
In the rainy season, please put away this practical and healthy life reminder

author:Danyang News Network

In the rainy season, please put away this practical and healthy life reminder

Every year in June and July, it is a rainy and rainy season, and the fickle weather often makes people feel uncomfortable, sleepy and tired. Many diseases in the rainy season will also take advantage of the void, so how to maintain health care in the rainy season, and what should be paid attention to in diet and living? Recently, a number of healthcare experts in our city have brought practical healthy life reminders to the public.

Beware of the five diseases

Dermatosis. In the rainy season, it is humid and hot, and the skin is always "wet and sticky", according to dermatologists, the most common are insect bite dermatitis and tinea pedis. Mites like to be damp and hot and afraid of light, and the living room should be ventilated and wiped with a hot towel; Do not go to grass or lush vegetation. Especially after mosquito bites, there are symptoms such as redness and swelling allergies caused by scratching, and it is not suitable for hormonal drugs, and it is recommended to use drugs under the guidance of a doctor. Tinea pedis is also more rampant during the rainy season. Experts recommend changing shoes and socks frequently.

In the rainy season, please put away this practical and healthy life reminder

Gastrointestinal diseases. Gastroenterologists remind that it is best to separate raw and cooked foods on rainy days, do not eat overnight meals, and do not stay in the air-conditioned room for a long time or turn on the fan for a long time, which may lead to the occurrence of acute gastroenteritis.

Air conditioning disease. Poor breathing, runny nose, dry cough, etc. are all symptoms of "air conditioning disease", mainly because the air conditioner is not cleaned for a long time, after opening the air conditioner, bacteria will blow out with the air outlet, which is easy to cause disease. Respiratory physicians pointed out that in the summer into the frequent use of air conditioning, not only filters, heat sinks, etc., other parts should also be cleaned together, the best prevention method is not to stay in the air conditioning room for a long time, to maintain air circulation.

Arthralgia. The orthopedic surgeon of the Municipal Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine reminds elderly patients with poor resistance to pay attention to keeping warm and blowing less air conditioning. Don't sit or overwork, and pay more attention to rest. In addition, it is also necessary to prepare some anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving, anti-wind and dehumidifying drugs. If joint pain feels uncomfortable plus important to seek medical attention promptly.

Secret trouble. The humid and hot rainy weather has spawned many "heart disease" patients. Xue Ye, chief physician of the Department of Psychiatry of the Municipal Psychiatric Prevention and Control Hospital, introduced that to prevent "Meiyu heart disease", try to eat more light and easily digestible food, and drink more green tea and boiled water; Do not sleep too late, people who are prone to insomnia can try to drink a cup of milk or lily lotus heart longan soup before going to bed; Combine work and leisure, moderate exercise.

Cure for dampness: medicinal diet + sachet

In the rainy season, please put away this practical and healthy life reminder

In the rainy season, remember not to eat raw, cold, greasy food, so as not to help wet and hurt the spleen. According to Chinese medicine practitioners, gastrointestinal discomfort in summer, or both colds, proprietary Chinese medicine Huoxiang Zhengqi water (capsules) is a must for the family, taken appropriately, can achieve the purpose of no disease prevention, disease can be treated. At the same time, you can eat more spleen and damp foods, such as yam, winter melon, loofah and so on. Doctors recommend two kinds of medicinal food for healthy spleen and dampness, namely adzuki bean soup with amaranth kernel and winter melon soup with yam. Adzuki bean soup, take 50g of amaranth kernel and red adzuki bean, cook it, and drink the soup. Yam winter melon soup, take 50g yam, 150g winter melon, make soup.

In addition to food, you may wish to try homemade sachets to dispel dampness, commonly used aromatic Chinese medicines are mugwort, Peran, Herbs, Mint, Cangshu, cloves, cinnamon, Su leaves, Bai Zhi, chrysanthemums, ice chips, etc., choose several of them to make sachets to wear or place in the house, has the effect of dehumidification and defilement. These Chinese medicines are available in Danyang Pharmacies.

Reminder: Light diet + regular work and rest

Plum rainy season, summer heat and rain interaction, the heavier the summer heat, the more humid the air, is often said to be "summer must be wet", Chinese medicine physician introduction, summer summer humidity is obvious, easy to invade the human body and cause disease or discomfort, mainly affect the human spleen and stomach function, manifested as general weakness, sleepy, bloating, food is not fragrant or nausea and vomiting, stool stickiness and so on.

Light diet: rainy season, the weather is hot and humid, people are easy to get tired, gastrointestinal function will also be weakened, diet should be light, eat less big fish and meat, reduce greasy and spicy, desserts, sticky food, drink less alcohol, drink less cold drinks, increase fresh vegetables and fruits.

Work and rest rules: try to rest before 10 o'clock in the evening, avoid staying up late. It is best to take a nap at noon to relieve the tiredness and weakness caused by the hot summer weather. Moderate exercise: go outdoors in the evening, exercise moderately to sweat and drain moisture, but do not sweat heavily, and pay attention to changing clothes frequently after sweating, so as not to induce a cold.

Experts remind everyone to be careful not to contact wet places for a long time and not to be too greedy. If the air is stuffy, you can turn on the air conditioner to cool down and dehumidify appropriately. In addition, while regularizing work and resting, adjusting diet, and maintaining a comfortable mood, so that the spleen and stomach function is normal, in order to prevent the occurrence of wet evil.

During the rainy season, the yang qi is protected, and the winter disease is cured and the body is strengthened in summer

When it is hot, people's instinctive reaction is to seek cooling, but if the temperature drops too much, it will also hurt the sun. For example, drinking cold drinks, blowing air conditioning, and eating ice watermelon in the hot and humid rainy season will hurt the yang. Therefore, during the rainy season, do not be greedy, especially the diet should pay attention. Wet, sweltering rainy days are also the most difficult period of "bitter summer". Many readers who like Chinese medicine will seize this time to properly maintain yang qi and carry out "winter disease and summer treatment".

Li Xinhua, deputy director of the Municipal Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said in an interview that "winter disease summer treatment" belongs to the external treatment method of traditional Chinese medicine, of which the most used is patch therapy. Usually the use of drugs on a specific acupuncture point for application, so that the human body's yang qi is abundant, the ability to resist cold is enhanced, the meridian qi and blood are through, and can be used for individual physiques, through the lungs, spleen, kidney and other drugs to help the body's yang qi, correct the cold constitution, so that the flow of qi and blood is smooth, help to correct the fixed foundation, prevent and treat "winter disease", with the advantages of simplicity, convenience, incorruptibility, testing and so on.

In the rainy season, please put away this practical and healthy life reminder

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