
Why is it that as soon as it reaches 5 p.m., the Forbidden City is cleared on time? The lessons of 1959 are still hard to forget

author:Knife white eyebrows

When it comes to the treasures of this world, people can't help but think of the historical artifacts displayed in the museum. Each dynasty has its own way of making things, from houses to clothes, all with different dynastic characteristics.

And these historical artifacts, because of their age, are often carefully placed and kept in their own place.

Why is it that as soon as it reaches 5 p.m., the Forbidden City is cleared on time? The lessons of 1959 are still hard to forget

In the capital, Beijing, there is a huge group of dynastic buildings, which is not only a historical site full of magical colors, but also a collection of precious historical relics, which is a place of feng shui treasures that wander in the arms of the country.

This huge complex of buildings, which is famous all over the world, is the place where we know the life of the royal family - the Forbidden City.

After the complete demise of the feudal dynasty, the Forbidden City became a vacant place.

Throughout the ages, the historical significance of the Forbidden City is worth examining. After several restorations, the Forbidden City was officially opened to the public, and people can visit here and feel the place where the royal family and nobles once lived.

Why is it that as soon as it reaches 5 p.m., the Forbidden City is cleared on time? The lessons of 1959 are still hard to forget

But people who have been to the Forbidden City know that all visitors who come here must abide by a written rule, that is, everyone must leave the venue before 5 p.m. and can no longer stay inside the Forbidden City.

This written provision is actually traceable, and in the final analysis, it is because in 1959, there was a "theft of the Forbidden City" that shocked the whole country.

After the theft, the management of the Forbidden City became more guarded, and not a single loophole was allowed.

Cradle of historical artifacts

The Forbidden City, a complex of buildings standing in the capital Beijing, its establishment not only witnessed the rise and fall of the two dynasties, but also told the historical changes of different dynasties, and was an important object of examination for the progress of human civilization.

Why is it that as soon as it reaches 5 p.m., the Forbidden City is cleared on time? The lessons of 1959 are still hard to forget

During the Ming Dynasty, the Construction of the Forbidden City began, and after several improvements, a building complex covering an area of 150,000 square meters was finally built. There are many palaces inside the Forbidden City, all of which belong to the emperor and the clan, making its living environment wide and comfortable.

Both the Ming and Qing dynasties flourished and collapsed in the Forbidden City, so more than 20 emperors were born here, and many royal nobles were born throughout their lives.

Such a huge building is a testimony to China's Ming and Qing dynasties and is a priceless treasure.

It is precisely because of the foundation of the changes of the two dynasties of the Ming and Qing dynasties that the Forbidden City silently contains the history of human civilization from generation to generation.

According to statistics, the collection of cultural relics in the Forbidden City has reached 1.8 million pieces, which is a veritable cradle for the feeding of historical cultural relics.

As one of the five major museums, the Forbidden City has a large and profound collection of Chinese historical products.

Among the many collections, including the Yonggu Cup of the Qianlong Emperor, the QingyuYun Dragon Pattern Furnace of the King of Jade, the Elephant Ear Furnace of the Enamel Treasure, and the Treasure of Calligraphy and Painting "Qingming On the River Map", etc., all of which are rare treasures that cannot be reproduced.

Why is it that as soon as it reaches 5 p.m., the Forbidden City is cleared on time? The lessons of 1959 are still hard to forget

Such a cradle of historical relics not only exists in the hearts of the Chinese people, but also needs to be protected by strict security.

The national shock of the Forbidden City theft

Since 1925, the Forbidden City has been open for visits. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, people's lives were slowly stable and happy, so there were people who had leisure to visit the Forbidden City.

On August 16, 1959, on an early morning when the sky was normally bright, Tian Yihe, a night watchman of the Forbidden City, began a day of inspection of the Ring Palace, but when he walked to the Yangxin Hall of the Forbidden City, he was surprised to find that a pile of glass ballast had fallen inside.

What frightened Tian Yihe even more was that in front of the reflection of his pupils, the historical relics that should have been protected in the glass cover disappeared. This is a big deal, the historical relics in the Forbidden City have disappeared overnight.

The loss of cultural relics is not a trivial matter, and any historical relics in the Forbidden City are worth a lot.

Why is it that as soon as it reaches 5 p.m., the Forbidden City is cleared on time? The lessons of 1959 are still hard to forget

Whichever one is lost is a very serious mistake. Tian Yihe quickly reported to the police, and soon after, the police and cultural relics experts quickly arrived at the scene.

According to the statistics of cultural relics experts, the theft of the Forbidden City is not necessarily worth about 1.5 billion yuan in historical relics.

This astronomical estimate of value made the pressure of the police to solve the case increase sharply, and the theft of the Forbidden City soon spread throughout the city of Beijing.

In order to solve the case, the police tried their best, and at first felt that the Forbidden City was heavily guarded, and it was very likely that the theft would be done by insiders. However, after some analysis and exclusion, the conjecture of "insider crimes" was rejected.

In the case of limited detection conditions, the police cannot let go of any clue.

Why is it that as soon as it reaches 5 p.m., the Forbidden City is cleared on time? The lessons of 1959 are still hard to forget

Just at this moment, a security guard at the Forbidden City remembered that on the night of August 15, he seemed to have seen a black figure passing by, and the police once again determined the direction of the investigation.

In order to catch the suspects, the police have laid a wide net all over the country, not letting go of any opportunity to investigate the suspects.

Eventually, on a train bound for Xinjiang, the conductor found two panicked young men, and after the police rushed to question them harshly, the suspect Wu Qinghui confessed to the crime of stealing cultural relics from the Forbidden City.

After questioning, Wu Qinghui admitted that he entered the Forbidden City on August 15, and took advantage of the fact that no one was secretly hiding in the toilet, and when night fell and the crowd dispersed, he sneaked out to commit the theft.

At this point, the theft of the Forbidden City, which was alarmed for a while, was officially solved.

Why is it that as soon as it reaches 5 p.m., the Forbidden City is cleared on time? The lessons of 1959 are still hard to forget

But at the same time, this incident also sounded a wake-up call for the administrators of the Forbidden City: for a museum with many treasures such as the Forbidden City, only by strengthening defense can we ensure the safety of cultural relics to the greatest extent.

Administrative updates of the Forbidden City

After the theft in 1959, the responsible team of the Forbidden City re-explored and strove to find a more suitable management method for the Forbidden City, and to protect all historical relics 100% while opening up to the people of the whole country.

After carefully analyzing the transcript of the theft case, the responsible team listed the existing management loopholes in the Forbidden City one by one according to the criminals' methods, with a total of 7 articles. Each one is likely to be the cause of the next accident.

Why is it that as soon as it reaches 5 p.m., the Forbidden City is cleared on time? The lessons of 1959 are still hard to forget

Among these loopholes, one of them is the perfection of the Clearance of the Forbidden City at the end of the one-day visit and the time problem.

The reason why Wu Qinghui had the opportunity to secretly hide in the toilet was because when the Forbidden City was closed and cleared, the responsible personnel did not do it carefully and carefully, and could not completely check every place and everyone, so that he could take advantage of it and carry out theft.

After learning of this loophole, the forbidden city responsible group quickly adjusted and improved the system.

In terms of the requirements for the clearance time of the Forbidden City, it is set at 17:00 every afternoon. At this time, it was not completely dark yet, and the patrol team had enough time to double-check to make sure all the tourists left the scene.

This provision was formulated behind and has been used ever since.

Why is it that as soon as it reaches 5 p.m., the Forbidden City is cleared on time? The lessons of 1959 are still hard to forget

In order to ensure the strict management of the Forbidden City to the greatest extent, completely put an end to the phenomenon of foreigners waiting for an opportunity to stay in the Forbidden City, and put an end to the illegal people's non-division of thoughts about the cultural relics of the Forbidden City.

It is precisely because of the occurrence of the theft that the Chinese people understand more that every cultural relic in the Forbidden City is a valuable historical imprint, and even if you spend more money, you can't reproduce history and get exactly the same cultural relics.


After Wu Qinghui stole the gold book, he only knew that it was gold and something valuable, so he cut all the gold books into pieces for convenience.

For selfish and greedy people, historical artifacts are just a tool for exchanging money.

Why is it that as soon as it reaches 5 p.m., the Forbidden City is cleared on time? The lessons of 1959 are still hard to forget

And historians, when they see these broken golden books, all feel pity and heartache.

This is no longer a question of whether to convict a felony or not, wu Qinghui has caused the 5,000-year-old China to lose treasures, which is unforgivable.

After all, this is not a piece of broken gold that can be found in a gold shop, the meaning of this priceless treasure, how can Wu Qinghui's reckless people understand?

And as descendants, we can no longer reproduce history through any means and find another golden book, how can we not feel sad in our hearts?