
Recommendations for 18 departments in the hospital! Save is recommended

author:Director of Cardiovascular Huang Pingdong
Recommendations for 18 departments in the hospital! Save is recommended

The 18 things that doctors in 18 departments do not recommend that you do are very important and should be read through well.

Traditional Chinese Medicine:

It is not recommended to use health care products indiscriminately, because health care products are food, there is no role in treating diseases, even if medicine and food are of the same origin, they also need to be verified by doctors.

Recommendations for 18 departments in the hospital! Save is recommended


It is not recommended to dye hair frequently, although the correlation between hair coloring and tumors is purely controversial, but long-term regular hair coloring can cause heavy metals to exceed the standard.


It is recommended that we live regularly and in moderation. Frequent staying up late, irregular meals, emotional stress will cause insulin resistance, easy to cause high blood sugar.

Recommendations for 18 departments in the hospital! Save is recommended


Doctors do not recommend that we hold urine, which can easily cause cystitis.


It is not recommended to smoke and drink, eat too sweet, too salty, too oily these bad habits. They are easy to cause atherosclerosis of blood vessels, causing coronary heart disease, stroke, atherosclerotic diseases and so on.


It is not recommended that you pick your nose, first, there may be some germs on your hands, which are easy to cause infection of the nasal cavity, and it is also easy to cause damage to the nasal mucosa.

Recommendations for 18 departments in the hospital! Save is recommended


It is not recommended to drink strong tea and hot tea, which is harmful to our digestive tract, especially hot tea above 65 degrees Celsius, and long-term drinking is easy to cause esophageal tumors.

Respiratory Medicine:

It is not recommended that our house be over-decorated, because the remaining harmful bacteria will harm our body, and children are prone to asthma.


It is not recommended that we eat some moldy food, some people are frugal, the fruit rots in half and continues to eat, in fact, many of these foods have been infected with Aspergillus aflatoma, which is easy to induce tumors.


It is recommended to wear sunglasses during the day, because the ultraviolet rays are particularly strong during the day to prevent the eyes from being damaged by ultraviolet rays.

Recommendations for 18 departments in the hospital! Save is recommended

Rheumatology and Immunology:

Seafood with beer can easily induce ventilation.


It is not recommended to sit on a soft sofa, sleep on a soft bed, too soft sofa in our seat can easily lead to a change in the support of the spine, easy to induce spinal lesions.

Recommendations for 18 departments in the hospital! Save is recommended


Excessive pungency and drinking alcohol can easily induce prostatitis.


When you go out, do not use the hotel bath towel when staying in the hotel, sometimes the disinfection is not necessarily thorough.

Recommendations for 18 departments in the hospital! Save is recommended


The doctor advises us not to squat too long when we defecate, squatting too long will induce the formation of hemorrhoids, try to make a quick decision.

Department of stomatology:

It is not recommended to use teeth to remove the beer cover, which is easy to cause damage to tooth enamel for a long time.


It is not recommended for babies to eat rice cereal prematurely, because the baby is not fully developed, and premature application may cause indigestion.

Recommendations for 18 departments in the hospital! Save is recommended