
July 1st Gift | Outstanding Communist Party Member Style Exhibition (I) - Mayyem guli Islamu

author:Kashgar Intermediate Court
July 1st Gift | Outstanding Communist Party Member Style Exhibition (I) - Mayyem guli Islamu
July 1st Gift | Outstanding Communist Party Member Style Exhibition (I) - Mayyem guli Islamu
July 1st Gift | Outstanding Communist Party Member Style Exhibition (I) - Mayyem guli Islamu
July 1st Gift | Outstanding Communist Party Member Style Exhibition (I) - Mayyem guli Islamu

Celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China


July 1st Gift | Outstanding Communist Party Member Style Exhibition (I) - Mayyem guli Islamu
July 1st Gift | Outstanding Communist Party Member Style Exhibition (I) - Mayyem guli Islamu

Outstanding Communist Party Member: Mayem Guli Islamu


Mayem Guli Islamu, a member of the Communist Party of China, joined the work in 1999 and has successively worked in the Shufu County People's Court, the Yecheng County People's Court, and the Kashgar District Intermediate People's Court, successively serving as a clerk and judge, and is currently the deputy secretary and president of the party group of the Shule County People's Court, and a senior judge of the fourth level.

Advanced deeds

Adhere to the supremacy of work, and be brave to be the "vanguard" of striving for good results. Always adhere to the front line of trial, take the lead in handling difficult and complicated cases, improve the quality of case handling, and give full play to the exemplary and leading role of court leaders. Since 2021, 82 cases have been handled; Combined with the special rectification work of pension fraud that is being carried out, the judges of the joint criminal court go deep into townships (towns), villages, peasant households, etc. to carry out legal popularization publicity, and continue to push the publicity knowledge of cracking down on and rectifying pension fraud through typical cases and prevention techniques, and educate and guide the elderly to improve their awareness of self-prevention.

July 1st Gift | Outstanding Communist Party Member Style Exhibition (I) - Mayyem guli Islamu

Persist in judicial service to the people and be willing to serve the masses as a "widow cow." We have always adhered to the principle of "being able to adjust and adjust, judging when the judgment is made, combining the adjustment and judgment, and closing the case", resolving more than 50 contradictions and disputes, and resolving more than 20 contradictions and disputes among the masses on the spot, and effectively ensuring that contradictions and disputes do not spill over and are not handed over. Adhere to the normalization of rule of law publicity activities such as sending the law into the park and sending the law into the enterprise, and since 2022, carry out 4 times of "interpreting the law by case" activities and 6 times of publicity activities of popularizing the law.

July 1st Gift | Outstanding Communist Party Member Style Exhibition (I) - Mayyem guli Islamu

Persist in communication and coordination, and strive to be the "main force" in the work of petitioning. Adhere to the people-oriented work method, while publicizing, educating, and guiding, respect, understand, and care for petitioners, treat people equally, convince people with reason, and use emotion in the work of receiving petitions and visits, combine the solution of ideological problems with the solution of practical problems, and do everything possible to help the masses solve their worries and difficulties. Up to now, a total of more than 20 people have received letters and visits, and 15 cases of letters and visits have been resolved.

July 1st Gift | Outstanding Communist Party Member Style Exhibition (I) - Mayyem guli Islamu

With his own actions, Comrade Mayem Guli Islam interpreted the original intention and mission of communist party members, the loyalty and responsibility of people's judges, and the responsibility and dedication of leading cadres, showing the good image of people's judges in the new era of caring for the people and administering justice impartially.

Blessings to the Party

May our party youth stay forever, and may our motherland prosper!

July 1st Gift | Outstanding Communist Party Member Style Exhibition (I) - Mayyem guli Islamu

(Correspondent Du Fang)

Edit: Nur Amina

Review: Li Junyuan