
What harm does it do to the body if you can't get out of bed in the morning, and how to overcome it effectively?

author:Garden Health Record

Getting enough sleep relieves fatigue and restores energy. But some people mistakenly believe that sleeping more is good for health, especially conducive to the growth and development of adolescents, so some people lie in bed at the first opportunity in the morning and cannot get up, so that the sleep time greatly exceeds the normal needs. This is a bad habit that can be detrimental to your health in the long run.

Lying in bed for too long or often can cause many harms to the body:

Disrupts the body's normal body clock regularity

If you maintain the good habit of "going to bed early and getting up early and exercising" for a long time, the normal biological clock in the body is not disrupted, the hormone level secreted by the pituitary gland will not fluctuate abnormally, and the various functions and metabolism of the human body can be carried out normally. 

Maintaining the normal day and night law of human organs will make us energetic during the day and sleep peacefully at night.

What harm does it do to the body if you can't get out of bed in the morning, and how to overcome it effectively?

Causes insufficient blood supply to the brain

Now more and more people wake up who can't afford to sleep, especially on holidays. Anyone who has been bed-in-love will have such a feeling: sleep and bed-loving time is more, but feel that the limbs are heavy, mentally weak, there is a feeling of "the more you sleep, the more tired you feel, as a result, it is not as energetic as when you are busy with work or study every day."

This is because during sleep, the cerebral cortex is in a state of inhibition, if you rely on the bed, it will cause the cerebral cortex to be inhibited for too long, resulting in insufficient blood supply to the brain, so after waking up from the bed, you will feel dizzy and have no spirit.

What harm does it do to the body if you can't get out of bed in the morning, and how to overcome it effectively?

Leads to indigestion

After a night, the abdomen is empty, there has been a clear sense of hunger, because of the bed, the result is no time to eat breakfast or miss the time to eat breakfast, this behavior is not good for gastrointestinal function, is bound to disrupt the law of gastrointestinal activity, a long time, the gastrointestinal mucosa will be damaged, easy to induce gastritis, gastric ulcers and indigestion and other diseases, and is also one of the factors that can not be ignored for gaining weight. In addition, lying on the bed will also affect the excretory function of the human body, which is easy to cause constipation.

Affects urinary system health

Lying down for a long time and sleeping lazily is not conducive to the promotion of yang qi in the human body, which may lead to poor qi machine and easy stagnation. Because the bed urine remains in the body for a long time, the toxic substances in it will harm human health. Lying in bed for a long time will also slow down the blood circulation of the human body, resulting in nutrients that cannot be well transmitted in the body, so that the substances metabolized in muscles and joints cannot be excreted from the body.

Reduces hearing and memory

Generally, when you wake up in bed in the morning, it is easy to make people think wildly. It is said that the longer you rest in bed, the more energetic you will be, but people always feel that their heads are heavy after getting up, and it is difficult to concentrate on anything. This is because people need to use their brains and consume a lot of oxygen, resulting in temporary "malnutrition" symptoms in brain tissue. Over time, it also impairs memory and hearing. After a long period of sleep, there will often be a dizziness, mental lack of physiological discomfort, this is because after people wake up, continue to lie in bed easy to spend more oxygen, so that the brain hypoxia caused by dizziness, long-term will reduce the human hearing and memory.

What harm does it do to the body if you can't get out of bed in the morning, and how to overcome it effectively?

Lying on the bed is a small problem that many people have, but it brings great harm!

Especially for office workers, who are usually busy at work, it is very difficult to get up in time in the morning.

How do we overcome the habit of bedridden?

Wake up and lie in bed for a while, then get up and start the day

Before getting up, you should do a good job of sorting out your body and mind, and this time period is preferably about 5 minutes. During this time, the muscles in the relaxed state can be buffered, the natural tension state is restored, and the blood that is "resting" is gradually "awake" and returns to the normal flow rate from slow flow.

When people sleep, the cerebral cortex is in a state of inhibition, various physiological functions maintain low-speed operation, human metabolism decreases, heartbeat slows down, blood pressure drops, and some blood accumulates in the limbs. After waking up in the morning, breathing, heartbeat, blood pressure, muscle tone, etc. should quickly return to normal speed, which will lead to sympathetic excitement and adrenocortical hormone secretion, causing rapid heartbeat, vasoconstriction, and increased blood pressure. However, at this time, the blood thickens, the blood flow is slow, the circulatory resistance increases, the blood supply to the heart is insufficient, and if you get out of bed immediately after waking up, it is most likely to induce cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and even cause accidental death.

Therefore, it is advisable to wake up in bed for 5 to 10 minutes in the morning. Take a supine position, self-massage the precardial area and brain, take a deep breath, yawn, stretch your waist, move your limbs, and then sit up slowly. After a while, calmly get out of bed, get dressed, and gradually adapt the physical functions that have just woken up from sleep to daily activities.

What harm does it do to the body if you can't get out of bed in the morning, and how to overcome it effectively?

Never pick up your phone

Because when I first woke up, my mind was not very clear, my consciousness and will were relatively vague, and picking up the mobile phone at this time was an unconscious behavior with no expected purpose. When there is no purpose, the brain is more inclined to pursue pleasure, such as brushing vibrato, Taobao, Weibo, brushing the circle of friends, etc., infinite decline of information, can give the brain to continuously provide "new information" stimulation, bring pleasure, unconsciously will brush for a long time, and when you are slowly sober in this process, the mind has entered a lot of messy invalid information, concentration is dispersed, this time, and then want to make a healthy breakfast for yourself efficiently, dress satisfactorily before going out, plan today's task arrangement, There will be weakness in the heart.

What harm does it do to the body if you can't get out of bed in the morning, and how to overcome it effectively?

The body's biological clock is also affected by light

After getting up, actively turn on the indoor light, or pull back the curtains, the sufficient light can wake up your body and make it feel like it is time to get up.

Go to bed on time

The fundamental solution to overcoming drowsiness is to ensure a night's sleep. Lack of sleep on weekdays, catching up on sleep on weekends is definitely a bad idea. You should adjust the work you have to do at night to the energetic morning to deal with it, so as to ensure at least 6-8 hours of sleep every night.

Therefore, we must pay attention to the rationality of sleep time, maintain good living habits, and develop a fixed work and rest time, which is the key to improving the difficulty of getting out of bed.

The day's plan lies in the morning. If you want to live an orderly and self-disciplined life and make every day better and more fulfilling, you must cultivate healthy wake-up habits.

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