
Why were gangs in Hong Kong once rampant? After Hong Kong's return to the motherland in 1997, where did the gangs go?

author:Cat's fishing ground

In 2002, Hong Kong's East Weekly broke the news that it published nude photos of Liu Jialing, saying that this was the truth of the "Liu Jialing kidnapping case" in 1990.

At that time, Liu Jialing was kidnapped for 3 hours, and when she reappeared in the public eye, she was in a trance and her mood was weak.

A stone stirred up thousands of waves, and many media dug deep into this old thing. Despite the rumors, the spearhead is directed at the "Hong Kong gangsters".

In 1990, Hong Kong was in turmoil under the British government of Hong Kong, and gangs such as New Ngee Ann and Yiqun acted as a threat and a victim.

Burning and looting, drug trafficking, and human smuggling are all "businesses" of gangsters.

Even the famous movie star Andy Lau has encountered difficult years of being threatened by gangsters.

After the return of Hong Kong in 1997, the hong Kong gangsters that used to run amok disappeared.

From the end of the Qing Dynasty to 1997, in the past two hundred years, Hong Kong gangsters have changed from weak to strong, and from prosperity to decline, so what is the history of Hong Kong gangsters? After the return of Hong Kong in 1997, where did the gangsters go?

Why were gangs in Hong Kong once rampant? After Hong Kong's return to the motherland in 1997, where did the gangs go?

I. The Chaotic Era: The Birth of Hong Kong Gangsters

The history of hong Kong gangsters can be talked about as early as 1760.

At that time, in the twenty-fifth year of the Qianlong Dynasty, through the Kangxi and Yongzheng dynasties, the "anti-Qing and restoration" of the whole country was huge.

The Guangdong region connects South Vietnam, which can be described as the emperor of Tiangao. The turbulent locals did not obey the qing dynasty. The Heaven and Earth Society, also known as the "Hongmen", was born as the earliest considerable gang organization.

And why can "Hongmen" grow from weak to strong and continue to develop? Of course, this is indispensable to the official background.

In the middle of the nineteenth century, the British guns blasted open the doors of the decaying Qing Dynasty. The empty treasury and weak army made the Qing Dynasty unable to govern the Guangdong region, and the Daoguang Emperor listened to the opinions of the ministers and set up a regimental training system in the local area, intending to "attack poison with poison" and eliminate the British by the hand of the Cantonese.

In this way, the "Hongmen" became a well-known official organization, coming to the front of the stage from behind the scenes and making waves in Guangdong.

Hongmen, who bore the official documents of the imperial court, began to charge a kind of protection fee called "Tuodi" for tea houses, brothels, theaters and other places.

First, these places rely on black and white to make a lot of money, and they will not care about the protection fee; Second, these places are often haunted by officials and gentry and political leaders, and they are really chaotic.

Why were gangs in Hong Kong once rampant? After Hong Kong's return to the motherland in 1997, where did the gangs go?


Therefore, Hongmen has become the local "ground snake" in Guangdong.

The Qing Dynasty probably never thought that the regimental training system, which was originally intended to balance the British, had become the last straw that overwhelmed itself -- the regimental training system cultivated a large number of anti-Qing zhishi, and the Qing Dynasty could be said to have lifted a stone and dropped it on its own feet.

Moreover, the Qing Dynasty's efforts were in vain – in 1842, the defeated Qing Dynasty signed the humiliating Treaty of Nanking with the British, ceding Hong Kong Island to the British.

At the time, Hong Kong Island was little more than a small fishing village with fewer than 200 people.

In the 1850s, the "anti-Qing" uprising broke out in Guangdong, led by the three Hongmen societies.

The huge Guangdong uprising encouraged more than 100,000 people, involving as many as 40 counties, and the rebel army eventually surrounded the city of Guangzhou and established the Dacheng State in Guiping, Guangxi.

In 1855, the leader of the rebel army, Chen Kai, the king of Zhennan, and the famous general Li Wenmao led more than 40,000 rebel troops, trekking thousands of miles and across Liangguang, and fiercely attacked the Qing army in Guangxi.

Why were gangs in Hong Kong once rampant? After Hong Kong's return to the motherland in 1997, where did the gangs go?

(Signing of the Treaty of Nanking)

"The trees are beautiful in the forest, and the wind will destroy them" - seeing that the Qing army did not fare well, began to encircle and suppress the Heaven and Earth Society on a large scale, the former huge forces disappeared in an instant, and the rich merchants who supported the rebels fled into Hong Kong.

After the defeat of the rebel rebellion, the Chinese on Hong Kong Island ushered in the darkest moment - the rebels who fled to the island, the drug lords who smuggled opium, and the unemployed homeless people who wandered on Hong Kong Island became refugees.

British colonial officials were not so troubled by the arrival of these refugees, and for the British, indoctrination was their specialty.

On the one hand, the British sent a large number of navies from the British mainland to garrison Hong Kong Island; On the other hand, areas are demarcated and Chinese are prohibited from entering.

Refugees on Hong Kong Island can only engage in trivial activities such as pulling carts and selling goods, not only starving, but also often being reprimanded by Indian police officers.

Despite this, they are forced to make a living locally.

With the development of Hong Kong Island and the boom in the opium trade, The Hong Kong terminals required a large amount of labor.

Why were gangs in Hong Kong once rampant? After Hong Kong's return to the motherland in 1997, where did the gangs go?

Strong Chinese youth often fight for a job, and when they fight, all parties will form different groups, some of them are allied by region, and some of them are related by their birthdays... The story of the Hong Kong gangsters was born from the time of the gang formation.

However, at this time, the Hong Kong gangsters are just small fights, and their real development and growth are inseparable from a key figure, who is Du Yuesheng.

Second, the past of the gang

In 1937, after the Battle of Songhu began, Shanghai became the "Verdun meat grinder" in the War of Resistance Against Japan, and hundreds of thousands of soldiers buried their bones on the banks of the Huangpu River.

On December 12 of the same year, Shanghai became a occupied area.

At this time, Du Yuesheng, a tycoon of the Shanghai Youth Gang, was still in the city. For the Japanese, Du Yuesheng, who stayed in Shanghai, was undoubtedly the best - he could trap Du Yuesheng and wipe out the Qing gang forces; It can also prevent it from escaping.

At this time, Lao Jiang was also urging Du Yuesheng to leave Shanghai as soon as possible so as not to fall into the hands of the Japanese. And if you are as shrewd as Du Yuesheng, will you not understand the stakes? Even if no one persuaded him, Du Yuesheng would definitely leave Shanghai City.

Why were gangs in Hong Kong once rampant? After Hong Kong's return to the motherland in 1997, where did the gangs go?

(Du Yuesheng)

On the evening of the 26th of the same month, Du Yuesheng came up with a wonderful plan of "golden cicada shelling" - that night, after dinner, he went out for a walk as usual, leisurely and leisurely, without the slightest nervousness.

This paralyzed the Japanese who were in charge of following Du Yuesheng, thinking that he was just a walk after dinner. However, when the Japanese returned to God, Du Yuesheng had long disappeared.

It turned out that the night before, Song Ziwen had secretly told Du Yuesheng that the tickets for the escape from Shanghai had been bought.

The destination of Du Yuesheng's escape is Hong Kong.

After arriving in Hong Kong, Du Yuesheng used the remaining eyeliner of the Green Gang in Shanghai to teach Hong Kong people a good lesson and tell them what a gangster is.

In the year that Du Yuesheng arrived in Hong Kong, the number of people on the island surged to more than 1.6 million, and the situation on Hong Kong Island became more and more chaotic.

Three years later, the Japanese captured Shenzhen and blockaded Hong Kong Island. Suddenly, Chaos arose in Hong Kong.

Why were gangs in Hong Kong once rampant? After Hong Kong's return to the motherland in 1997, where did the gangs go?

Many of the people in Du Yuesheng's gang were not extremely vicious people, and they were deeply saddened by the broken mountains and rivers, and they returned to the interior to join the ranks of the War of Resistance; Most of the people who remain in Hong Kong are scoundrels and extremely ruthless.

The "morality of the rivers and lakes" in the past has become "burning and looting" in the blink of an eye; Once "brothers and sisters, two ribs with knives", in the blink of an eye, it has become a "stab in the back", and even more to help Japan loot the people's cream and rob the women of good families, Hong Kong has become a purgatory on earth.

Not long after, a Cantonese named Qianqian came to Hong Kong, and he seemed to be extremely simple in simple clothes, like a foreigner who had been tricked into setting foot in Hong Kong.

However, his true identity is not only that of a KmT major general, but also of Dai Kasa, a powerful agent of the KMT.

The purpose of this trip is precisely to obtain intelligence.

However, following Dai Kasa in Shanghai,"To get the wind and the rain to rain", he soon fell into a dilemma - he was not familiar with the place when he first arrived, coupled with the top secret of the task, it can be described as isolated.

In order to complete the task, Forward decides to integrate into the local area and disguise his identity as an agent in the name of a gangster.

After a little planning, forward founded the Ngee An Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Hong Kong.

Why were gangs in Hong Kong once rampant? After Hong Kong's return to the motherland in 1997, where did the gangs go?

At first, Hong Kong was mixed with fish and dragons, and the forces in various places were intertwined, and it was difficult to exert their hands and feet forward. Impatiently, he directly used thunderous means to annihilate the forces adjacent to the Chamber of Commerce, and "those who followed, those who violated it were killed" was its only creed.

With the expansion of the power of the Ngee Ann Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the means of moving forward have become more and more fierce, and it has its own method of communicating with the hinterland, secretly transporting advanced equipment of the Kuomintang into Hong Kong, and even shelling the hostile forces that have come to provoke.

In this way, the unknown Ngee Ann Chamber of Commerce and Industry has transformed into a hot gangster gang in Hong Kong! Forward is also known as the "smiling tiger".

Just as the wind and rain were calling forward, the Hong Kong police force welcomed four young men who were "newborn calves are not afraid of tigers", and it was not long before their names were thunderous in the black and white lanes of Hong Kong.

These four people are "Inspector 500 million" Lu Le, the first "Inspector Hua" Zeng Qirong, known as "Fat Boy B" Han Sen and Lan Gang.

They are all embezzled and have bought a large number of properties in the area of Mong Kok and Hong Kong Island. Today, their descendants can live very well only on rent.

These four people, except for Zeng Qirong, the other three have become the "Four Great Inspectors of the Chinese", and Yan Xiong, who was not mentioned above, is the last of the four Inspectors of the Chinese.

Why were gangs in Hong Kong once rampant? After Hong Kong's return to the motherland in 1997, where did the gangs go?

At first, Yan Xiong originally followed Lü Le in doing things, and worked as a blessing in the area of Yau Ma Tei.

At that time, Yau Ma Tei was a famous "three disregard" area in Hong Kong, with casinos, brothels, smoke houses and other places. Here, in addition to the "home cooking" of violence and crime, the legendary story of blood is also staged.

The lame Hao in the movie "Chasing the Dragon" is the legendary figure who went out of the Yau Ma Tei - Wu Xihao, who made a living from drugs to shock Hong Kong, and Lu Le was equally divided into black and white, which can be described as a generation of tyrants.

At the same time that the four Chinese detectives were in the police circles, the four major gangs were also threatening the rivers and lakes.

Third, the past of the gang: rise and fall

In 1930, He Shenghe and the four major gangs of 14K, New Ngee Ann and Yiqun established Hong Kong.

In Hong Kong at that time, the police were in charge of the underworld, and the police were extremely corrupt, which provided an opportunity for gangsters to bribe the police.

Gangsters pay huge bribes, and the police are happy to recruit these ruthless and kingly gangsters.

As mentioned above, Lu Le, Han Sen, Zeng Qirong and others have relied on the huge bribes of the gangs to gain a firm foothold in Hong Kong.

Lu Le's name as "Inspector 500 million" is precisely because the total amount of housing and cash he received exceeded HK$500 million.

Corruption in the entire police community is rife, and even the most ordinary police officers have to squeeze some oil and water into the hands of the gang.

For gangsters, spending this money can be "small and big" - they not only firmly control underground places such as casinos and brothels, charge huge protection fees, and can also sell drugs.

"People's hearts are not enough to swallow elephants" - the gang is no longer satisfied with the status quo, smuggling a large amount of arms from overseas, and many Hong Kong celebrities have been threatened with kidnapping, and the famous case of Zhang Ziqiang's kidnapping of Li Ka-shing's eldest son occurred at this time. A ransom of up to 1 billion is a sensation in the world.

Why were gangs in Hong Kong once rampant? After Hong Kong's return to the motherland in 1997, where did the gangs go?

(Zhang Ziqiang)

However, many people choose Mingzhe to protect themselves: since there is no way to avoid it, it is better to take the initiative to show goodwill to the gangsters - in this way, the gangsters contribute, the businessmen pay money, the police communicate with the news, and all three do no evil, making the whole of Hong Kong fall into a dead state.

But everything "prospered and declined" – in 1971, The Governor of Hong Kong, MacLehose, took office. His appearance directly ended the black history of gangsters colluding with the police community.

MacLehose was an experienced colonial official, and both Malaysia and the British Foreign Office had his footprints.

At the beginning of his term of office, the Hong Kong police and gangsters did not care, thinking that he was just a corrupt official who came to Hong Kong to seek gold.

However, things are not as imagined.

A fleeing British official suddenly implicated Lü Le, Han Sen, and others.

The fleeing Englishman, named Gerber, had already made a lot of money and decided to resign and retire before MacLehose took office.

When MacLehose took office, he became suspicious of Gerber's retirement. It didn't take long for him to receive allegations that Gerber had taken bribes — his total salary was only HK$1 million, and his total assets were as high as more than HK$4 million.

However, Gerber had already fled to Hawaii for a vacation.

Why were gangs in Hong Kong once rampant? After Hong Kong's return to the motherland in 1997, where did the gangs go?

in MacLehose

An enraged MacLehose decided to thoroughly investigate the Hong Kong Police Station, and he found that more than 40 Chinese detective chiefs, including the four Major Chinese Detectives, were suspected of corruption and had all fled.

After the matter was exposed by the Hong Kong media, the people of Hong Kong, who had been complaining for a long time, broke out a "anti-corruption" march, demanding that everyone who fled be arrested and brought to justice.

Under pressure, the Independent Commission Against Corruption came into being in 1974.

In April of the same year, Gerber, who had already returned to China, was arrested and imprisoned and sentenced to four years, which slightly calmed the anger of Hong Kong people; But Han Sen and others are still on the run, they have never set foot in Hong Kong again, and the British government in Hong Kong has not been able to capture them.

It is worth mentioning that the big drug lord "Lame Hao" was once persuaded by Lu Le to leave Hong Kong, a turbulent place, but "Lame Hao" believes that "the chaotic world has created a tyrant" and will never give up Hong Kong.

At the end of 1974, as soon as the "lame hao" who had finished talking business from Taiwan landed in Hong Kong, he was arrested by the Independent Commission Against Corruption, and his entire gang was uprooted by the British government in Hong Kong, and the "lame hao" was imprisoned for 30 years.

Why were gangs in Hong Kong once rampant? After Hong Kong's return to the motherland in 1997, where did the gangs go?

(Independent Commission Against Corruption)

The gang that has lost its umbrella is extremely difficult, but as the saying goes, "the skinny camel is bigger than the horse", and the whole gang can still maintain the operation of the organization.

In order to launder black money, the underworld invested in the filming of a series of movies that swept the north and south of the river - "Ancient Puzzle Boy";

In April 1990, Liu Jialing was kidnapped by a gang and was greatly traumatized...

It can be seen that the Hong Kong gangsters are still "worms with hundreds of feet, dead but not stiff".

It was not until 1997, when Hong Kong was returned to the motherland and the mighty People's Liberation Army entered Hong Kong, that all the gangs in Hong Kong came to an end.

Fourth, the past of the gang: where to go

Gangs exist because of the benefits.

After the withdrawal of the British government in Hong Kong, the Chinese government put the people first, built Hong Kong, and took it from the people for the people, and the Hong Kong gangsters gradually lost the market.

In that difficult transition road, some gangsters invested in movies and became tycoons in the film industry;

However, Hong Kong movies at that time were extremely bloody.

Why were gangs in Hong Kong once rampant? After Hong Kong's return to the motherland in 1997, where did the gangs go?

In the gangster film "O Chronicle Triad Archives", Ah Le was arrested for offending a gangster, Ah Hao took another gangster in kowloon city wall, Fei Bao, to save Ah Le, the two sides were negotiating, one of Fei Bao's subordinates suddenly raised an axe and directly cut off the head of the gang boss, and the gushing blood was all over Ah Le's face lying on the ground, frightening him and shivering.

I don't know if this scene was deliberate.

Some people go to the sea to do business, from time to time to hang on to the righteousness of the homeland, and occasionally starred in a gangster movie;

Chen Huimin, who has been running amok in the gang for fifty years, once said bluntly: "Hong Kong gangs, that is also patriotic!" ”

However, some gangster bosses who have no business acumen have used their former influence to slowly infiltrate the political arena of Singapore and other places, just like the movie "Infernal Affairs".

Through enterprises, they have paid huge bribes to local officials in Singapore, and some gang bosses who have been famous in Hong Kong for a long time have even transformed themselves into well-known chairmen or general managers in Singapore.

They frequently attend various government meetings, use their assets to pressure the authorities, and even manipulate local grassroots elections in Singapore.

Why were gangs in Hong Kong once rampant? After Hong Kong's return to the motherland in 1997, where did the gangs go?

According to local Media in Singapore, 13% of Singaporean MPs have accepted political donations from Hong Kong gangsters.

Local media reported that the culprit behind the whole incident was a Certain Hong Kong gangster known as the "Black Gold Chief Executive", who not only smuggled into Hong Kong at the age of 12, but also immediately joined the local gang and started a drug business.

In addition to running errands and delivering goods, the big guy accumulated a lot of contacts, and eventually set up his own portal and sold drugs.

After the return of Hong Kong, he hurriedly cleared his ties with the Golden Triangle, fled to Singapore, embarked on the road of whitewashing, and used the money from drug trafficking to enter the real estate and clothing industries.

He even became bigger and stronger, becoming a local media tycoon, colluding with local officials, and once again embarking on the road of gangster drug trafficking.

However, whether it is to enter the film industry, or to go to the sea to do business, or to "return to the old business", this is only the "treatment" that only a few gangsters can have.

After some gangsters returned to Chinese mainland, they found a job and barely made a living, and they did not say anything about the past.

Brother Long, who once ran amok in New Ngee An, now lives in an abandoned bungalow and sells a box lunch for 3 yuan a piece on the streets of Shenzhen, Guangdong Province.

Why were gangs in Hong Kong once rampant? After Hong Kong's return to the motherland in 1997, where did the gangs go?

Brother Long is a round and chubby figure, with a large head on his thick neck and the folds on the back of his head are very obvious.

Although it is located in the south, the winter in Shenzhen is also quite cold, but this person is wearing only a flower shirt, and the lifted top reveals a back full of knife scars.

After leaving New Ngee Ann, he had no life experience at all, and he didn't know how to make money, so he had to start selling box lunches.

And those little minions who have no capital are either idle, mixed eating and so on; Or go and be a coolie, from arrogance to fall into a "miserable" situation that is snubbed.

"Thirty years of Hedong, thirty years of Hexi" - under the governance of the Chinese government, Hong Kong is thriving, the "barbaric era" of relying on fists to speak has ended, relying on wisdom is the only way for Hong Kong to develop its economy.


To a large extent, the unrest of the Hong Kong gangsters is closely related to the inaction of the British government in Hong Kong. Many gangster films also have a lot of ridicule about this.

In the movie "Banished", Ah He is shot and killed by the gangster Dafei, leaving the four brothers Ah Huo, Ah Bo, Ah Tai and Ah Cat, who drive Ah He's body on the road without knowing where to go.

Why were gangs in Hong Kong once rampant? After Hong Kong's return to the motherland in 1997, where did the gangs go?

At this time, Ah He's body suddenly sat up and said "go home", so they transported Ah He's body back to Ah He's wife.

After delivering the body, the four people drove on the road and encountered a Y intersection, not knowing which one to choose, Ah Tai said "casually", Ah Huo proposed tossing a coin to decide, so they tossed the coin and continued on the road.

Unconsciously, the car drove to Guanyin Mountain, encountered an escort convoy carrying a gold bar, the four people did not know whether to rob the batch of gold bars, so Ah Huo once again proposed to toss a coin to decide, the result showed that they should not rob, but they were not willing, and began to discuss the weight of a gold bar one by one.

In short, the setting of the above plot reflects the pain, confusion and entanglement of the characters' hearts, which is inseparable from the inaction of the British government in Hong Kong at that time!

Why were gangs in Hong Kong once rampant? After Hong Kong's return to the motherland in 1997, where did the gangs go?

The British government of Hong Kong created a "chaotic world" hong Kong, making everyone endanger themselves; China, on the other hand, is to return the Hong Kong people to a "peaceful" Hong Kong, so that everyone can live and work in peace and contentment.

In the meantime, it is cold and warm, and people's hearts know themselves!


He Siying, He Huiling, editors-in-chief. Sword And Lake: Xu Ke and Hong Kong Film[M] Hong Kong Film Archive, 2002.

Masaya Sasaki (Japanese), Secret Association at the end of the Qing Dynasty (Information Section)[M], Tokyo Press, 1967

Also. Ten Theories of Hong Kong Culture[M].Zhejiang University Press,2012.]

LIU Manrong. Hong Kong-British Political System and Social Change in Hong Kong[M].Guangdong People's Publishing House, 2009.

Huang Sande: History of the Hongmen Revolution, Romania, USA, 1936.

Ouyang Enliang and Chao Longqi: China's Secret Society, Volume V, The Qing Dynasty Party, Fujian People's Publishing House, 2002.

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