
Soon to fall into the ambush, we must know how to avoid the mouth, remember: "eat 3 meat, 3 beans, avoid 3 things", healthy summer

author:First Chef

In the summer season, the weather is getting hotter and hotter, about to enter the three volt days, the sweltering weather, resulting in many people who are working, sweating, tiredness and fatigue, this phenomenon is also known as "bitter summer".

Soon to fall into the ambush, we must know how to avoid the mouth, remember: "eat 3 meat, 3 beans, avoid 3 things", healthy summer

The Song Dynasty poet Wang Ling once described Sanfu as follows: "The breeze is powerless to slaughter the heat, and the sunset flies up the mountain with its wings." People are already afraid of the rivers and seas, and heaven will not hesitate to do anything about the rivers and hans." In ancient times, when there was no air conditioning and electric fan, it was even more difficult for the ancients to spend the summer.

Soon to fall into the ambush, we must know how to avoid the mouth, remember: "eat 3 meat, 3 beans, avoid 3 things", healthy summer

The so-called "three volts without disease and three points of weakness", so into the three volts of the day, the diet pays attention to "summer supplements", what can be eaten, what can not be eaten, plays a vital role in health.

Soon to fall into the ambush, but also to know how to avoid the mouth, remember: "eat 3 meat, 2 beans, avoid 3 things", eat in season, healthy summer, let's take a look at it.

Soon to fall into the ambush, we must know how to avoid the mouth, remember: "eat 3 meat, 3 beans, avoid 3 things", healthy summer

【Eat 3 meats】

One, lamb

As the old saying goes: "A bowl of soup for the sheep, do not work for the doctor's help", in fact, eating lamb in the ambush is also an old tradition from ancient times to the present, and the Fuyang Festival is a traditional Chinese food program.

Soon to fall into the ambush, we must know how to avoid the mouth, remember: "eat 3 meat, 3 beans, avoid 3 things", healthy summer

Generally starting from the head, it takes a month, through eating lamb, drinking sheep soup, can make people better sweat, so as to achieve the role of dispelling dampness and cold, supporting the role of yang qi, and laying a good foundation for healthy summer.

Recommended recipe: 【Red braised lamb】

Soon to fall into the ambush, we must know how to avoid the mouth, remember: "eat 3 meat, 3 beans, avoid 3 things", healthy summer

1. Prepare about a pound of lamb, wash and cut into small cubes, carrots into hob pieces, half a green onion cut into oblique slices, ginger cut into small slices, and then add a few red dried peppers, a pinch of peppercorns, a small piece of cinnamon, a hawthorn, a grass fruit, a piece of galangal, two star anise, three fragrant leaves for later.

Soon to fall into the ambush, we must know how to avoid the mouth, remember: "eat 3 meat, 3 beans, avoid 3 things", healthy summer

2. Add an appropriate amount of water to the pot, add lamb under cool water, add half a spoon of cooking wine to remove the fishy smell, slowly boil over medium heat, skim off the foam in the pot, continue to cook for two minutes, and use a colander to fish out to control the water.

Soon to fall into the ambush, we must know how to avoid the mouth, remember: "eat 3 meat, 3 beans, avoid 3 things", healthy summer

3. Re-heat the pot, add half a spoonful of cooking oil, pour in the lamb pieces and stir-fry slowly, stir-fry the water vapor inside, the process takes about two minutes.

Soon to fall into the ambush, we must know how to avoid the mouth, remember: "eat 3 meat, 3 beans, avoid 3 things", healthy summer

4. After the lamb is fried, add the shallot ginger and spices, continue to stir-fry, then add a pinch of cumin, stir-fry a few times, add a spoonful of watercress sauce, stir-fry, fry out the red oil, cook the cooking wine from the side of the pot to remove the fishy, stir-fry evenly, add the right amount of water, and start seasoning.

Soon to fall into the ambush, we must know how to avoid the mouth, remember: "eat 3 meat, 3 beans, avoid 3 things", healthy summer

5. Add salt, sugar, soy sauce, soy sauce, soy sauce each appropriate amount, turn off the heat after boiling, pour the soup with meat into the pressure cooker, turn on the high heat and continue to boil, wait for the pressure cooker to steam, simmer for 10 minutes.

Soon to fall into the ambush, we must know how to avoid the mouth, remember: "eat 3 meat, 3 beans, avoid 3 things", healthy summer

6. When the time comes to open the lid of the pot, then pour the stewed lamb into the wok, pick out the large ingredients inside, boil the soup, pour in the carrots, change the medium heat to simmer for another 10 minutes, and then put the lamb into the casserole, add coriander and garlic yellow garnish, delicious.

Soon to fall into the ambush, we must know how to avoid the mouth, remember: "eat 3 meat, 3 beans, avoid 3 things", healthy summer

Second, beef

Beef is a common nutritious food in life, people sweat a lot on the three volt days, we must pay attention to supplement nutrition, and beef is rich in protein and amino acids, can enhance physical fitness, tonic qi, especially suitable for summer consumption.

Recommended recipe: 【Stir-fried beef with bell pepper】

Soon to fall into the ambush, we must know how to avoid the mouth, remember: "eat 3 meat, 3 beans, avoid 3 things", healthy summer

1. Prepare about half a pound of beef, cut into evenly sliced slices with a top knife, put it into the basin, add pepper, salt, oyster sauce, eat baking soda, cooking wine to an appropriate amount, beat an egg, grasp well with your hands, add a little starch, continue to stir and beat vigorously, and finally add sesame oil to stir well to avoid sticking to the meat slices.

Soon to fall into the ambush, we must know how to avoid the mouth, remember: "eat 3 meat, 3 beans, avoid 3 things", healthy summer

2. Half of the onion cut into strips, two green peppers to go to the bar, change the knife to cut into thin strips, half of the red pepper cut into long strips, used to match the color, a piece of ginger cut into ginger slices, garlic a few pats, millet pickled pepper cut into segments, put into the basin together for later.

Soon to fall into the ambush, we must know how to avoid the mouth, remember: "eat 3 meat, 3 beans, avoid 3 things", healthy summer

3. Take a small basin, add half a spoonful of pepper, a spoonful of chicken essence, half a spoonful of sugar, an appropriate amount of oyster sauce, an appropriate amount of soy sauce, then add a little water starch, and finally add sesame oil, stir well with chopsticks.

Soon to fall into the ambush, we must know how to avoid the mouth, remember: "eat 3 meat, 3 beans, avoid 3 things", healthy summer

4. Heat the wok, add two tablespoons of cooking oil, when the oil is warm to 30% heat, add the marinated beef slices, stir the beef slices, slide until the meat slices change color, and then pour into the colander to control the oil.

Soon to fall into the ambush, we must know how to avoid the mouth, remember: "eat 3 meat, 3 beans, avoid 3 things", healthy summer

5. Add a little rapeseed oil to the pot, after the oil is hot, add ginger garlic slices and millet pepper to fry, add green and red peppers and stir-fry a few times, pour in onion slices, continue to stir-fry, fry the side dishes until they are broken, pour in the beef, stir fry a few times again, pour in the sauce, turn over while pouring, make the beef wrapped in even sauce, stir-fry evenly, delicious.

Soon to fall into the ambush, we must know how to avoid the mouth, remember: "eat 3 meat, 3 beans, avoid 3 things", healthy summer

Three, duck meat

Duck meat is a common delicacy on the summer table, rich in protein, fat, carbohydrates, and fatty acids, etc., with therapeutic effects such as nourishing yin and deficiency, clearing heat and strengthening the spleen, and the nutritional value is relatively high.

Recommended recipe: 【Beer duck】

Soon to fall into the ambush, we must know how to avoid the mouth, remember: "eat 3 meat, 3 beans, avoid 3 things", healthy summer

1. Prepare to choose half a duck to wash, wash and chop into small pieces, cut into small pieces, cut into pieces of green onion, cut into ginger slices in a small piece, and then add 2 star anise, a small handful of peppercorns, a small handful of red dried pepper, a small piece of cinnamon, a few pieces of fragrant leaves, a green pepper cut into hob pieces, and a red pepper half cut into triangular pieces for color matching.

Soon to fall into the ambush, we must know how to avoid the mouth, remember: "eat 3 meat, 3 beans, avoid 3 things", healthy summer

2. Boil water in the pot, add an appropriate amount of cooking wine to remove fishiness, cool water into the duck, flip a few times with a spoon, blanch the water for about 2 minutes, and fish out the control water.

Soon to fall into the ambush, we must know how to avoid the mouth, remember: "eat 3 meat, 3 beans, avoid 3 things", healthy summer

3. Add half a spoonful of cooking oil to another pot, pour in the duck and stir-fry, fry the water inside the dried duck, pour out the oil control and set aside.

4. Add a little cooking oil to another pot, add green onion ginger and large ingredients to stir-fry, add 5 grams of red oil bean paste, stir-fry, pour in the duck, continue to stir-fry a few times, pour in a can of beer, and then add an appropriate amount of water, so as to spread the duck meat.

Soon to fall into the ambush, we must know how to avoid the mouth, remember: "eat 3 meat, 3 beans, avoid 3 things", healthy summer

5. Add salt, sugar, soy sauce, soy sauce, soy sauce each appropriate amount, stir to boil, add a small piece of hot pot base, cover the pot lid, change to medium-low heat and simmer for 25 minutes.

6. When the time comes, pick out the onion ginger and large ingredients, add a small handful of garlic, change the heat to slowly collect the soup, add a little MSG, pour in the green and red peppers, quickly stir-fry for one minute, after the peppers are fried, you can turn off the heat and plate.

Soon to fall into the ambush, we must know how to avoid the mouth, remember: "eat 3 meat, 3 beans, avoid 3 things", healthy summer

【Eat 2 beans】

One, mung beans

Mung beans, also known as green adzuki beans, contain protein, fat, carbohydrates, dietary fiber, vitamins and various trace elements, have the therapeutic effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, especially suitable for three volt days to eat.

Recommended recipe: [Summer mung bean porridge]

Soon to fall into the ambush, we must know how to avoid the mouth, remember: "eat 3 meat, 3 beans, avoid 3 things", healthy summer

1. Put 100 grams of mung beans in a large bowl, add the right amount of water, soak for two hours after washing, put a small piece of white fungus into the bowl, also add water to soak for two hours, put a small handful of rice into the bowl, also soak for two hours, and fish out the white fungus and cut it into small flowers for later.

Soon to fall into the ambush, we must know how to avoid the mouth, remember: "eat 3 meat, 3 beans, avoid 3 things", healthy summer

2. Add an appropriate amount of water to the casserole, pour mung beans and rice respectively, boil on high heat, reduce the heat to continue to cook for 20 minutes, stir a few times with a spoon to avoid rice sticking to the pan, after 20 minutes, mung beans and rice have been boiled and flowered, then add white fungus and continue to cook for 10 minutes.

Soon to fall into the ambush, we must know how to avoid the mouth, remember: "eat 3 meat, 3 beans, avoid 3 things", healthy summer

3. After boiling the white fungus out of the gelatinous, put in a few grains of rock sugar according to your own taste, and when the rock sugar melts, then put in a small handful of goji berries, stir a few times with a spoon, and the taste is delicious.

Soon to fall into the ambush, we must know how to avoid the mouth, remember: "eat 3 meat, 3 beans, avoid 3 things", healthy summer

Second, red beans

Red beans are a kind of medicinal and food homologous ingredients, rich in iron, vitamin B, protein, calcium, etc., for moisture detoxification, heat removal, etc., have a good therapeutic effect, regular consumption can enhance the body's immunity.

Recommended recipe: 【Yam red bean porridge】

Soon to fall into the ambush, we must know how to avoid the mouth, remember: "eat 3 meat, 3 beans, avoid 3 things", healthy summer

1. Prepare 150 grams of red beans into a bowl, add water to wash, then add an appropriate amount of water, soak for 2 hours, half a yam, first peel off the skin, and then cut into hob pieces, put it into a bowl, add the appropriate amount of water, avoid the oxidation of the yam and turn black, prepare 6 red dates into the basin, add the appropriate amount of water to soak.

Soon to fall into the ambush, we must know how to avoid the mouth, remember: "eat 3 meat, 3 beans, avoid 3 things", healthy summer

2. Add an appropriate amount of water to the casserole, bring to a boil on high heat, add the soaked red beans after the water is boiled, stir a few times with a spoon, cover the pot, change the heat to low and cook for 30 minutes.

Soon to fall into the ambush, we must know how to avoid the mouth, remember: "eat 3 meat, 3 beans, avoid 3 things", healthy summer

After 3.30 minutes, the red beans have been boiled and flowered, then pour in the yam and red dates to continue to cook for 10 minutes, then add 5 pieces of rock sugar, stir with a spoon, cook for 5 minutes on low heat, wait for all the rock sugar to fuse, you can turn off the heat and start the pot, and then put the yam red bean porridge into the bowl, delicious.

Soon to fall into the ambush, we must know how to avoid the mouth, remember: "eat 3 meat, 3 beans, avoid 3 things", healthy summer

【3 things to avoid】

First, avoid eating leftovers and leftovers

Three volt days of high temperature, diet should pay attention to food safety, because leftovers and leftovers placed for more than 6 hours, will breed a large number of bacteria, nutrition will also lose a lot, sometimes will produce nitrites and other harmful substances, so in the summer try to eat less leftovers and leftovers.

Soon to fall into the ambush, we must know how to avoid the mouth, remember: "eat 3 meat, 3 beans, avoid 3 things", healthy summer

Second, avoid eating cold food

Entering the three volt days, many people like to eat some ice cold food, or drink some cold drinks to cool down the heat, in fact, this is easy to cause gastrointestinal diseases, damage to the yang in the body, is not conducive to good health.

Soon to fall into the ambush, we must know how to avoid the mouth, remember: "eat 3 meat, 3 beans, avoid 3 things", healthy summer

Third, avoid spicy and irritating foods

Summer heat is easy to catch fire, the diet should be light, easy to digest, try to avoid eating spicy and irritating food, because eating spicy food will aggravate the fire and toxins in the body, while increasing the burden on the gastrointestinal tract, affecting physical health.

Soon to fall into the ambush, we must know how to avoid the mouth, remember: "eat 3 meat, 3 beans, avoid 3 things", healthy summer

Well, about the "food suitable for three volts and three days of dietary taboos", just to share with you here, if you still have different views and suggestions, welcome to leave a message in the comment area, thank you for reading, we will see you in the next issue.