
7 kinds of "industrious flowers", the amount of flowers is extremely large, and the flowering in 365 days is also "tired and not dead"

author:Balcony garden vegetable garden

When a flower blooms, there is a flower, and each plant has its own flowering period. But many people raise flowers at home, always fantasizing about letting the family plants bloom all year round, can this be done? In fact, it is also possible. Some plants can bloom in all seasons, but they must be carefully cared for according to their habits.

7 kinds of "industrious flowers", the amount of flowers is extremely large, and the flowering in 365 days is also "tired and not dead"

For these industrious flowers that love to blossom, as long as they can raise the right varieties, it is very simple to flower every day. Today to recommend to you several 365 days of full flowering plants, is simply a fighter in the flower, like to hurry up and look for it.

7 kinds of "industrious flowers", the amount of flowers is extremely large, and the flowering in 365 days is also "tired and not dead"

First, the four seasons of begonias can bloom every day

7 kinds of "industrious flowers", the amount of flowers is extremely large, and the flowering in 365 days is also "tired and not dead"

Does the begonia of the four seasons think that it is a particularly long-flowering plant? Although the plant type of begonia is not large, it is leafy and blossoming, and it can bloom all year round at home. The flowers are not large, but the flowers are relatively large, the flowers are beautiful and elegant, dotted with yellow hearts in the middle, and the leaves are thick. The surface has a furry feel and is very nice and cute. Casually put it at home, giving people a fresh and elegant feeling.

7 kinds of "industrious flowers", the amount of flowers is extremely large, and the flowering in 365 days is also "tired and not dead"

Begonias have a long flowering period and can be placed in a semi-shaded place during maintenance. Its stems and leaves have some water tender feeling, so there is no need to water too much water, the potting soil is half dried and watered thoroughly, and it will be better to put it in a damper place. Begonia plants are relatively easy to raise, but their root systems are not too developed.

7 kinds of "industrious flowers", the amount of flowers is extremely large, and the flowering in 365 days is also "tired and not dead"

It is only required that the soil is loose and breathable to be very good, and it must be placed in a warm place in the winter to pass the winter smoothly. As long as it remains above 15 degrees in winter, it can continue to bloom throughout the year.

7 kinds of "industrious flowers", the amount of flowers is extremely large, and the flowering in 365 days is also "tired and not dead"

Second, the big rock tree can bloom every day

7 kinds of "industrious flowers", the amount of flowers is extremely large, and the flowering in 365 days is also "tired and not dead"

The flowers of the big rock tree are like small peonies, and the flowers are very graceful and gorgeous, and they look very beautiful when you look closely. Many of its flowers are polychromatic, with white lace edges on the edges, and pale pink or red inwards, which are very delicate and gorgeous. Its leaves have a furry feel, and the flowers are very popular with red leaves and greenery.

7 kinds of "industrious flowers", the amount of flowers is extremely large, and the flowering in 365 days is also "tired and not dead"

Although its plant type is small and delicate, the amount of flowers is relatively large, and it blooms one after another, and it does not stop. However, in the summer, it belongs to the dormant period, as long as it is placed in the place of scattered light, it can also flower. In winter, as long as it is kept above 15 degrees, it can continue to bloom continuously, which is very suitable for maintenance on the north balcony where the light is not very good at home.

7 kinds of "industrious flowers", the amount of flowers is extremely large, and the flowering in 365 days is also "tired and not dead"

Third, the tiger thorn plum can bloom every day

7 kinds of "industrious flowers", the amount of flowers is extremely large, and the flowering in 365 days is also "tired and not dead"

Tiger thorn plum is a small potted plant with a particularly long flowering period. The flowers of tiger thorn plum are fresh and lovely, the leaves are oily green, and they bloom continuously for 365 days. Its flowers resemble dancing butterflies, with lush leaves that bloom on the balcony and bloom from spring to winter, and can be seen in all seasons.

7 kinds of "industrious flowers", the amount of flowers is extremely large, and the flowering in 365 days is also "tired and not dead"

Tiger thorn plum has large flower tiger thorn plum and small flower tiger thorn plum, in the indoor maintenance, choose small flower tiger thorn plum, choose loose and breathable soil and flower pots. Usually bask in the sun, the potting soil is dry and watered thoroughly. Very good to raise and good-looking small flowers, can bloom continuously for 365 days.

7 kinds of "industrious flowers", the amount of flowers is extremely large, and the flowering in 365 days is also "tired and not dead"

Fourth, the red palm can bloom every day

7 kinds of "industrious flowers", the amount of flowers is extremely large, and the flowering in 365 days is also "tired and not dead"

Red palm is a very popular indoor potted flower. Its flowers are beautiful with leather, the leaves are oily green, crystal clear, the flowers are red and fiery, the ornamental value is super high. It is a kind of red and green New Year's Eve flower, which means that the red fire is very popular with people. Red palm it can bloom continuously throughout the year, from spring to late autumn, will maintain the state of flowering.

7 kinds of "industrious flowers", the amount of flowers is extremely large, and the flowering in 365 days is also "tired and not dead"

Just place it where the scattered light is scattered, and the potting soil is half dry and watered. The hotter the summer season, the faster it grows, and the 40-degree heat doesn't matter. However, if the temperature is lower than ten degrees, it is easy to frostbite and frostbite. Therefore, in the winter, as long as it is placed above ten degrees, it can be guaranteed to bloom in all seasons, stand tall, and open in the home.

7 kinds of "industrious flowers", the amount of flowers is extremely large, and the flowering in 365 days is also "tired and not dead"

Fifth, periwinkles can bloom every day

7 kinds of "industrious flowers", the amount of flowers is extremely large, and the flowering in 365 days is also "tired and not dead"

Periwinkle is a plant that can bloom in all seasons. Many people may not know much about it, thinking that it is a very spicy little grass flower, and it is not precious to raise there at all. In fact, if you raise periwinkles, you can make a tree-shaped periwinkle, which is very charming. And its flowers can open every day, a day can open dozens of flowers into a flower ball, so it is also called daily spring sky opening.

7 kinds of "industrious flowers", the amount of flowers is extremely large, and the flowering in 365 days is also "tired and not dead"

As long as this flower plant is placed in a well-lit place to bask in the sun, the temperature is maintained at about 15 degrees to 40 degrees, and it can continue to flower continuously. Such a small grass flower, open every day is not afraid of tiredness. In winter, if the temperature is right, it will always bloom. After the flowering, a lot of seeds will be sprinkled, and one will bloom the next year.

7 kinds of "industrious flowers", the amount of flowers is extremely large, and the flowering in 365 days is also "tired and not dead"

Sixth, the small-flowered phalaenopsis orchid can bloom every day

7 kinds of "industrious flowers", the amount of flowers is extremely large, and the flowering in 365 days is also "tired and not dead"
7 kinds of "industrious flowers", the amount of flowers is extremely large, and the flowering in 365 days is also "tired and not dead"

The small-flowered Phalaenopsis orchid is one of the more flowering varieties of Phalaenopsis orchids. Usually, the large flower phalaenopsis orchids that everyone buys during the New Year are mostly disposable flowers. After the flowers are bloomed, they dormant in the summer and do not bloom. Moreover, in the spring and autumn, the flower arrow grows again, and then blooms again in the winter, and it can only bloom for about two months a year.

7 kinds of "industrious flowers", the amount of flowers is extremely large, and the flowering in 365 days is also "tired and not dead"

However, some small flower varieties of phalaenopsis orchids can be achieved in four seasons, after opening a flower arrow, the bottom will be a flower arrow, and once flowered can reach two or three months. The flowering period is long, the flowering is diligent, although its flowers are relatively small, but it is very delicate and lovely.

7 kinds of "industrious flowers", the amount of flowers is extremely large, and the flowering in 365 days is also "tired and not dead"
7 kinds of "industrious flowers", the amount of flowers is extremely large, and the flowering in 365 days is also "tired and not dead"

Several colors are built together in the home, which is also a graceful, gorgeous, noble and elegant small scenery. Phalaenopsis orchids are relatively simple to maintain and are more suitable for maintenance in the living room. Usually placed in the place of scattered light, the potting soil is dry and watered. Properly sprinkling some fertilizer can make its flower arrows emerge one after another, which is a four-season flowering plant that is very suitable for indoor maintenance.

7 kinds of "industrious flowers", the amount of flowers is extremely large, and the flowering in 365 days is also "tired and not dead"

Seventh, geraniums, can bloom every day

7 kinds of "industrious flowers", the amount of flowers is extremely large, and the flowering in 365 days is also "tired and not dead"

Geraniums can be flowered in all seasons, especially the upright geraniums, which bloom like large flower balls, which are very beautiful and elegant. The leaves of the geranium are a bit hairy, and its flowers are like flower balls, which are very beautiful. If you can prune and take care of it, you can open into a large flower ball with a diameter of about one meter, which is very beautiful and more suitable for maintenance on the balcony.

7 kinds of "industrious flowers", the amount of flowers is extremely large, and the flowering in 365 days is also "tired and not dead"

And there are many varieties of geraniums, not only upright geraniums, but also hanging geraniums, large-flowered geraniums, etc., each of which is particularly fond of flowering. However, the only thing that can bloom all year round is the upright geranium, which blooms like a small flower ball, also known as stinky hydrangea.

7 kinds of "industrious flowers", the amount of flowers is extremely large, and the flowering in 365 days is also "tired and not dead"

Its leaves are a bit odorous, and keeping them on the balcony can not only play a role in repelling mosquitoes, but also prevent themselves from getting sick and pests. It is a flower plant that is more suitable for maintenance on the balcony, as long as it is placed in a semi-shaded place or a place with sufficient light, it can continuously pop the ball all year round.

7 kinds of "industrious flowers", the amount of flowers is extremely large, and the flowering in 365 days is also "tired and not dead"

But it is important to remember that in the summer high temperature season, you must ventilate more and control watering. At this time, its root system is not growing, it is completely dependent on its own nutrients to flower, carefully cared for in the autumn will continue to grow plants, will continue to flower. In winter, as long as it is kept above 15 degrees, it can continue to bloom. If you want to raise plants that bloom all year round, geranium is a good choice.

7 kinds of "industrious flowers", the amount of flowers is extremely large, and the flowering in 365 days is also "tired and not dead"