
South Korea is determined to decouple from China? Yin Xiyue was anxious to "lick the beauty" and was beaten in the face

author:Commentator Dupin

Choi Sang-mook, chief economic secretary of the South Korean Presidential Office, recently made a grand statement in Europe, saying that the South Korean economy will no longer rely on China from now on, and today I will talk to you about my feelings.

South Korea is now the new president named Yoon Seok-yue, everyone knows that more than a month in office gives people the feeling, indeed as everyone said in the past, very pro-West pro-United States, with the Biden administration is very hot, this time invited to Madrid, Spain to participate in the NATO summit, probably also flattered!

The NATO summit actually has nothing to do with the economy, but Yin Xiyue also brought the chief secretary of the economy and asked him to hold a press conference, which I felt was very wrong. The problem is that this economic secretary gives people the feeling that he seems to be very layman, and his first appearance in an international forum is foreign, and he is shocked by the four people, and in order to please the European countries, he has offended China.

South Korea is determined to decouple from China? Yin Xiyue was anxious to "lick the beauty" and was beaten in the face

Of course, this is Choi Sang-moo's own problem, but also because of the president's problem, because the whole team seems to be a novice, and they are very laymen in international politics and international economic affairs.

Presumably because it was the first time he met so many Western leaders, Secretary Choi's performance was too excited and his bones were soft, he said at the press conference, saying that China's economy is decelerating, it is adjusting its economic strategy to focus on domestic demand, and South Korea has enjoyed a booming bilateral trade in the past 20 years, but this era is now over.

South Korea needs to find alternative markets, diversify its trading partners, and urgently need to enhance economic security, but what about Europe? is a new partner that meets all these conditions. This is Secretary Cui's original words.

The most critical meanings are twofold:

One is that South Korea is no longer dependent on trade with China, and the other is that European trading partners can completely replace China. I saw secretary Cui's speech of course not happy ah, South Korea no longer do business with China, then it does not matter if he goes, but it can not get cheap and sell well. There is no positive evaluation of so many benefits brought to South Korea by Sino-South Korean trade, but instead it is self-assertive to announce that the era of dependence on the Chinese market is over, and Europe will be used to trample China.

Secretary Cui is a ministerial figure, and he has also been a sub-official of the Economic Planning Department before, so he should have seen some of the world. I think it shouldn't be such flattery in front of Europeans! Could it be that President Yoon Seok-yue has decided to follow Japan?

Did you leave Asia and enter Europe?

Moreover, as the economic adviser of the Presidential Office, Secretary Choi has a general trend of economic development in South Korea and the whole world.

It seems to be very diaphragm, relatively strange, simply a layman. President Yoon Seok-yue was originally a layman in the economy, and now looking for such a person to be an economic adviser, I think this South Korea should be more anxious, and I am also worried about the future economy of South Korea.

What is the actual situation of Sino-Rok trade, and does Secretary Cui have no idea at all? Just yesterday, July 1, the Central Bank of Korea released a reading report, pointing out that South Korea's economic dependence on China has not only not weakened, but has also increased.

South Korea is determined to decouple from China? Yin Xiyue was anxious to "lick the beauty" and was beaten in the face

In terms of raw materials, semiconductor equipment, machinery and equipment, transportation equipment and electronic equipment, South Korea has to import a large amount from China. And the report also says That China is one of the few trading partners South Korea relies on because of disruptions in global supply chains.

Secretary Cui undoubtedly has many access to this information in his position as economic adviser, and even if he had not seen the report, he would not have been ignorant of these circumstances. So much so that unilateral announcements on international occasions that south Korea's era of dependence on China is over.

South Korea is determined to decouple from China? Yin Xiyue was anxious to "lick the beauty" and was beaten in the face

Is this deliberately addressed to Europeans or to Americans, to convince the West that South Korea will stay away from China? Want to decouple from China? This incident once again tells us something, that is, being in a high position is not necessarily smarter than us ordinary people, no matter how high the status is and how deep the learning is, the common sense of looking at the problem cannot be without.

The interdependence of The economy and trade between China and south Korea, and the continued interdependence, is a common-sense issue that ordinary people know, and does not he know about the current economic situation in Europe? Unbeknownst to you?

As an economic adviser to the presidential office, it is a big problem to refer to deer as horses, which is a low-level joke at the level of president!

South Korea is determined to decouple from China? Yin Xiyue was anxious to "lick the beauty" and was beaten in the face

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