
Zizhi Tongjian: When things have happened and cannot be avoided, real masters will do so

author:Jiang Lin reads

Zizhi Tongjian, Vol. 10, Han Dynasty II

4th year of Emperor Han Gao (203 BC)


  Han Xin made people say to the King of Han: "Qi is hypocritical and fickle, and the country of repetition is also; South side Chu. Please be a fake king to the town. ”

  The king of Han sent a letter, furious, and scolded: "I am trapped here, and I hope that if the twilight comes to support me; He wants to be king! ”

  Zhang Liang and Chen Ping stomped on the Foot of the Han Dynasty, because of the whisper: "The Han side is unfavorable, it is better to forbid the self-confidence of the king!" It is better to establish it, to be kind, and to make oneself self-kept; Otherwise, metamorphosis. ”

  The King of Han also realized, because of the repeated scolding: "The great husband has set the princes, that is, the ears of the true king, why is it false!" "In the spring, in February, Zhang Liangcao was sent to make Han Xin the King of Qi and recruit his troops to attack Chu.


  Han Xin sent a letter to the King of Han saying: "The State of Qi is a fictitious and fickle country, and its southern side is close to the State of Chu. Please let me temporarily represent the King of Qi in the town of Fuqi. ”

  When the King of Han opened the letter, he was furious and scolded, "I am trapped here, and I am thinking of you to help me, but you want to establish yourself as king!" ”

  Zhang Liang and Chen Ping hurriedly stepped on the feet of the King of Han, and then they whispered in his ear: "The Han army is currently in an unfavorable situation, how can Han Xin be forbidden to claim the king without authorization?" It would be better to take advantage of the situation and make him king, treat him well, and let him defend the country of Qi on his own. Otherwise, there could be a mutiny. ”

  At this time, the king of Han also woke up, and took the opportunity to change his mouth and scolded: "The eldest husband has pacified the princely states, and if he wants to be an official king, why should he be an acting king?" In the spring, in February, the King of Han sent Zhang Liang to seal Han Xin as the King of Qi with a seal letter, and recruited his troops to attack the Chu army.


  At that time, Liu Bang and Xiang Yu were facing each other, and the war situation was very unfavorable to Liu Bang, at this time, Han Xin, who had just pacified Qidi, suddenly sent a telegram saying that he wanted Liu Bang to make him the acting King of Qi.

  At this time, Liu Bang was in a state of internal and external difficulties, urgently waiting for foreign aid and help, but what he was waiting for was that his subordinates took the opportunity to ask him for official positions. After Liu Bang read the letter, he was very uneasy, so he broke out and scolded. Because as Han Xin's immediate superior, Xingyang's defeat of Han Xin's sitting and watching had already made Liu Bang very unhappy. This time, he took the opportunity to ask for something for himself, which was obviously a threat or a threat.

  Faced with han xin's request, what should Liu Bang do? Let's first look at what aspects Zhang Liang considers.

  1, this kind of thing can not be managed, rather than this is better to push the boat along the water.

  Han Xin was in Qidi at this time, and Liu Bang and Xiang Yu were fighting fiercely. Liu Bang was doing his best against Xiang Yu, who had the energy to take care of Han Xin. But then again, even if you want to manage, can you manage it? He is in trouble with himself, so how to send troops to cure him? Can you beat it?

  Therefore, at this time, Han Xin was already the titular King of Qi in Qidi, and he could do whatever he wanted, and Liu Bang had no conditions to restrain him. Han Xin was able to write to him to express his thoughts, which was already a great face-saving thing. Therefore, it is the best way to do shunshui human feelings.

  2, the current demand for people, even the leader must bow their heads first.

  Although the situation at this time gradually improved to Liu Bang, liu Bang still had a hard time completely defeating Xiang Yu, so he needed a person with superior ability to assist in the battle, of which Han Xin in QiDi was the object that Liu Bang urgently needed to fight.

  Since Liu Bang had a need for Han Xin, could He Liu Bang refuse no matter what kind of request Han Xin made? Eating people with short mouths, taking people softly, and asking for people is even more so, obviously it is very unrealistic to be bullish at this time. Others don't fall into the well, it is already very good, if at this time Han Xin is won by Xiang Yu, then it will be finished.

  3, at the critical moment, if you do it, it will only be counterproductive

  As Han Xin's superior, Liu Bang's subordinates made demands of himself, and he could completely refuse the other party's request. But at this time, did Liu Bang have the conditions to refuse? In the past, Liu Bang had seized Han Xin's military power for no reason, and now he had to refuse the reasonable demands of the other party, and Han Xin was likely to defect to Xiang Yu in one breath, or establish himself as king, so Liu Bang did not dare to gamble again.

  There was no problem in rejecting Han Xin at all, but this could have a chain reaction and lose more benefits, which was not in line with Liu Bang's personality.

  If you want to do it, be the true King of Qi, what agent? This was Liu Bang's first reaction after listening to Zhang Liang's opinion, what kind of calculation did he have when he said this?

  One is because if you directly agree to Han Xin's request, the other party will agree to this when he says this, so it is likely that Han Xin will think that it is a helpless delaying strategy.

  Second, Han Xin's own request, Liu Bang, as the boss, did not take the initiative to commend and agreed, which for Han Xin, he won it by his own strength, and he would not be grateful to Liu Bang.

Third, if we directly give more on the original basis, and change the situation from Han Xin's request to Liu Bang's canonization of Shi En Han Xin, the nature of which has changed.

  Finally, if Han Xin was given the acting King of Qi, there was still a layer of space above, which would inevitably be used by Xiang Yu. For example, Xiang Yu directly acknowledged that Han Xin was the official King of Qi. Therefore, Liu Bang directly sealed to the top, even if Xiang Yu wanted to open a chip to win over, he did not give more.


  1, sometimes we always think that only upwards have something to ask for, down only others to ask for themselves, they will not ask downward. In fact, people are not omnipotent, maybe you are very good in the field you are familiar with, but in other areas you are a rookie, but in the unfamiliar field of difficulties, at this time there is a person lower than your position can help you, you also have to lower your posture to seek help from each other, do not be bullish.

  2, many things in life, the workplace may not be as you want, you want to stop, can not stop, you forcibly stop the fall of their own inside and outside is not a person, full of scars. So the best thing to do is to relax and go with the flow.

  3, some things that we are not able to prevent, rather than passive response, it is better to go with the flow. Liu Bang's approach is the best reference. If you want to give something, then give a little more, and force it to hand it over into grace. If you want to help each other, then help to the end, let the credit for the success of the work have their own share of the other party to remember a person. If you want to let it, let it go completely, simply complete each other, so as to leave room for future time together.

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