
Ukraine reached out to NATO for 5 billion monthly payments, Putin expressed his position on Theffin's entry into NATO, and Russia warned the West not to move Russian assets

author:Defense Times vanguard

Recently, the NATO summit was held in a high profile, China and Russia are the number one target of this meeting, after a meeting, China has become a "systemic challenge" to NATO, Russia has become NATO's "biggest and direct threat", of course, the scene is indispensable to the Ukrainian President Zelenskiy's emotional speech and the Arch fire of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict in Western countries.

Zelenskiy cried again, and NATO could not resist a huge hole

Speaking via video at the NATO summit, Zelenskiy urged the U.S.-led NATO to step up its support for Ukraine, saying nato would either provide Ukraine with emergency aid enough to win or watch a drag war between Russia and the West as a whole. At the same time, Zelenskiy opened his mouth to ask NATO for huge sums of money, claiming that NATO should provide Ukraine with $5 billion a month to cover the budget deficit.

Ukraine reached out to NATO for 5 billion monthly payments, Putin expressed his position on Theffin's entry into NATO, and Russia warned the West not to move Russian assets

At the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, in late May, Zelenskiy also mentioned that Ukraine needed at least $5 billion a month to survive, when he also said it would take more than $500 billion to rebuild Ukraine. On the day of Zelenskiy's speech at the NATO summit, Zelenskiy's economic affairs adviser Ustenko doubled the amount needed for post-war reconstruction to $1 trillion. If Ukraine does not exaggerate big data, then Ukraine has lost an average of about $16 billion a day since the World Economic Forum, assuming that these losses are willing to bear by 30 NATO members, each country will have to give Ukraine at least $500 million a day to make up for the hole, so it seems that Ukraine only $5 billion per month is still "benevolent".

A month later, Zelenskiy once again opened his mouth to show that these Western countries only superficially provided Ukraine with a little painless assistance, and in fact none of them were willing to take over Ukraine's mess.

NATO officially invites Sweden and Finland to join, Putin: let them go!

During this time, sweden and Finland's application for NATO membership was boiling over, and the only blocker, Turkey, changed its position at the last moment before the NATO summit and agreed to Sweden and Finland joining NATO, and NATO also announced at the meeting that It officially invited Sweden and Finland to join NATO.

Russia initially felt strong dissatisfaction with the two countries' entry into NATO, and Finland even publicly said that "it has made preparations for the Russian-Finnish war for decades" in order to join nato, but it did not expect that Russian President Putin's attitude was so calm when he personally expressed his position.

When NATO officially extended invitations to Switzerland and Finland, Putin was attending a press conference in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan, and he spoke about Ukraine on his first trip since February, saying that Russia's goals in Ukraine had not changed, but tactics may change, and said that he would not set a deadline for the Russian-Ukrainian conflict.

Ukraine reached out to NATO for 5 billion monthly payments, Putin expressed his position on Theffin's entry into NATO, and Russia warned the West not to move Russian assets

Answering a question about Finland and Sweden joining NATO, Putin said, "We don't have the same problems with Sweden and Finland as Ukraine, we don't have a territorial dispute, Russia won't prevent them from joining NATO, let them go if they want, but they have to be clear that although they didn't have any threat before, if NATO deploys military infrastructure on the ground, Russia will be forced to retaliate." ”

Ruifen's entry into NATO marks the official opening of the sixth round of NATO's eastward expansion, the European security pattern has undergone a major change in the past few decades, and the western part of Russia will be almost completely wrapped by NATO member states. Putin actually sees through it and does not say it is broken. For Russia, the current handling of the Ukrainian issue is the big head, if these two countries want to repeat the Russian-Ukrainian conflict after joining NATO, NATO will help member states in accordance with the regulations, then the impact on the world will be far more than the Russian-Ukrainian war, NATO itself will also take this into account, do not dare to make a mistake, so for now, Russia will only give them a wake-up call from time to time and will not pay too much attention to them.

The West froze Russia's huge assets, and Russia solemnly warned

Late June was really not busy, the NATO summit was open here, and the United States began to do things again.

The U.S. Treasury Department recently released a document saying that the United States and its allies have frozen and blocked $330 billion of Russian assets in the past 100 days, and will continue to monitor the assets of sanctioned Russians in the coming months.

Western officials, including EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell, have previously suggested using Russia's assets to help Ukraine rebuild after the war.

Ukraine reached out to NATO for 5 billion monthly payments, Putin expressed his position on Theffin's entry into NATO, and Russia warned the West not to move Russian assets

The Russian McDonald's logo was removed

Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zakharova warned the West that if the West decides to use frozen Russian assets, the Russian side will take corresponding actions, not forgetting that there are still foreign assets of Western countries, enterprises and citizens in Russian territory!

It is reported that well-known international companies such as BP, French automaker Renault, Japan's Uniqlo, and McDonald's in the United States have stopped operating in Russia.

Ukraine reached out to NATO for 5 billion monthly payments, Putin expressed his position on Theffin's entry into NATO, and Russia warned the West not to move Russian assets

The Russian version of McDonald's stores are crowded

Western countries in Russia since the start of the war against Russia and Russia sanctions "thunder and rain small", some foreign companies stopped operating in Russia, but to make room for The Russian local enterprises, such as McDonald's left, Russia's "only delicious" fast food brand online, the opening day attracted a large number of consumers to queue up. When everyone thought that Russia would be overwhelmed by the mountain of Western sanctions, Russia used the move of paying in rubles to turn the situation around in an instant, and if the United States really moved Russia's assets, Russia might also release a move that would surprise western countries. (leaf)