
In 2019, the chinese rich second generation was kidnapped in Canada to show off his wealth, and the investigation found that his father was a Taoist monk


There is an old saying in China that people are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong, which is not bad at all, just in 2019, a rich second generation in China named Lu Wanzhen was arrested by kidnappers.

After the kidnapping case was exposed, it caused criticism from everyone, and the surveillance provided by the police showed that this rich second generation was tied up in the garage downstairs of his home, and when he was kidnapped, he not only did not panic, but also walked to the kidnappers with a smile on his face.

After he was kidnapped, the kidnappers did not ask his family for any ransom, but simply threw him off the highway.

Therefore, although Lu Wanzhen was finally found, the criticism surrounding him was far from over, and his rich father Lu Wenrong was also exposed by the media.

Who is Lu Wenrong? What about these mysterious and strange things that happened to this rich second generation?

In 2019, the chinese rich second generation was kidnapped in Canada to show off his wealth, and the investigation found that his father was a Taoist monk

Lu Wenrong

Kidnapped Rich Second Generation

On March 23, 2019, Lu Wanzhen, the second generation of the rich, was kidnapped in the garage of an apartment in Canada.

Surveillance shows that Lu Wanzhen did not flee immediately after seeing the kidnappers, but walked up to him, and the four kidnappers around him did not treat him kindly, and directly took out the stun guns that had been prepared long ago and attacked him. Lu Wanzhen fell to the ground in an instant, and several kidnappers took him out of the underground garage.

So why did these kidnappers set their sights on Lu Wanzhen?

This can be seen from what he was wearing that day, when he was kidnapped, Lu Wanzhen was wearing a Gucci jacket worth 1500 Canadian dollars, and a pair of Givenchy small white shoes worth 648 Canadian dollars.

It is no exaggeration to say that the price of his clothes is definitely more than 10,000 yuan, and this does not include the Land Rover he drove when he was kidnapped.

In 2019, the chinese rich second generation was kidnapped in Canada to show off his wealth, and the investigation found that his father was a Taoist monk

Lu Wanzhen

After the kidnapping, it quickly attracted the attention of the Canadian media, and the police also released some information about Lu Wanzhen through the media.

Just when everyone was looking for this kidnapped rich second generation, some information about him was exposed, and it was reported that Lu Wanzhen was the son of Lu Wenrong, vice president of the Chinese Taoist Association and president of the Hainan Taoist Association.

He was sent to Canada by his father to study many years ago, although Lu Wenrong's identity is so powerful, but when he was studying abroad, Lu Wanzhen did not tell his father's true identity and information to his classmates, he just boasted to his classmates around him that his family was opening a company to do business.

Lu Wanzhen's classmates all said that Lu Wanzhen was a person who especially liked to show off his wealth, and Lu Wanzhen said that his family bought a complete set of apartments of almost 20 floors in the best area of Shanghai, and his father bought a very famous sacred mountain in Hainan, which brought wealth to the Lu family that ordinary people could not imagine at all.

In 2019, the chinese rich second generation was kidnapped in Canada to show off his wealth, and the investigation found that his father was a Taoist monk

Lu Wenrong

In fact, as early as when he was studying in China, Lu Wanzhen was already very high-profile, and after going to Canada, he did not change his habit of showing off his wealth, and his friends did not act unexpectedly when they learned that he was kidnapped.

They said that Lu Wanzhen was an extremely flamboyant person, and in school, he also said to everyone how rich his family was, and he wore luxury brands such as LV and Gucci on weekdays.

Of course, people like Lu Wanzhen who love to show off their wealth must not only love so much in front of their friends, even on the Internet, he has not converged, open his Facebook and circle of friends, we will find that it is all photos of luxury cars and brand-name jewelry and clothes.

When investigating Lu Wanzhen's interpersonal relations, the police also found that the rich second generation's wind evaluation was not very good, not only did he often show people in the image of a playboy, but he also boasted to the people around him that there was no girl he could not chase.

After understanding Lu Wanzhen's personality and interpersonal relationships, we can see that the reason why the kidnappers will target this rich second generation is definitely to make money.

In 2019, the chinese rich second generation was kidnapped in Canada to show off his wealth, and the investigation found that his father was a Taoist monk

Lu Wanzhen

So how did these kidnappers carry out the kidnapping? The police revealed that Lu Wanzhen was tied up in the garage under his apartment.

The year Lu Wanzhen came to Canada, he directly paid off 580,000 Canadian dollars in one lump sum and bought a high-end apartment building in Canada.

While investigating his property, police also identified four millionaire cars under his name: Ferrari, Lamborghini, Land Rover and Rolls-Royce.

The abduction and disappearance of such a generous Chinese student in Canada is a major event for China and Canada, and the police have not had time to investigate what Lu Wanzhen's family background is, so they quickly issued a reward notice in the media.

However, no matter how the police searched, they did not find any trace of the rich second generation. It wasn't until the evening of March 26, 2019, that a Canadian resident discovered his presence.

In 2019, the chinese rich second generation was kidnapped in Canada to show off his wealth, and the investigation found that his father was a Taoist monk

Canadian Police

The truth is out to the world

That night, the resident was watching TV in his room when he suddenly heard the dogs in the yard barking wildly, he did not know what had happened, he thought that there was a thief in the courtyard, he hurried out of the door to check the situation outside.

After opening the door, he was startled, and in front of his courtyard lay an Asian man, and this person was Lu Wanzhen, who had been kidnapped.

When the Canadian resident saw Lu Wanzhen, his hand was tied by the wire, and the Canadian resident did not dare to delay, quickly untied the wire on his hand, and handed him over to the relevant departments.

After finding Lu Wanzhen, the police's hanging heart finally fell, so where did Lu Wanzhen go during the three days of being tied up? Why did he show up 200 kilometers from his apartment?

In 2019, the chinese rich second generation was kidnapped in Canada to show off his wealth, and the investigation found that his father was a Taoist monk

Lu Wanzhen

After giving Lu Wanzhen a simple treatment, the police arrived at the scene and asked him what happened these days, Lu Wanzhen said, in fact, for the experience of these days, he is also very ignorant.

He said that day, he walked out of the house as usual, and in the distance he saw several people in front of him, standing with something similar to a weapon.

He didn't know what was going on, he thought it was a movie, so he went straight up to him, but he didn't expect to be coronaed at once, and when he woke up, several kidnappers tied him up with wire and glued tape to his mouth.

In 2019, the chinese rich second generation was kidnapped in Canada to show off his wealth, and the investigation found that his father was a Taoist monk


He didn't know how he was spending these days, and he said the kidnappers wouldn't even let him defecate.

Just a few days after being kidnapped, the kidnappers suddenly took him out and threw him straight off a highway, and the temperature in Canada in March was still very low, and a thick layer of snow fell on both sides of the highway, which became his natural protective barrier, and he was not too badly injured except for a few blows by the branches.

So why did these kidnappers release Lu Wanzhen after kidnapping him, the police quickly launched an investigation, in the process of investigation, a migrant from Somalia came to the police station to turn himself in.

He said that he was one of the participants in the matter, and because of an unexpected opportunity, he learned from other people that there was a very wealthy Chinese student nearby, and in order to make some money, they kidnapped Lu Wanzhen.

In 2019, the chinese rich second generation was kidnapped in Canada to show off his wealth, and the investigation found that his father was a Taoist monk

Lu Wanzhen and his girlfriend

Who knows, they just kidnapped Lu Wanzhen, and the media reported on this matter overwhelmingly.

Knowing that the police had been looking for them, they were also a little panicked, and in order not to set themselves on fire, they casually found a place to throw Lu Wanzhen down.

The kidnapper also said that after Lu Wanzhen was kidnapped, he had been begging them to let him go, saying that his father was very rich and that as long as he did not hurt him, he could negotiate how much money he wanted.

In 2019, the chinese rich second generation was kidnapped in Canada to show off his wealth, and the investigation found that his father was a Taoist monk


Although Lu Wanzhen was released by the kidnappers, this matter did not end, and the question that everyone was most concerned about was who was this Lu Wanzhen? Why is he so rich? Who is the father who runs the company?

The Canadian police also responded to the question, saying that Lu Wanzhen's father was the head of the Chinese agency responsible for building the temple.

After receiving the news, the Chinese reporter called the Hainan Ethnic and Religious Affairs Commission, confirming the father-son relationship between Lu Wenrong and Lu Wanzhen.

On May 19, 2019, Lu Wenrong gave an exclusive interview to an emergency call reporter, saying that he was very grateful to the Canadian police for everything they had done to find his son.

In 2019, the chinese rich second generation was kidnapped in Canada to show off his wealth, and the investigation found that his father was a Taoist monk

Lu Wenrong

The rich Taoist priest was astonished

After learning about the relevant situation from Lu Wanzhen, the police let the family take him away, looking at his son who had not been seen for many days, Lu Wenrong was also very distressed, and quickly asked his son, these days of kidnapping, did the kidnappers feed you any medicine or eat anything?

Lu Wanzhen said that after being kidnapped by the kidnappers, the kidnappers put handcuffs and foot cuffs on his hands and feet, restricting his movements, and he only ate one meal in the past three days, during which he could not even defecate, which was very uncomfortable.

Hearing what his son had suffered these days, Lu Wenrong was also very unhappy in his heart, and he said that his son's inner wounds were much more serious than his skin trauma.

Lu Wenrong is very busy at work, on weekdays, he does not have much time to accompany his son, and after his son went to Canada to study, the time for the two to meet is even less.

In 2019, the chinese rich second generation was kidnapped in Canada to show off his wealth, and the investigation found that his father was a Taoist monk


He said that his son had always been raised under the protection of his parents, and that it was a little difficult for a child living in the ivory tower to encounter such a terrible thing, but he would take his son out of the psychological trauma with him.

Lu Wenrong was originally an entrepreneur, and in December 1995, when he went to South Africa with a delegation of entrepreneurs, he quarreled with the restaurant because the people in the restaurant were slow to serve food.

Because his English was not good, so when arguing with the store, the two had no way to communicate, at this time, a black man who had studied in China came to him and said to him that the two dishes he ordered were not dishes at all, but two songs on the menu, at this time, he realized that he had wronged the store.

After the misunderstanding was resolved, Lu Wenrong talked with the international student, and in the process of exchange, he learned that the international student had obtained a doctorate in China.

In 2019, the chinese rich second generation was kidnapped in Canada to show off his wealth, and the investigation found that his father was a Taoist monk

Lu Wenrong

Finding that this international student loved Chinese culture so much, Lu Wenrong was very proud to chat with him, but when asked by the international students about the Tao Te Ching, LaoZi, Zhuangzi, Confucius, the Analects, and the South China Classic, Lu Wenrong could not answer, at that time, a strong feeling of self-shame filled Lu Wenrong's heart.

It was precisely because of this incident that Lu Wenrong began to pay attention to Chinese religion, and became aware of the existence of Laozi and Taoism, and in order to study Taoism, he also specially worshiped the Zhengyi Taoists as his teachers.

When he went to Hainan in 2002 to investigate commercial projects, he found that many people in the local area believed in Taoism, so Lu Wenrong, who smelled the business opportunities, invested a lot of money and developed a construction project in Hainan.

Under his struggle, the relevant departments approved the construction project he submitted, and on November 20, 2002, Lu Wenrong's company officially built the Jade Toad Palace in Ding'an County.

In 2019, the chinese rich second generation was kidnapped in Canada to show off his wealth, and the investigation found that his father was a Taoist monk

Lu Wenrong

It took him three and a half years to build the largest and most complete Taoist antique Song Dynasty architectural complex in the country.

Because the building has a very deep cultural significance and ornamental value, it was not long before the Jade Toad Palace was rated as a national 4A level scenic spot.

After the fire of the Jade Toad Palace, Lu Wenrong immediately seized the opportunity to develop many specialties and cultural and creative peripherals, so that the influence of the Jade Toad Palace expanded to all parts of the country.

According to data revealed by relevant departments, in 2015 alone, pilgrims and foreign tourists spent more than 500 million yuan on the Jade Toad Palace.

In 2019, the chinese rich second generation was kidnapped in Canada to show off his wealth, and the investigation found that his father was a Taoist monk

Jade Toad Palace

The name Lu Wenrong is not unfamiliar to the people of Hainan Province, because he has vigorously developed Taoism in the local area, so the tourism industry in Hainan Province has made a qualitative leap.

Just in July 2021, the homestay founded by Lu Wenrong's wife was also rated as an excellent homestay by the Ninth Rural Tourism Cultural Festival in Hainan Province, which shows that the Lu family's business empire is still in the rising period of development.

But how exactly did he make money for the complex he built? How much money did you make? He has not made a public announcement, in addition to the identity of the Dao Chief, Lu Wenrong has always been particularly keen on doing charity.

It is reported that he and his wife have donated more than 100 million yuan in charity, which shows that his sense of social responsibility is still very strong.

In 2019, the chinese rich second generation was kidnapped in Canada to show off his wealth, and the investigation found that his father was a Taoist monk

Lu Wenrong and his wife

In addition to the two identities of Taoist priest and philanthropist, Lu Wenrong is also a commercial predator, after contracting the Hainan Wenbi Peak Scenic Area, he also invested in the establishment of a number of companies, it is reported that his industry has summarized investment, interpretation, leisure vacation, health care products development and other fields.

Chinese pay attention to wealth is not exposed, unlike Lu Wanzhen, who shows off his wealth in a high profile, Lu Wenrong is a low-key person, and after the exposure of his son's kidnapping, he did not directly admit his wealth.

In an interview with the media, he said that the luxury cars his son posted on social networks were not bought, but rented by his son, and he said that the rent was cheap, only a few hundred Canadian dollars a month.

Regardless of whether Lu Wanzhen's car was rented or bought, his identity as a clumsy brother was solid.

In 2019, the chinese rich second generation was kidnapped in Canada to show off his wealth, and the investigation found that his father was a Taoist monk

Lu Wenrong

Lu Wenrong said that his son did not have any sense of self-protection and self-defense, and he walked straight to the kidnappers in a daze, which was indeed a problem of his own improper education.

He said he would definitely cultivate his son's safety awareness in the future and not let such incidents happen again.

Lu Wanzhen's encounter also gave everyone a wake-up call, when going out, we must keep an eye on it.

It is expected that in the future, Lu Wanzhen can get out of this haze, improve his self-defense awareness, and change the problem of showing off his wealth.


Kidnapped Chinese students' families: Daochang's father bought land in 1993, and his mother had 15 enterprises under his name. Shaanxi legal system network civilization information official account

Lu Wanzhen's father revealed the details of his son's abduction: he was electrocuted and only ate one meal for three days. Reporter: Chang Zhuojin Editor: Wang Zixuan

Emergency Call

Fu Er Dai Xuan Fu was kidnapped to bottom up the business territory behind his dao chief father. Time Weekly

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