
How did the five-star red flag with only 15 votes beat 185 votes? Do you know the story behind it?

How did the five-star red flag with only 15 votes beat 185 votes? Do you know the story behind it?

There is a kind of pride called the five-star red flag! The brightest star in this world is the light of the five-star red flag.

Five-star red flag, you are my pride! One of the prettiest flags in the world, not one! Rebuttal is not accepted.

"The five-star red flag is waving in the wind, how loud the victory song is, singing our dear motherland, from now on to prosperity and prosperity..." This song "Singing the Motherland" can be said to be a household name, and everyone knows it!


Do you know who designed the five-star red flag?

Do you know how much he got when he designed the five-star red flag?

Flag Call for Papers

In June 1949, the Preparatory Committee of the New Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference decided to establish a preliminary selection committee for the national flag and national emblem. In July of the same year, the "People's Daily", "Xinmin Bao", "Dazhong Daily", "Guangming Daily" and other major newspapers successively published the "Notice of the Preparatory Meeting for the New Political Consultative Conference to Solicit the Pattern of the National Flag and the National Emblem and the Lyrics of the National Song". (Source: The Paper)

How did the five-star red flag with only 15 votes beat 185 votes? Do you know the story behind it?

People's Daily published a notice calling for the design of the national flag and national emblem

In July 1949, the CPPCC solicited designs for the national flag from the whole society in the form of rectangles, with a length-to-width ratio of 3 to 2, and red could also be matched with other colors. Be solemn and concise.

The designer of the five-star red flag is Zeng Liansong

Zeng Liansong (17 December 1917 – 19 October 1999) was a native of Ruian, Zhejiang Province, and the designer of the national flag of the People's Republic of China.

How did the five-star red flag with only 15 votes beat 185 votes? Do you know the story behind it?

Zeng Liansong

Seeing such an excellent work, many people should think that he should be a master of fine arts and so on!

In fact, it is often the opposite, he is not a painter, nor an art designer, he is just an ordinary clerk engaged in financial work, only because of his patriotic feelings, he finally designed a five-star red flag that makes Chinese proud.

How did the five-star red flag with only 15 votes beat 185 votes? Do you know the story behind it?

When he saw the call for news in the newspaper, he was excited! At that time, he decided to design a good work, and he also took a leave of absence from the leader, designed the national flag every day, and created more than a dozen plans, but he was not satisfied.

How did the five-star red flag with only 15 votes beat 185 votes? Do you know the story behind it?

Until one day, he sat by the window and heard a song sung by the children, (Hope for the stars, hope for the moon, the savior is the Communist Party, the Communist Party is like the sun, where it shines, where there is a Communist Party, where the people are liberated).

How did the five-star red flag with only 15 votes beat 185 votes? Do you know the story behind it?

The national flag designed by Zeng Liansong is a Xinhua News Agency information film

It was this song that made him think that the Communist Party is not like the stars, shining wherever it shines. So the five-pointed star surfaced in his mind, and countless five-pointed stars were drawn overnight.

The birth of the five-star red flag

In the election of more than two thousand works, the selection of this work was initially eliminated, (the reason why this picture was excluded was because everyone felt that it was inappropriate to use four small stars to represent the various classes), but Tian Han said that in his heart, the national flag should be like this.

How did the five-star red flag with only 15 votes beat 185 votes? Do you know the story behind it?

As a result, "Compound Character No. 32" also became one of the 38 candidate patterns, and was edited into the "Reference Materials for the National Flag Pattern" and sent to the party members. At that time, the most votes were given in the following picture, a large five-pointed star with a yellow bar in the middle (understood as the Yellow River). Of course, there is also a great deal of disagreement.

How did the five-star red flag with only 15 votes beat 185 votes? Do you know the story behind it?

Among those who oppose it, Zhang Zhizhong believes that the red flag represents the country and the revolution, and the addition of a bar in the middle does not represent the Yellow River, and (this bar represents the river is also inappropriate) Divides the national flag into two, which is a bit of a splittist country. Everyone had a different opinion, so it was decided to hold another meeting to discuss the final pattern.

So xu beihong, Liang Sicheng, Tian Han and other artists were invited, and Tian Han always thought that "Compound Character 32" was the best, he said that "four small stars around a big star, very concise atmosphere."

How did the five-star red flag with only 15 votes beat 185 votes? Do you know the story behind it?

Tian Han

There are five stars on the red flag, the red flag symbolizes revolution, the big five-pointed star symbolizes the leadership of the Communist Party of China, and the four small five-pointed stars each have a tip facing the center of the big five-pointed star, representing the great unity of the people of the whole country (working class, household class, urban petty bourgeoisie, national bourgeoisie) around a center.

The yellow five-pointed star can "show light" on the red ground.

Finally, in order to distinguish it from the Soviet flag, Tian Han proposed to remove the scythe hammer on the big five-pointed star, but unexpectedly, after the adjustment, the entire flag composition was more concise and clear, and won the unanimous approval of the deputies. Since then, the five-star red flag has been officially designated as the national flag of new China!

How did the five-star red flag with only 15 votes beat 185 votes? Do you know the story behind it?

Five-star red flag final drawing

The first anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China

On October 1, 1949, the grand founding ceremony was held in Beijing's Tiananmen Square.

How did the five-star red flag with only 15 votes beat 185 votes? Do you know the story behind it?

Chairman Mao Zedong personally pressed the electric button on the upper floor of Tiananmen Square, and the first five-star red flag of New China was raised, and the entire 300,000 people rejoiced!

How did the five-star red flag with only 15 votes beat 185 votes? Do you know the story behind it?

At that time, Zeng Liansong did not know that he was the designer of the national flag, because he submitted a pattern with a sickle hammer head, but the newspaper did not. It had always been a knot in his heart.

In 1950, on the first anniversary of the founding of New China, Zeng Liansong was invited to Beijing to participate in the National Day ceremony. He stood on the upper floor of Tiananmen Square, and his mood was very excited.

Until one day, Zeng Liansong received a letter from the General Office of the Central People's Government Committee, which read: "Mr. Zeng Liansong: The national flag of the People's Republic of China that you designed has been adopted. I hereby present a copy of the commemorative magazine of the CppcC National Committee, RMB 5 million (equivalent to 500 yuan at present), which is sent to the Post Office and the People's Bank of China respectively as a reward for your contribution to the country and a deep respect. Zeng Liansong's knot can be unraveled.

How did the five-star red flag with only 15 votes beat 185 votes? Do you know the story behind it?

Designing the national flag for New China himself has also become the pride of Zeng Liansong's life.

How did the five-star red flag with only 15 votes beat 185 votes? Do you know the story behind it?

On October 19, 1999, Zeng Liansong died of illness in Shanghai. He died on December 31, 2012 at the age of 8

When the five-star red flag rises from Tiananmen Square again, it is still as dazzling as before!