
5 top islands! The Maldives has the highest divorce rate, with the Paracel Islands only open to Chinese citizens

An island is a small piece of land surrounded by seawater. On the island you can enjoy the beach, sun, blue sky, white clouds, with the continuous development of tourism, the island has become the first choice for many tourists.

Today, Xiaobian introduces you to 5 top islands, and when the epidemic is over, you can come to an island trip that you can walk away.

NO.1 Fiji

5 top islands! The Maldives has the highest divorce rate, with the Paracel Islands only open to Chinese citizens

Turn the globe and in the middle of the South Pacific, you'll see a small island, where the 180-degree meridian passes, fiji. Fiji is known as the "crossroads" of the South Pacific, it is made up of 332 islands, and thanks to the 180-degree meridian running through it, Fiji is the easternmost and westernmost country in the world, welcoming the first rays of the earth's daily sunshine.

In Fiji, every day brings a new and fascinating experience, hiking through the lush rainforest; Dive underwater and admire the most beautiful underwater world in the world; Climb aboard a luxury schooner and travel around the islands; Lie back on a secluded white beach and enjoy the warm Sunshine of the South Pacific.

Because of its excellent scenery and peculiar geographical environment, Fiji has become one of the top ten honeymoon destinations in the world, where Bill Gates and her original melinda Gates, Britney Spears and her second husband Kevin Federlin, Nicole Kidman and second husband Keith Urban have all spent their honeymoons here. Fiji, where the happeness finds you.) Fiji is also the filming location for many films, including Desert Island, Where Daddy Went 2, Youth Coral Island and Blue Reef.

5 top islands! The Maldives has the highest divorce rate, with the Paracel Islands only open to Chinese citizens

In fact, Fiji is one of the Pacific island countries with strong economic strength and better economic development. With rich tourism, fishery and forestry resources, there are gold, silver, copper, bauxite and other mineral deposits, sugar and tourism is the pillar industry of the national economy. Fiji is also the first South Pacific island country to establish diplomatic relations with China, and Fiji is visa-free with China. In line with the concept of cooperation of consultation, co-construction and sharing, under the framework of the "Belt and Road", China and Fiji have continuously strengthened policy docking, deepened pragmatic cooperation in various fields, promoted the optimization and upgrading of trade and investment, and tapped the potential of cooperation in various fields.

It is worth noting that the mineral water here is 3-5 times the ordinary price. Fiji Water is a brand of bottled water derived from the Pacific island nation of Fiji Islands. Mineral water is sourced from the groundwater of mt. Nakauvadra in Viti Levu. Fiji Water is generally only available in top local restaurants and hotels, select retailers and convenience stores.

In addition, in Fiji, both men and women like to wear skirts and flowers. In Fiji, the skirt worn by men is called "SOLO", the style is slightly different from the women's skirt, and the suit + "SOLO" + leather sandals are Fijian formal clothes, whether it is a police officer on the street or a visit to other countries. In addition to wearing skirts, Fiji also likes to wear flowers, both men and women. Wearing flowers on the left means unmarried, while wearing flowers on both sides indicates marriage.

NO.2 Maldives

5 top islands! The Maldives has the highest divorce rate, with the Paracel Islands only open to Chinese citizens

The Maldives, the smallest country in Asia, covers an area of less than 300 square kilometers, smaller than a county in China. Located in the Indian Ocean, close to India, the Maldives is about 600 km away and has 1192 coral islands in its territory, of which only 200 are inhabited and have a population of 557,000. Islands in the Maldives can be bought and sold, and for about 5 million yuan, you can become the owner of the island.

Many visitors, after experiencing the blue, white and green colors of the Maldives, consider it to be the last paradise on earth. Some people describe the Maldives as a string of pearls that God has shaken off, but Westerners like to call the Maldives a "lost paradise."

99% crystal clear water + 1% pure white sand = 100% Maldives, don't be surprised that the Maldives surrounded by 99% sea water has thousands of species of fish, this is the home of fish. However, don't bury yourself in the white sand beach, which is made of parrotfish dung.

5 top islands! The Maldives has the highest divorce rate, with the Paracel Islands only open to Chinese citizens


However, as a small country in South Asia, The Religion of Maldivians is Islam. In the actual teachings of Islam, women are subordinate to men and have a very low status, so that men here can marry concubines legally and compliantly, and polygamy in the Maldives is legal.

What is even more ironic is that the Maldives, as the world's honeymoon mecca, symbolizing love and happiness, is the country with the highest divorce rate in the world, with a divorce rate of 73%.

5 top islands! The Maldives has the highest divorce rate, with the Paracel Islands only open to Chinese citizens

According to United Nations statistics, almost all Maldivian women around the age of 20 have been married once, and on average, almost every Maldivian woman aged 30 has been divorced three times. This data, which set the Guinness Book of World Records, can't help but be stunned: this "paradise" that has left countless newlyweds and sweet couples with good memories and happiness is also the "grave" of local marriages, which is how ironic it is!

However, due to the low altitude of the Maldivian islands and the rising sea water caused by the greenhouse effect, if the greenhouse effect cannot be effectively improved, perhaps one day the Maldives will really disappear into the ocean.

NO.3 Mauritius

5 top islands! The Maldives has the highest divorce rate, with the Paracel Islands only open to Chinese citizens

On the map of Africa, moving eastward along the edge of Madagascar, there is an inconspicuous little dot, which is the island country of Mauritius, known as the "pearl of the Indian Ocean".

God first created Mauritius and then created the Garden of Eden in the image of Mauritius. Along with the Maldives and the Seychelles, Mauritius is listed as one of the three pearls of the Indian Ocean and one of the purest places in the world today.

There are magical undersea waterfalls and colorful earth, deep oceans, beautiful coral reefs, brilliant sunshine, stretching sandy beaches, dense virgin forests, waiting for visitors to start a journey to explore the "original Garden of Eden".

With lightly armored diving equipment, you can explore the ocean floor, with colorful fish skimming by, colorful corals swaying from time to time, and, if you're lucky, seeing shipwrecks sleeping on the ocean floor since the 17th century.

When you mention Mauritius, the first thing that comes to mind is its paradise-level beauty, but what everyone doesn't know is that Mauritius and China still have a certain origin.

5 top islands! The Maldives has the highest divorce rate, with the Paracel Islands only open to Chinese citizens

This relationship comes from a Chinese, Zhu Meilin. In the wake of the South China Wave at the end of the Qing Dynasty, Zhu Meilin's father came to Mauritius, and with talent, the small business was well done.

The son inherited his father's business, Zhu Meilin also founded a company when he grew up, and the business has been very good. During World War II, when Mao Qiu suffered a famine, Zhu Meilin generously donated materials and money to help the people of Mao Qiu survive the difficulties. In 1947, Mauritius had a national awakening consciousness of resistance to British colonial rule, and Zhu Meilin actively participated in the independence struggle of Mauritius as a Chinese legislator and contributed to Mao's quest for independence.

The post-independence Mauritian economy is monolithic and many face unemployment. Zhu Meilin also used social relations to introduce investment and found labor-intensive enterprises such as textiles to help Mao Seek to develop the economy. In 1991, Zhu Meilin died. In his honor, in 1999, Mauritius issued a "special" Rs 25 banknote with the head of Chu Meilin printed on it. This was the first time that foreign countries had printed Chinese on their own country's banknotes, and Zhu Meilin became the first Chinese to receive this honor.

Mauritius' friendship with China is also reflected in the following aspects.

They affectionately call China "Chinese Dad", and when they meet you on the road, they will take the initiative to greet you, and some can also say "Hello", "Wishing you prosperity" and other Chinese. Throughout the country, Chinese elements can be seen everywhere, Chinese restaurants abound, and if you come to maoqiu during the Dragon Boat Festival, you can also see dragon boat racing and lion dance performances.

At the same time, Mauritius is also the first country in the world to open a Chinese cultural center, and as early as 1985, it established a cultural institution to teach Chinese and Chinese culture.

Moreover, the proportion of Chinese in Mauritius is less than 2%, but the traditional Chinese festival Spring Festival is set as a statutory holiday, and there is at least one Chinese minister in each government, which is Mauritius, which unconditionally supports China. Since 2013, Mauritius has been visa-free for China, and according to statistics, 80,000 Chinese tourists travel to Maoqiu Island every year.

NO.4 Saipan

5 top islands! The Maldives has the highest divorce rate, with the Paracel Islands only open to Chinese citizens

Saipan, located in Southeast Asia, but belongs to the United States territory, one-fifth of the island's residents are Chinese, 4 hours of visa-free direct flights, duty-free shopping, viewing the ruins of World War II, and diving into the Blue Cave of Belize to explore the underwater world.

The pristine landscape and natural beauty of Saipan Island will make you linger. White sandy beaches, glorious sunshine and colourful coral reefs make Saipan a paradise for sun lovers and water sports enthusiasts.

It's a cosy island of sunshine, and almost all the buildings lining the streets are miniature, like the reflection of a fairy tale kingdom in reality. Because the water is very deep, there will be different colors for seeing the sea on the island. If you stand on the highest peak of the island, the summit of Tha Po Chao Mountain, overlooking the whole island, there are many undulating coral reefs around the island, and under the refraction of the sun, the sea water is different colors such as light green, turquoise, dark blue, and ink blue.

NO.5 Paracel Islands

5 top islands! The Maldives has the highest divorce rate, with the Paracel Islands only open to Chinese citizens

Thousands of islands are not as good as the Paracel Islands. The Paracel Islands are only open to Chinese citizens, half water, half fish, snorkel in the glass sea to see the "Seabed Story", or go to deep sea No. 1 fishing, feel the most beautiful blue frontier of the motherland.

One of the four major archipelagos in the South China Sea, the Paracel Islands are located in Sansha, the largest archipelago in the South China Sea by land area, and are divided into Yongle Islands and Xuande Islands. It includes 22 named islands, 7 sandbars, 8 atolls, 1 platform reef, 1 reef beach, and many unnamed sandbars and reefs, with a total of nearly 50 islands, sandbars, and reefs.

In the 2005 China National Geographic China Most Beautiful Islands selection, the Paracel Islands ranked first. Located in the tropics, the water temperature is generally higher and more uniform, and the surface temperature changes generally between 29.4 and 30.5 °C, so it is suitable for all year round.

Many of the Paracel Islands are coral reefs, there is no mud on the seabed, only coral debris or sand particles, and the amount of sand hanging in the sea is extremely low, so the sea is extremely clear. The transparency of seawater is between 15 and 30 meters, of which the maximum transparency around Treasure Island is 34 meters, and the extreme value of Sea transparency in China (47 meters) is also here, surpassing the Maldives.

Moreover, there is no river in the whole city of Sansha, so the sea water will not be affected by the river, and the overwhelming Tiffany blue wraps you, without any filters.

5 top islands! The Maldives has the highest divorce rate, with the Paracel Islands only open to Chinese citizens

In addition, according to statistics, the Sansha seabed is rich in minerals, and the reserves of "combustible ice" are about 19.4 billion cubic meters; The reserve capacity of oil and gas resources is more than 70 billion tons, of which the oil reserve capacity is 29.2 billion tons, and the natural gas storage potential is 58 trillion cubic meters... The amount of deuterium nuclear energy in the Xisha Sea alone is equivalent to the 750 billion years of power generation of a 250,000-kilowatt power station.

There are more than 100,000 birds, about 2,000 species of fish, and precious aquatic products such as pearl shells, conchs and sea cucumbers, with a potential catch of nearly 2 million tons. As a social animal that can only be in the office 996, the corners of his mouth are left with indisputable tears.

Finally, I would like to say that the Paracel Islands are China's inherent territory, there is no dispute, and China's territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests in the South China Sea cannot be infringed.

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