
Four documentary films, a classic story that boldly interprets

author:Wolf Brother K movie

Issue no.: 22-20

1 - Memoirs of a Bitter Prostitute, Mexico/2011

Four documentary films, a classic story that boldly interprets

Scale, plot: ☆☆☆☆

In order to celebrate his birthday, an old man called an old bustard friend and asked her to find a girl for herself.

Then there is the scene where a young girl sews buttons in a factory during the day and comes to a brothel at night, and then pretends to pass out...

The old man looked at her every night, this beautiful ketone body full of youth, he fell into memories, the absurdity of his life, the laundry woman in the family, the girl who was engaged and abandoned by him, the beauty of the night song...

Gradually, the old man found that he could not live without the girl, and he named her Tina.

However, an accidental murder forces the brothel to close and Tina disappears without a trace, which makes the old man unacceptable, and he begins frantically searching for his Sleeping Beauty.

2 - The Beautiful Legend of Sicily, Italy/2000/Chinese characters

Four documentary films, a classic story that boldly interprets

L point, plot: ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆

In 1941, the thirteen-year-old boy Reinaldo got his first bicycle, and at the same time, a beautiful widow came to the seaside town, she was sexy and arrogant, and became the object of heated discussion in the town, and Reinaldo also followed some of the big boys to chase her style.

Unconsciously, Reinaldo became obsessed with her, and he would foolishly wait where she often appeared, just to catch a glimpse of her, and he even sneaked into her quarters at night, a godsend, and he found a small hole where he could peek into everything about her.

It was from this moment that Reinaldo revealed many of her secrets, she was not as glamorous as she seemed to be behind her back, she also had helplessness, in order to survive and even have to get along with some old men, and the changing situation made her situation more difficult.

Reinaldo wants to help her, he doesn't want her to be bullied by those old people anymore, but other people are weak, can he save the goddess in his heart?

3 - "Cherry" USA/2012/Chinese characters

Four documentary films, a classic story that boldly interprets

Scale, plot: ☆☆☆☆

Angelina lives in a pathetic family, her mother is drunk with a bottle of wine all day, and her biological stepfather is a useless except to punch and kick women.

At her boyfriend's suggestion, Angelina decided to leave the troublesome home. In order to survive, she began to make small movies, although she was very uncomfortable at the beginning of the process, but when the real gold and silver remuneration was in her hands, everything became less important.

Later, she traveled to San Francisco, a city of drunken fans, where she met a wealthy lawyer and entered the so-called high society circle under the guidance of a lawyer.

Meanwhile, on another level of the world of love, Angelina is rapidly becoming popular under the stage name "Cherry".

4 - Wild Desire, Switzerland/1976/Chinese characters

Four documentary films, a classic story that boldly interprets

Super-scale: ☆☆☆☆☆

Three girls tell bedtime stories together.

One girl said she had participated in an open sex show. Another girl said she had been asked to play a corpse. The last girl told the story of her being kidnapped by a pimp posing as a photographer.