
Why is Ninguta a nightmare for prisoners? What is the identity of the Armored Man?

author:Fun to see the history

During the Qing Dynasty, when imperial court officials committed serious crimes, they were assigned to the frontier Ninggu Pagoda and enslaved with the armored people. So what kind of place is Ninguta, and who are the armored people? The following fun history Xiaobian has brought you relevant content to share with you. The following fun history Xiaobian has brought you relevant content to share with you.

  Ninggu Pagoda, originally located on the south bank of the Hailang River, a tributary of the Mudanjiang River, was known as the Land of Longxing in the Qing Dynasty because Nurhaci had been a soldier here; During the Kangxi Dynasty, the city was moved to the old ancient city village of Changting Town, Hailin, Heilongjiang Province, which was an important border defense town and had troops stationed all year round. In the Qing Dynasty, the people exiled to Ningguta were generally repeat offenders of the imperial court and their families, and the reason why Ningguta was a nightmare for prisoners was mainly reflected in the following aspects: First, Ningguta was a place far away, more than three thousand miles from Beijing, and the roads were difficult and dangerous. Ninggu Pagoda was the northernmost part of the Qing Dynasty, more than three thousand miles from Beijing, which meant that prisoners were exiled to Ninggu Pagoda and needed to walk a long way, and the imperial court stipulated that they must arrive at Ninggu Pagoda within sixty days, and the prisoners wore heavy shackles on their bodies, so the young and strong people could only barely support, and the old, weak, sick and disabled could probably die in the middle of the road. Moreover, during the Qing Dynasty, many places were not developed, or primitive forests, and prisoners often passed through these places on their way to Ninggu pagoda, where wild beasts often appeared, and people with bad luck could be eaten. In fact, there are still many prisoners who starve to death in the middle of the road, because the officers and men escorting them are not responsible for providing food, and it is inevitable that some prisoners do not have enough food to carry, and whether they have money to buy food, and as a result, they can only see what to eat, peel the bark of trees and dig up wild vegetables and the like, there is really nothing to eat, they can only starve to death.

Why is Ninguta a nightmare for prisoners? What is the identity of the Armored Man?

  The "Miscellaneous Records of The Readings and Stories of the Study Hall" even records that on the way to Ninguta, prisoners sometimes encounter some wild people who drink blood and hair, they are very cruel, they will rob the prisoners and eat them, and they do not know whether it is true or not. Moreover, the officers and soldiers responsible for escorting the prisoners are not good at stubble, and they often extort prisoners, especially those officials and their families, who are the targets of their key oppression, and after the money and wealth of the prisoners are looted, they may have no money to buy food, and the final result can only be to die in the middle of the road. Of course, if there are women among the prisoners, the officers and soldiers responsible for escorting them will naturally not let go, many women are insulted and violated on the way, this is a common thing, women can not resist at all, and even some women can not bear the humiliation, and finally choose to commit suicide. In general, most of the people who were assigned to Ninguta died on the road, and only a small number of people could come to Ninguta alive, and even if they arrived at Ninguta, whether they could survive or not depended on luck.

  Secondly, Ninguta is too bitter and cold, and the living environment is too harsh. During the Qing Dynasty, a scholar named Wu Zhaoqian was assigned to Ninggu Pagoda because he was involved in the science field case, and he wrote a letter to his mother in Ninggu pagoda, saying that Ningguta was too cold, frozen all year round, either heavy snow or heavy rain, and it was the most bitter and cold place in the world. From early spring to mid-April, strong winds are like thunder and lightning, rain from May to July, heavy snow in mid-August, and frozen rivers in early September. When the snow reaches the ground, it becomes solid ice, and there is snow for thousands of miles. Because Ninguta was so cold, there were very few people living there, and no one wanted to go there, except for the troops stationed there, there were only indigenous savages and prisoners. The reason why the prisoners were exiled to Ninguta was because the environment there was too harsh and could play a punitive role, and a prisoner named Fang Gonggan once said that people said that Huangquan Road, if you go to Ninguta, there will be ten Yellow Springs and you will not be afraid! It can be seen that Ninguta is indeed not a place for people to stay. In fact, it is also true that the prisoners in the first year of coming to Ninguta, if they can not adapt to the extremely cold season, may be frozen to death, and after the first year, it may be better, but the lack of material conditions, especially the lack of food, will also make them tired of coping.

Why is Ninguta a nightmare for prisoners? What is the identity of the Armored Man?

  Again, the prisoners enslaved the armored people in Ninguta and lived a miserable and oppressive life. In the Qing Dynasty, most of the people who were exiled to Ningguta were officials who had committed serious crimes, and they were first raided, and then the whole family was assigned to Ningguta as slaves. When the prisoners come to Ninguta, they will be given housing, cattle and land, but do not think that they will be able to live in peace, but in fact, their living conditions are very poor, and the grain obtained from hard work is also to be handed over, and only a small part can be left as rations. There are even many people from the family of officials and eunuchs, who are accustomed to a rich and noble life, and will not cultivate land at all, so that their lives will be difficult, eating will become a problem, this strong sense of gap will make them feel broken, and even some people will seek short-sightedness. In addition to daily labor, prisoners also have to do miscellaneous work for officials and elders, and perform labor for armored people, such as chopping wood and feeding horses, building houses, building fortifications, etc., many of which are high-intensity physical work, and they are also yelled at five or six, such a day is simply worse than death.

  Of course, there are also some prisoners who come to Ninguta and have a better life, such people are generally readers, and the local people and soldiers still respect the readers, so they will be treated favorably, not allowing them to engage in manual labor, but to let them become tutors, or engage in official writing and other work. For example, the aforementioned Wu Zhaoqian is like this, when he first arrived in Ninguta, he was depressed because he could not farm and cultivate the land, and his life was also very difficult, and later the general of Ningguta, Bahai, heard that he was very talented, so he hired him as a secretary and tutor, taught his two sons Esheng and Yin Sheng to read, and gave him a lot of free space, so he had the opportunity to drink and write poetry with friends, and his life was not bad. However, after all, such people are a minority, and most people can only live in simple grass huts, lack of clothes and food, and do the heaviest physical work, and even suffer from the abuse of the armored people, many of whom died there before the end of their sentences. Speaking of which, we can't help but wonder, what is the identity of the armored man? Strictly speaking, the armored man is actually a soldier on the side, but there is a slight difference from the regular army. The Qing Dynasty adopted the eight flags system, with the flag to unify the army, with the flag to unify the people, the soldiers and the people are one, the people in the flag are called the flag Ding, they cultivate in peacetime, and they wear armor in wartime, of course, this is only in the early Qing Dynasty, and the later eight flags are no longer engaged in farming, but hire others to cultivate.

Why is Ninguta a nightmare for prisoners? What is the identity of the Armored Man?

  Although the people under it are all called Qi Ding, the Qi Ding is also different, according to the status, it is divided into Aha, Phi Jia and Qi Ding. The usual reference to the banner refers to the Manchus, who enjoy the highest position in the banner and are the ruling class, with leadership over the Phi Jia and the Aha. Aha was actually a slave, a prisoner of war, and a prisoner of exile, who served mainly in the service of the Qiding and Phi Jia people, and were oppressed objects, mainly composed of Han and Koreans. The Phi Armor people are relatively complicated, in the beginning, the Qi Ding is actually the Phi People, Nurhaci's ancestors and descendants, have been used as Phi People, stationed in the border area to defend their homeland. Later, as Houjin gradually expanded outwards and became more and more powerful, many other Manchu tribes, Mongols and Han Chinese defected to Houjin, which was called descending people at the time, and they were incorporated into the banner to become armored people, replacing the Manchus, but managed by the Manchus. This type of armored people were very many in the Later Jin Dynasty and the early Qing Dynasty, but as the qing dynasty wars gradually decreased, the country gradually became peaceful, and there were fewer and fewer people who surrendered, so the Qing court would send some people to be armored people, including Manchus and Han Chinese.

  Later, the PhiJia people generally referred to those soldiers who helped the Qing Dynasty to fight the border, people of all nationalities, and they have served as Phi Jia people for generations, they live in the border defense areas all year round, especially in the northeast region of the birthplace of the Manchus, and there are a large number of Phi Jia people, and the Ninggu Pagoda mentioned above is one of them. During the Shunzhi period, a general manager was set up in Ninguta, and he led troops to be stationed here, responsible for protecting the security of the northeast; During the Kangxi Dynasty, general Ningguta was set up in Ningguta, and later General Ningguta moved to defend the city of Jilin Ula (present-day Jilin) and remained as a deputy capital, but it was still a military town. The armored people at Ninguta were one of the hardest soldiers, because it was cold, life was hard, and defections were frequent, and in order to appease them, the Qing Dynasty took a measure to treat the prisoners exiled to Ninguta as slaves. Therefore, the so-called "distribution of Ninguta, to the armored people as slaves" actually has two meanings, the first layer is to punish prisoners, so that prisoners suffer physical and mental torture; The second layer was to appease the armored people and let them enjoy the service of the prisoners, thus stabilizing the morale of the army. The life of the armored people was actually very boring, because there were not so many battles to fight, and at most they were routine patrols, so the imperial court assigned them some other tasks, such as collecting taxes from the local people, going to Sakhalin Island to collect mink skins from the islanders to pay tribute, and so on. Of course, because the Qing Dynasty blockaded the northeast and did not allow the Han people to enter at will, but also could not let the development of the northeast stagnate, so the Qing court was happy to exile the prisoners to the northeast and let them act as coolies, and in addition to the Ninggu Pagoda mentioned above, there was also a place called Shangyang Fort, which was also a very tough place in today's Tieling City, Liaoning Province.

  And the prisoners as slaves of the Phi Phi People, the Phi People have the right to dominate them, which is actually a long-term welfare, because the number of prisoners exiled to the northeast has been increasing, and most of them are permanently exiled to Ninguta, and their children are also slaves of the Phi Phi people after birth, that is, slaves for generations. For this reason, the life of the Phi Jia people was improved to a certain extent, because someone helped them work, the income level increased, and they were more loyal to the Qing court. Here we talk about the income of the Phi Armor people, in fact, it is composed of two parts, the first part is the garrison subsidy given by the imperial court, the highest during the Qianlong Emperor period, about twenty-two silver per year, fifteen stones of grain, which is already very good; The second part is the proceeds of farming, in which each Phi Ja has jurisdiction over a portion of the land, which is cultivated by Aha, and most of the grain harvested is owned by the Phi Jah. We can find that although Ningguta is a bitter cold place, the treatment of the Phi Jia people is still very good, and with the influx of a large number of Han Criminals, the quality of the Phi Jia people is improving, and the Ninggu Pagoda is also quietly changing. In the beginning, most of the armored people were ignorant and illiterate, giving people a savage and backward impression, which was related to their origins and the environment in which they lived, and when they treated slaves, they were also relatively rough, and it was common to bully men and women, and the relationship between the two kinds of people was tense.

Why is Ninguta a nightmare for prisoners? What is the identity of the Armored Man?

  However, the Qing court continued to rise in the literary prison, and the Kechang case was also frequent, so a large number of Readers among the Han People were sent to Ningguta as slaves, these readers were full of poetry and books, knowledgeable and insightful, and their ideological consciousness was relatively high, and over time they had an impact on the Phi Jia people and the local people, so that their minds slowly became enlightened, and the readers were gradually respected. In addition to the aforementioned Wu Zhaoqian, the Qing Dynasty was sent to Ninggu Pagoda by countless celebrities, although they became prisoners of the order, but the appeal was huge, this kind of thing was very common at the beginning. The first to be affected were the upper echelons of Ninguta, such as the Ninguta general Bahai, who although he was a mighty general on the horse, he became a little fan of the Han celebrities after he got off the horse, and he had been studying Sinology tirelessly for more than twenty years. Under the influence of Bahai, the attitude of his Phi Jia people towards the readers was also slowly changing, which was of course a very long process, about the late reign of the Qianlong Emperor, the Phi Jia people gradually got rid of the barbaric and backward image characteristics, their ideas were gradually Sinicized, and many old Manchu customs were abandoned by them. Moreover, driven by some Han Chinese, the Phi Jia people no longer engaged in farming, but began commercial activities, and a figure with outstanding merit in this regard was called Yang Yue.

  Yang Yue was a reader, because of the crime and the whole family distributed Ninguta, when he first arrived at Ninguta, there was no rice under the pot, no firewood to burn, he took out his personal belongings to the street stalls to sell, and also exchanged items with the locals for food and firewood, so he successfully took root. Later, Yang Yue began to walk the streets and alleys, teaching the locals advanced farming techniques and merchant skills in the Central Plains, and he even opened a cake shop with his wife to make Shaoxing-style snacks to sell, which was very popular in the local area. Yang Yue also took out the cloth and silk sent to him from his hometown to barter with people, and also taught the locals to take mink and ginseng to the street to sell, so his popularity has become more and more popular, many people know him, and they also like to associate with him and learn various skills from him. Of course, the reason why Yang Yue can be so free is that he is a reader and has been treated favorably by the armored people, and under his influence, the ginseng and mink skins abundant in Ningguta have gradually opened up their popularity, and many merchants in Beijing and Shengjing have begun to buy goods in Ningguta, and the commercial atmosphere of Ningguta has been established. By the middle and late Qing Dynasty, the Phi Jia people of Ningguta also established trade relations with the Koreans on the other side of the Tumen River, and the two countries had to open an exchange market once a year, and merchants and merchants traveled endlessly between the two sides of the strait, which was very prosperous. Affected by economic development, Ninggu pagoda began to appear official schools based on sinology, and post stations were established one after another, so that traffic conditions were improved.

  Of course, with the gradual "modernization" of Ningguta, it is gradually no longer a place where prisoners talk about it, but it is a good place to find opportunities, or a haven for many Han people who can't mix in the Central Plains, and even many Han people enter the upper echelons of Ninguta and occupy an important position in politics, economy, military and culture. At this time of historical development, the armored people are no longer simple soldiers, and it is inevitable that they will be completely Sinicized, which the Qing court never expected, but it is also popular, after all, this is good for the development of the northeast and reduces the burden on the imperial court. Moreover, with the development of the times, a large number of northeastern Phi Jia people began to be diverted to Xinjiang and Tibet and other places, and at its peak, one-sixth of the population of the Eight Banners were Phi Jia people, who guarded the safety of the qing dynasty's border areas and also became the disseminators of Han culture. In general, the identity of the armored people has a development process, from the beginning of the barbarians, to a hereditary military household with relatively high comprehensive quality, but they are all influenced by the Han people, which shows how powerful the power of culture is.