
What kind of people did the Soda people, known as the "White Huns", enter Central Asia?

author:Smart Orange H

The Mongols, a Nomadic tribe of the Turkic peoples, are closer to the Mongols, and the word "Tuoda" is pronounced the same as "Abode", which originated in the Altai Mountains and later expanded into the Steppes of Russian Turkistan. At the beginning of the 5th century, they belonged to Thera, a nomadic tribe of medium size.

What kind of people did the Soda people, known as the "White Huns", enter Central Asia?

The expansion of territory westwards in 425 to 450 made their position important. They ruled from the northwest of Yanqi in the east to the Aral Sea in the west, and occupied Sogdiana and Bactria. At this time the Sassanids were under the rule of Bahrum Gol, and Orientalists believe that the Sassanids were settling in Bactria at the time.

It is speculated that they must have invaded the Sassanid province of Khorasan, but were defeated and driven away by Bakhram Gol at Kushmay Khan. However, during the reign of the Sassanid king Baloch, it was these Sassanids who attacked Khorasan and won the victory, killing Baloch. After this, they occupied the Tarikhan region, Mov and Herat. The Sassanids were also involved in court battles in the Sassanid dynasty of Persia, marrying Khaward, who had been ousted from the throne, and giving him an army to help him regain the throne. At this time, the Shuanda people had become an important force in central Asia.

What kind of people did the Soda people, known as the "White Huns", enter Central Asia?

Although Baloch was defeated, the Zadas were unable to conquer the heavily defended Sassanid Persia. They then turned southeast in the direction of Kabul. Around the middle of the 5th century, the Kushan Dynasty was replaced by another branch of the Moon tribe, the Tocharians, who had separated from Bactria. Iranian history mentions the Kidari dynasty, which fought against the Sassanid dynasty, which was south of the Amu Darya River, and between Balhe and Mov, the Sassanid baluch king fought against the leader of the dynasty and the hero of the same name, Kidara and Kongas.

After Kongas was defeated by Balochistan, he left Bactria and the Khytars quickly occupied the area, crossed the Hindu Kush into Kabul, and drove out the last monarchs of the Kushan Dynasty who lived there, but now the Khytars followed and crossed the Hindu Kush Mountains along the same road.

What kind of people did the Soda people, known as the "White Huns", enter Central Asia?

As a result, the entire territory of the Original Moon Kingdom, namely Bactria, Kabul, and Kandahar, was controlled by the Jurchens. At this time, the Khitan people adhered to the wishes of the previous Kushan people and set out from Kabul to conquer India. However, at the beginning of the reign of the Indian Emperor Sejanto Gupta, near Doab or Malva in punjab, they were defeated by the border forces of Sejanto Gupta, and peace was restored to India after the second invasion of the Sekitas was again defeated by Sejanta Gupta.

Meanwhile, the Tsubasa people have taken root in Bactria and Kabul north of the Hindu Kush Mountains. In 520, during the pilgrimage of Song Yun (a native of Dunhuang during the Northern Wei Dynasty who had gone to the Western Regions to seek sutras), King Wuda was living in the north of the Hindu Kush Mountains and making seasonal migrations between his winterly place of Bactria and his summer residence, Badak Mountain.

What kind of people did the Soda people, known as the "White Huns", enter Central Asia?

In Kabul, the chief of the Zhada was stationed here, and he established a dynasty here. In Gandhara, a highly prosperous Greek-Buddhist cultural shrine, the Sydahs, like barbarians, slaughtered the inhabitants and maimed Buddhist communities and believers, and their tyranny and destruction almost destroyed the splendid culture here for five centuries.

Although twice defeated by Sekjanto Gupta, the Sydahs still had an eye on the rich India, and they were always ready to go. When Sejanto Gupta died, the Indian Empire began to decline, which provided an opportunity for the Siddhas. The decline of the Indian Empire came as a result of the division of two factions within the Gupta dynasty, represented by The Buddha Gupta and Banu Gupta, who ruled the Marva region; The other faction ruled Bihar and Bengal. In these cases, the Squirrels resumed their invasion of India.

What kind of people did the Soda people, known as the "White Huns", enter Central Asia?

The leader who led the invasion battle is known in Indian literature as the Head Roman, but he was not the Khan of the Khun da people, because the Khun Da Khan lived in Bactria and Badak Mountains north of the Hindu Kush Mountains, so this chief must be a special agent of the lower Kabul. He conquered not only the Indus Valley, but also Malva.

The son and heir of the head Roman, Mo Rakshasa, was praised for his great wisdom and courage as the "Family of the Sun". But he was eventually defeated by the Gupta ruler Narosinkhodore and had to retreat to Kashmir. After the conquest of Kashmir, Mahabharata returned to Keydra and carried out a horrific massacre there, where he did not escape the fate of a tragic death.

What kind of people did the Soda people, known as the "White Huns", enter Central Asia?

We have no way of knowing what happened to the Hun tribes encamped in Punjab after the death of Marula. Even if they are not dangerous neighbors, they must still be annoying. Because in the second half of the 6th century, the lord of The State of Taneser, Polo, gained power and honor in the battle against them.

In 605, Polo's eldest son, Rogava, was still fighting them. Later, their successor, the great Indian Emperor Jieri, was praised by poets for his victory over these Huns.

What kind of people did the Soda people, known as the "White Huns", enter Central Asia?

However, since the second half of the 7th century, there has been no news of these Huns, who were either exterminated or assimilated by the Punjabs, and some of their clans may have been allowed to join the Indian aristocracy.