
The vast number of overseas Chinese enterprises use overseas Chinese capital, overseas Chinese wisdom, and overseas Chinese strength to promote rural revitalization, love Sangzi to help development (overseas Chinese fax)

Source: People's Daily

The vast number of overseas Chinese enterprises use overseas Chinese capital, overseas Chinese wisdom, and overseas Chinese strength to promote rural revitalization, love Sangzi to help development (overseas Chinese fax)

Above: Jinxi County, Fuzhou City, Jiangxi Province, promotes tourism with tea, and rejuvenates tea with tourism, in the tea garden of the overseas Chinese management area, tourists wear tea picking clothes and experience the fun of tea picking.

Photo by Deng Xingdong (Image China)

Below: Fenghuangshan Yihai School in Qinglong Manchu Autonomous County, Qinhuangdao, Hebei Province.

Cheng Mingzhao

100 acres of pear orchards, autumn moon pears hanging full of branches; Inside the café, the aroma of coffee such as "pear blossoms in front of the cliff" is overflowing. Pear orchards and coffee "mix and match", flowers and fruits and coffee aromas blend, so that Shandong Yantai City Laishan Yaqian Village has become a net red punch card. This coffee farm, run by Zhang Houbin, a returned overseas Chinese after the 90s, brought fire to the tourism of Yaqian Village and also provided employment opportunities for local villagers during their leisure time.

Not only in Shandong, but also in Chongqing, through the municipal Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese, relevant overseas Chinese enterprises help to achieve a breakthrough in navel orange all-season fresh fruit picking technology and the production and listing of navel orange wine, and help villagers increase their income and become rich in sales channels, planting technology, deep processing and other aspects;

In Anhui, the Provincial Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese and the Provincial Federation of Overseas Chinese Entrepreneurs issued a proposal on "Helping Rural Revitalization and Overseas Chinese Enterprises in Action", calling on overseas Chinese businessmen and overseas Chinese enterprises to give full play to their unique advantages, accelerate the development of a modern rural industrial system, dig deep into the excellent traditional culture of rural areas, actively help rural areas cultivate characteristic industries, and promote the integrated development of rural first, second, and third industries;

In Guizhou, the "German Chinese Merchants Guizhou Charity Walk" went to Qianxian, Qiannan and Qiandongnan to carry out donations to fund education and "overseas Chinese pay attention to Guizhou and culture to help the three rural areas" public welfare activities;

In Fushun County, Zigong City, Sichuan Province, overseas Chinese enterprises continue to provide financial, intellectual, and technical support for rural revitalization through three service stations of "Overseas Chinese Rural Revitalization Service Station", "Overseas Chinese Home Liaison Service Station", "Overseas Chinese Medical Service Workstation" and "Overseas Chinese Heart Study Aid Program", as well as activity carriers such as "Overseas Chinese Heart Bookstore" and "Overseas Chinese Heart Study Assistance Program";


In the vast rural land, more and more overseas Chinese and overseas Chinese enterprises have invested in business, improved ecology, donated funds for education with the enthusiasm of returning Sangzi, and contributed to the comprehensive promotion of rural revitalization with overseas Chinese capital, overseas Chinese wisdom and overseas Chinese strength.

"Overseas Chinese Delight"

Make the village "hot"

In Changtang Village, Baizhangyi Town, Wencheng County, Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province, Huang Jing and his wife, a returned overseas Chinese, opened a "Overseas Chinese Jiale" homestay named "Hanshe Yitang" in their hometown. Outside the window, the valley birdsong, the breeze is gentle; Inside the house, the coffee is fragrant and leisurely. Many tourists enjoy a wonderful weekend in the "Hanshe Pond". Towards evening, cappuccino yam, thyme brook snail and lemon local chicken have been served. "We want to bring visitors the pleasure of combining East and West." Huang Jing and his wife have lived in Italy for a long time, coffee, wine, food is their unique work, "we named the homestay 'Hanshe Pond', there is the meaning of returning to Changtang, back to the hometown."

In recent years, in Wencheng County, there are many such "overseas Chinese family music". After working and living abroad for more than 20 years, in 2015, Liu Jianbo, who was nearly sixty years old, and his wife returned to their hometown of Wuyang Village, Nantian Town, Wencheng County, and converted their old house into a homestay with a strong "overseas Chinese" flavor.

The development opportunities brought about by the rural revitalization strategy have made many overseas Chinese choose to return to their hometowns to work and live.

Nowadays, the development of "Overseas Chinese Family Music" in Wencheng County has gradually become a scale. As of the end of May 2022, there are 18 "Qiao Jia Le" brand homestays in the county, with a total of 356,000 tourists, including 163,000 accommodation tourists.

Rural revitalization drives common prosperity. The growing "Overseas Chinese Family Music" has led to the sale of local agricultural products. Mr. and Mrs. Huang Jing are good at cooking lemon roast chicken, and in just one year, they have purchased more than 1,000 local chickens from villagers, and the sales of plum wine in the homestay souvenir have reached more than 5,000 catties. According to statistics, in the past 3 years, Wencheng County's "Qiao Jia Le" has promoted local farmers to achieve sales of nearly 100 million yuan, especially the premium of special agricultural products such as bayberry and glutinous rice yam is more than 30%.

"Qiao Jia Le" has made the once quiet village lively, tourists flocked to the village, and many villagers also returned to the village to participate in the operation and management of the homestay, as well as catering, tourism and other upstream and downstream related industries. According to statistics, "Overseas Chinese Jiale" has driven more than 5,000 farmers in the county to employ more than 5,000 people, activated more than 400 idle houses, and increased the value of single rooms from less than 50,000 yuan to more than 1.4 million yuan.

We will get rich together and overseas Chinese will help. As of the end of 2021, 454 overseas Chinese groups (enterprises) in the province have joined hands to promote rural revitalization work, with a total of 2.029 billion yuan in place, of which 1.916 billion yuan is industrial investment funds and 113 million yuan.

Run a farm

Make the villagers rich

Rural revitalization is inseparable from industrial prosperity and ecological livability.

In Suileng County, Suihua City, Heilongjiang, in a green rice field, many farmers hoe the land in Dong's Tianhua Farm. "We grow according to the organic standards of the farm, and the farm recycles at a price above the market price, where the income is high and the risk is small." Pan Dianwen is a villager in Sihaidian Village, Sihaidian Town, Suiling County, whose family has a lot of land and has to provide for 3 children to go to school, and every year he goes to the farm to work. "From hoeing the land to the autumn harvest, the working time is about 3 months, and the net income is more than 20,000 yuan." Pan Dianwen said.

Established in 2005, Dong's Tianhua Farm focuses on organic farming. Dong Peiyong, vice president of the China Overseas Chinese Investment Enterprise Association and chairman of the Huaxia Dong Brothers Trading Group, talked about the original intention of organic planting: "Organic agriculture is a chain industry with comprehensive benefits, which is closely related to farmers' income, farmland protection, ecological environment, etc., and can play the role of 'one industry with multiple industries'. ”

The farm provided the land with the right to contract management free of charge to the contractor, signed an organic planting agreement with the contractor, and promised to recycle organic products at a high price, and the villagers' pockets bulged. Land is given priority to be contracted by farmers in the surrounding rural areas who are more economically difficult. "Last year, our family's net income was about 200,000 yuan." Yu Changli, a villager in Lixin Village, Shuangchahe Town, said. According to reports, the farm has helped more than 140 nearby farmers and enterprise employees to get rid of poverty. Since organic planting requires a lot of farm manure, the farm has also driven the development of a number of farmers and farms in the surrounding areas, and there are more than 20 large farms around the farm.

"Organic cultivation not only increases farmers' income, but also effectively protects black soil." Dong Peiyong said that Heilongjiang Province is located in the northeast black soil belt, one of the world's three major black soil belts, and is an important grain production base on the mainland. Black soil is highly productive, but it also faces the problem of overdraft of land fertility. "We have an unshirkable responsibility to protect the black land in the northeast. Organic cultivation on the farm reduces the harm of chemical fertilizers and pesticides to black soil, helps to promote the high-quality development of agriculture, and protects the local ecological environment. ”

The green water and green mountains are the golden mountains and silver mountains. Over the years, the farm has insisted on "zero reclamation" of wetlands, and has also sent people to patrol and inspect all year round to protect farms and wildlife. In order to solve the pollution of white garbage to land, water sources and air, farm organization personnel clean up and recycle white garbage along highways, fields, and river ditches, so that the phenomenon of "plastic film scraping everywhere, plastic bags flying in the air, and pesticide bottles floating on the water" no longer appears.

Aid in education

Let there be more hope

Giving away extracurricular books, sharing your own growth stories... Every three to five minutes, Liu Ri, an employee of Yihai Kerry Group Jinhai Food Industry Co., Ltd., and his colleagues will go to Ramagou Fengyi Primary School in Qinglong Manchu Autonomous County, Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province, to provide voluntary help for children. Ramagou Fengyi Primary School is a school donated by the Group.

"It's what I can do, and it's a reward for growing up in the past." Liu Ri said. It turned out that 15 years ago, he was the first batch of students in this elementary school.

As an overseas Chinese enterprise, since the reform and opening up, Yihai Kerry Group has invested in many places to build factories. Guo Kongfeng, chairman of the group, found that some rural education resources are relatively scarce. "Learning is the hope of children to get out of the mountains." Guo Kongfeng said. In 2007, the Group decided to donate to the construction of a school in Qinglong Manchu Autonomous County, which is less than 3 hours away from the subsidiary company of Qinhuangdao, and the "Yihai Kerry Aid Project" project was launched.

"The school originally had only two rows of old houses, which leaked when it rained, so we took buckets and basins to pick them up. In the winter, students on duty at 7 o'clock will go to the school stove to warm the classroom. Recalling the scene at that time, Liu Calendar was vividly remembered.

With the help of the Group, a new teaching building was quickly built, with bright and warm classrooms, spacious and clean playgrounds for students, and Ramagou Fengyi Primary School became the first school donated by the "Yihai Kerry Aid Project".

Up to now, Yihai Kerry Group has funded a total of 38 schools nationwide. In addition to improving the hardware conditions, the student assistance project also carries out volunteer support activities, with factory employees as volunteers, and carries out quality education activities in students' spare time. In order to broaden the children's horizons, the student assistance project contacted college students and high-quality schools, and organized interesting activities such as "China Astronaut Experience Camp" and "Visiting Virtual Reality Military Education Base". "In 2016, we launched the 'Benefit + Student Growth Program' and the Cooking Class Program, hoping to promote more resources to join the cause of rural education." Guo Kongfeng said.

To realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, we need the joint efforts of the sons and daughters of the Chinese nation at home The relevant responsible comrade of the All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese said: "We will further give full play to the unique advantages of overseas Chinese, build a communication platform, build an activity brand, strive for practical results, widely mobilize overseas Chinese and overseas Chinese enterprises at home and abroad, play a role in developing rural industries and promoting the construction of beautiful villages, and make new and greater contributions to consolidating and expanding the achievements in poverty alleviation and comprehensively promoting rural revitalization." ”

Layout design: Zhang Danfeng