
Kindergarten large, middle and small class civilized etiquette habits comparison table, it is recommended that parents and teachers collect

author:Kindergarten Principals and Kindergarten Teachers

Etiquette education for young children

Kindergarten large, middle and small class civilized etiquette habits comparison table, it is recommended that parents and teachers collect

Confucius said: "If you do not learn etiquette, you will not be able to stand."

There's an old saying: "If you are young, you become natural, and habit becomes nature."

For a person to achieve something, he must start with the ritual. And some parents believe that now society talks about personal freedom, it doesn't matter if you don't understand civilized etiquette, and children are innocent, don't make too many restrictions, and grow up to know slowly.

In fact, all accomplished people know civilized etiquette and are cultivated from an early age. If bad habits are formed in childhood, it is difficult to change them when they grow up.

The small editor of the kindergarten teacher service platform listed some civilized etiquette habits that children need to develop during the kindergarten period, hoping that teachers and parents can understand together to achieve synchronous education in the homeland and help children grow up well!

Comparison table of civilized etiquette for young children

Civilized etiquette - small class

Kindergarten large, middle and small class civilized etiquette habits comparison table, it is recommended that parents and teachers collect

1. Kindergarten etiquette

❖ When entering the park, you can not cry, and you can walk without hugging.

❖ Be able to say hello and say "goodbye" to teachers and children.

❖ Do not run and jump in the corridor and fight.

❖ Do not damage the class tables, chairs, books, toys and other items and public facilities.

2. Family etiquette

❖ Know to avoid when others open and close doors. When entering and leaving, gently close the door.

❖ Can know how to answer the phone, after answering the phone can be simple conversation.

❖ Take the initiative to greet guests, when guests leave, they can say goodbye to guests.

3. Etiquette in public places

❖ Speak quietly in public places, not noisy, not crying, not disturbing others.

❖ Do not easily interrupt or grab others to speak.

Kindergarten large, middle and small class civilized etiquette habits comparison table, it is recommended that parents and teachers collect

4. Basic etiquette

❖ Ability to use polite language such as "good morning", "hello", "goodbye" under adult guidance.

❖ Can politely call people, such as "teacher", "grandfather", "grandmother", "aunt", "uncle", etc.

❖ Know that when handing over items, look at each other with your eyes and hand them with both hands.

Civilized etiquette - middle class

1. Kindergarten etiquette

❖ Queue up and down the stairs, do not push others, do not lie down the guardrail.

❖ Can abide by the rules of the game, when playing, be humble, play the toys sent back to the original place.

❖ Activities within the prescribed range, collection dissolution to listen to the password.

❖ Wash your hands before meals, not picky eaters, do not grab food.

2. Family etiquette

❖ Before going out, you will wear and organize your own clothes, clean and tidy.

❖ When you get home, you can take the initiative to greet your family and simply tell your family what happened.

❖ When receiving guests or being guests, you can get along with small guests in a friendly way and know how to be humble; When parting, know polite language.

❖ When you are a guest, do not turn over or move the items of the master's house, and do not ask for the master's things.

Kindergarten large, middle and small class civilized etiquette habits comparison table, it is recommended that parents and teachers collect

3. Etiquette in public places

❖ Can eat independently and quietly. Use the cutlery correctly and do not knock on the cutlery. Chew food without making a sound.

❖ After the meal, people who can quietly wait for the unfinished meal, such as leaving early, say goodbye to others and arrange the dishes neatly.

❖ Learn to care for the environment, do not litter, do not step on the lawn.

4. Basic etiquette

❖ Will introduce yourself: "Hello (hello everyone)! My name is XXX, I'm X years old this year, I'm in XX Kindergarten X class."

❖ Be able to listen carefully to others, look at each other, and do not interject.

❖ When others ask questions, they can give them answers in a timely manner.

❖ Knowing that other people's belongings cannot be taken casually, they should be used after asking the consent of the other party.

Civilized Etiquette – Kindergarten

1. Kindergarten etiquette

❖ Can actively use the brain, speak and raise your hand.

❖ Do not speak during meals, do not make the sound of eating, send your own dishes and chopsticks after meals, wipe your mouth and rinse your mouth.

❖ Fold your clothes before napping and put them in the designated place, and tidy up after getting up.

2. Family etiquette

❖ Learn the correct way and precautions for making a phone call. Calls are answered with polite words such as "Hello," "Who are you looking for," and "Please wait."

❖ Learn to receive guests politely. Know what etiquette to pay attention to when visiting someone else's home.

3. Etiquette in public places

❖ Knowing that queuing up in order is a civilized and ceremonial act. Cultivate young children who encounter urgent matters from others, they can give up their positions to let others go first.

❖ Know how to take the transportation correctly (get on and off the bus in order, do not squeeze or push when getting on the bus, and be polite to the old and sick and pregnant; Don't make a loud noise while driving... )。

Kindergarten large, middle and small class civilized etiquette habits comparison table, it is recommended that parents and teachers collect

4. Basic etiquette

❖ Young children can take the initiative to greet guests when they meet for the first time, and can introduce themselves and introduce others.

❖ Natural expression, loud voice, moderate speed.

❖ Borrowed items should be cherished, avoid damage, and know that when others are finished, they should be returned in time. Be able to lend things generously to others.

❖ Be able to use different polite language correctly.

How to cultivate children's civilized behavior?

1. Favorable environment

If you want your child to develop civilized behavior, the most important thing is the environment.

Because these behaviors are not taught first and foremost, but by the influence of the environment.

The environment includes the family environment, the kindergarten environment, the social environment, etc., in these environments people should be very polite, everyone behaves civilized.

2. Favorable demonstration

Demonstration is subtle, and it is important for parents to take the lead.

Some parents will let their children respect others, but their own behavior shows disrespect for their elders or harsh on others, and when the child sees that your behavior is uncivilized, then even reasoning will be offset.

3. Timely praise

When children behave in a civilized manner, parents must praise them in a timely and specific manner, and cannot just say "You are such a good child!" You are such a capable child! ”

Instead, it's about specific advantages: "You had a very good time crossing the street today, you can learn to watch traffic lights and wait patiently." ”

4. Resolute attitude

When children behave in an uncivilized manner, parents must pay attention to their resolute attitude.

For example, disturbing others on the train, some parents will say that the child is still young, forget it, and hope that others will forgive the child, in fact, this is not right.

If in public, the child has such uncivilized behavior, parents should resolutely stop it immediately and take him away from this scene, instead of thinking that adults should forgive the child, and the child should also do the rules.

Kindergarten large, middle and small class civilized etiquette habits comparison table, it is recommended that parents and teachers collect

5. Tacit cooperation

Kindergartens and families must have consistent requirements, and parents must cooperate with the requirements of kindergartens.

In addition, there must be tacit understanding between family members, grandparents or husband and wife to achieve the same requirements, can not be a tight grasp, one can not be indifferent, otherwise the child will be difficult to distinguish who should be followed.

Kindergarten large, middle and small class civilized etiquette habits comparison table, it is recommended that parents and teachers collect

*Disclaimer: Most of the text and pictures in this article are from the network, by the kindergarten head kindergarten teacher service platform small editor due to teaching and research needs to reprint or select the article, focusing on sharing excellent educational concepts, copyright belongs to the original author, if there is infringement, please leave a message in the background to delete.