
"I have half a shift and am on call!"

Source: CCTV News

Holding a five-pointed star in his hand and tears in his eyes...

Recently, Chen Zhong, a 96-year-old veteran soldier in Ganzi, Sichuan

The picture of walking across the Luding Bridge

Many netizens were moved

"I have half a shift and am on call!"

Many people at the scene recited "Long March" in unison

Veteran soldier Chen Zhong couldn't help but sigh

"These are thousands of people's soldiers

In exchange for life

No one should forget the party's kindness", "I joined the army at the age of 22 and carried out important tasks many times

He was awarded the second class merit and the third class merit twice each

Chen Zhong was born in 1926 in Suining, Sichuan

In early 1948, Chen Zhong was 22 years old

Respond to the call of the state to join the army

He participated in the Battle of Huaihai and the Battle of Crossing the River

In early 1951, he followed his troops to Korea

Become a volunteer soldier

During the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea

Chen Zhong served as the head of the cooking class

Deputy squad leader of the machine gun squad

He was awarded two second-class merits and two third-class merits

According to Chen Zhong's recollection, at the most tragic time of the war

Not only can bullets not be delivered, but even food cannot be supplied

In order to fill the stomachs of officers and soldiers on the front line

He could only grind corn cobs into noodles

Make porridge for the warriors to eat

"I have half a shift and am on call!"

△ Photos of Chen Zhong when he was young

The cooking class delivers meals to comrades on the front line every time

They all have to pass through four or five enemy blockade lines

"There is no ambush on the blockade line

When the enemy fired at the blockade line

My comrades-in-arms and I knew nothing

You can only move forward with experience and observation."

After delivering the meal, Chen Zhong and his comrades-in-arms

It is also responsible for carrying the wounded to a field hospital

Many missions, Chen Zhong's team

There has not been a single casualty

"I have half a shift and am on call!"

"I have five grandchildren, quite half a class

The country is available for needs"

Early 1952

Chen Zhong was transferred to the heavy machine gun squad as deputy squad leader

Due to heavy casualties on the front line

The new fighters were not familiar with heavy machine gun operations

Chen Zhong and his comrades-in-arms

Seize all the time to teach and learn from each other

It takes only two months

Chen Zhong was able to blindfold himself in 5 minutes

Assemble the 360 parts of the heavy machine gun

"I have half a shift and am on call!"

△ Chen Zhong wore the commemorative medal of "the 70th Anniversary of the Chinese Volunteer Army's War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea" to fight abroad.

Chen Zhong said that he had never been afraid on the battlefield

It is incumbent upon us to defend our homeland and defend our country

"I have five grandchildren

If the country needs it

They were half a shift and available."

Heroes are immortal, and their spirits are immortal

My generation is self-reliant and pays tribute to the heroes!

Source of this article: CCTV News WeChat public account (ID: cctvnewscenter) comprehensive Chinese veterans