village chief, after learning of Xie Hanguang's suffering, also sympathized with him, decided to let him live in the village, and gave him the IDENTITy card of the missing people in the village, and since then Xie Hanguang's name has been changed to Ye Yikui.

Xie Hanguang was very grateful to the village chief, so he gave the village chief two gold rings he carried, one was his mother's dying relic, and the other was his wedding ring when he was newly married. The village chief saw that Xie Hanguang insisted on sending it, so he accepted it.

After settling in the village, Xie Hanguang often took advantage of the night to go to the county seat to inquire about the current situation and try his best to return to the mainland, but the Kuomintang authorities blocked the coastline and did not allow a boat to leave the island of Taiwan.

The 70-year-old taiwanese old peasant returned to the mainland to visit his relatives, and after saying his name, it caused a sensation, and the central authorities ordered the restoration of party membership

A few years later, Xie Hanguang adapted to life in the village, used his agronomy knowledge to help the villagers improve crop yields, and often wrote letters for the villagers, and the villagers also let down their guard, seeing that he was alone, and some people said goodbye to him.

But Xie Hanguang still missed his new wife, his heart was full of guilt, and he did not want to marry his wife again, so he lived alone on the island of Taiwan for decades.

Although the hope of returning to the motherland is very slim, Xie Hanguang has never given up, and he has been waiting for the day when he returns to the mainland of the motherland.

In 1992, relations between the mainland and Taiwan eased and the 1992 Consensus was reached. When Taiwan finally publicly announced the opening of cross-strait channels for visiting relatives, Xie Hanguang waited for this day for 42 years, thinking that he could go home, and his face was covered with tears when he was nearly seventy years old.

The 70-year-old taiwanese old peasant returned to the mainland to visit his relatives, and after saying his name, it caused a sensation, and the central authorities ordered the restoration of party membership

People from Taiwan returned to China to visit their relatives

Back to the motherland

When Xie Hanguang, who had gray hair, arrived in Hong Kong, after many inquiries, he learned that his wife had already returned to his mother's home, he could not take a break and immediately embarked on a trip to his wife's mother's house, he just wanted to look at his wife again, see if his wife was doing well, and personally said sorry to her, which was the pain of Xie Hanguang's lifelong guilt.

After a long search, Xie Hanguang finally came to his wife's house, and his wife, who had not been seen for many years, just went out and saw Xie Hanguang, although they had not seen each other for more than 40 years, the two still recognized each other! The two were relatively silent for a long time, and finally hugged each other.

Coming to the house, Xie Hanguang looked at the children in the courtyard, thinking that his wife had long since remarried, so he did not want to disturb his wife's current life and was ready to return to Taiwan, but his wife told him that this was his grandson, and it turned out that when Xie Hanguang went to Taiwan, his wife was already pregnant, and later gave birth to a son, and now their sons have reached middle age and have also raised three children.

This sudden surprise made Xie Hanguang feel that everything he had done was worth it, but he only owed his wife, so he stayed on the mainland.

The 70-year-old taiwanese old peasant returned to the mainland to visit his relatives, and after saying his name, it caused a sensation, and the central authorities ordered the restoration of party membership

Xie Hanguang

Because Xie Hanguang holds a Taiwan identity card and has no other evidence to prove his identity, he can only receive a monthly subsidy of 120 yuan for poor Taiwan compatriots, which is already satisfactory for Xie Hanguang.

However, the party organization did not chill the heart of the revolutionary hero, and after inquiring from many sources, it learned that Chen Zhonghao, who had fled back to the mainland, was still alive, and immediately sent someone to contact him.

At that time, several other underground party members who had worked in Taiwan jointly wrote a certificate and handed it to Guangdong Province, which attached great importance to it after learning about it, immediately sent people to comfort them, and reported the matter to the Party Central Committee.

The Party Central Committee caused a sensation after learning of this incident, lurking in Taiwan for 42 years, which is the longest surviving underground party member in Taiwan, Xie Hanguang is a good comrade of the party, and is a witness to a period of history!

The Central Committee urgently ordered that party organizations must attach great importance to the name of the elderly, restore party membership, and enjoy the treatment of retired cadres, and take care of housing and medical care.

In addition, the state has posthumously awarded the title of martyr to all members of the underground party organizations who died in Taiwan, and it is time to unseal this dusty history!

The 70-year-old taiwanese old peasant returned to the mainland to visit his relatives, and after saying his name, it caused a sensation, and the central authorities ordered the restoration of party membership


Unfortunately, two years after the elderly Xie Hanguang returned to the mainland, he passed away.

But he finally fulfilled his wish, met his wife, and had a son and grandson, and he should be happy to leave.

In 2013, the state built a 3,000-square-meter Monument to the Unknown Heroes in Beijing's Xishan National Forest Park to commemorate the unsung heroes who died on the hidden front in Taiwan.

The 70-year-old taiwanese old peasant returned to the mainland to visit his relatives, and after saying his name, it caused a sensation, and the central authorities ordered the restoration of party membership

Xishan National Forest Park, Beijing

For a time, many people came to mourn, a dusty history reappeared in front of people, people also learned about the previously unknown history, and knew many "unsung heroes" like Xie Hanguang.

Throughout Xie Hanguang's life, he is worthy of the country, but he only owes his wife, who is alone and pulls the child to grow up and waits until Xie Hanguang returns, which is also worthy of admiration.