
Approaching the three-volt day, no matter how busy you are, you must eat 5 kinds of "Yang Yang" food, warm yang to protect the vitality, and spend the summer safely

author:Kitchens in Amyoya

Futian refers to a very hot day in the summer, the sun is full, the yang is the most exuberant, but in the summer, people's physical activity will be relatively large, the amount of sweating will increase, and the loss of yang is also more, so the three-volt day is also a good time to raise the yang. Yang qi is the root of the human body, it is recommended that the three-volt day diet should not be excessively cold, to often eat these 5 kinds of "yang" food, warm yang to protect the vitality, help you spend the summer safely.

★ Red beans

Red beans are rich in vitamin B1, B2, protein and a variety of minerals, and at the same time rich in iron, which has the effect of strengthening the spleen and nourishing the stomach, warming the yang. Eating red beans in summer is especially able to supplement potassium lost in summer sweating. There are many ways to eat it, such as porridge or dessert.

Approaching the three-volt day, no matter how busy you are, you must eat 5 kinds of "Yang Yang" food, warm yang to protect the vitality, and spend the summer safely

Millet red bean cake

【Ingredients】: 250 grams of red beans, 130 grams of millet, 300 grams of horseshoe powder, 250 grams of brown sugar


1, millet, red beans washed water soaked overnight, and then under the pot with water to cook, cook until the red beans are opened in small bites can be, like the taste of the red beans do not have to cook very soft rotten, fish out the red beans drained and prepared, red bean water do not pour;

2, soaked millet with a little water steamed, water is probably higher than millet can be, steamed in water for about 30 minutes;

3. Horseshoe powder plus 500 grams of water to stir evenly into horseshoe powder pulp, sifted out;

Approaching the three-volt day, no matter how busy you are, you must eat 5 kinds of "Yang Yang" food, warm yang to protect the vitality, and spend the summer safely

4: Start another small pot, add 500 red bean water to brown sugar and cook until melted, turn off the heat and add horseshoe powder water while hot, quickly stir into brown sugar powder syrup.

Approaching the three-volt day, no matter how busy you are, you must eat 5 kinds of "Yang Yang" food, warm yang to protect the vitality, and spend the summer safely

5: Divide the brown sugar powder into 2 parts, add one-third of the powder to the millet and mix well, and the rest of the powder is mixed into the red beans and stir well.

Approaching the three-volt day, no matter how busy you are, you must eat 5 kinds of "Yang Yang" food, warm yang to protect the vitality, and spend the summer safely

6, prepare a steaming plate, the bottom of the dish smeared with a layer of oil, first pour in half of the millet paste, boil the steamer water steaming for 6 minutes, steamed millet layer is transparent, and then pour in the red bean paste for 10 minutes, and finally press a layer of millet steaming for about 10 minutes. Cool well enough to cut the pieces (put it in the refrigerator to refrigerate it better cut and taste better)

Approaching the three-volt day, no matter how busy you are, you must eat 5 kinds of "Yang Yang" food, warm yang to protect the vitality, and spend the summer safely

★ Ginger.

Ginger is a condiment that we must have every day, and it is also a product that helps the yang, because ginger belongs to the nature of xinwen and has the effect of warming and replenishing yang. Make some ginger candy slices as a small snack to eat, not so flushed ginger flavor, sweet and spicy, the taste is very good, you can also go to the cold.

Approaching the three-volt day, no matter how busy you are, you must eat 5 kinds of "Yang Yang" food, warm yang to protect the vitality, and spend the summer safely

Ginger sugar tablets

【Ingredients】: Fresh ginger to taste, sugar to taste


1: Wash and peel the fresh ginger, cut into even slices, and then add white sugar to marinate for 2 hours;

2, do not add a little water, pour the ginger and juice into the non-stick pan together to start boiling on medium heat, boil until the syrup is viscous;

Approaching the three-volt day, no matter how busy you are, you must eat 5 kinds of "Yang Yang" food, warm yang to protect the vitality, and spend the summer safely

3, at this time must pay attention to the heat, the fire is slightly smaller, continue to boil, then do not worry, need to keep mixing, so as not to stick to the pan.

Approaching the three-volt day, no matter how busy you are, you must eat 5 kinds of "Yang Yang" food, warm yang to protect the vitality, and spend the summer safely

4, fry until the water is all dry, see some sugar on the side of the pot began to crystallize, turn off the heat, continue to stir-fry for a while, cold will become like this.

Approaching the three-volt day, no matter how busy you are, you must eat 5 kinds of "Yang Yang" food, warm yang to protect the vitality, and spend the summer safely

★ Prawns.

Shrimp meat is delicious and delicate, can provide the human body with a wealth of high-quality animal protein and unsaturated fatty acids, its protein, amino acid ratio is appropriate, can warm the kidneys and yang, with the characteristics of tonic but not dry, nourishing but not greasy.

Approaching the three-volt day, no matter how busy you are, you must eat 5 kinds of "Yang Yang" food, warm yang to protect the vitality, and spend the summer safely

Boiled prawns


1, after the prawns are cleaned, pick out the shrimp line with a toothpick from the middle of the shrimp, that is the shrimp's stomach, there is a dirty smell, must be removed.

2, the pot is filled with water, put in the green onion ginger and cooking wine, ginger and cooking wine can remove the fishy smell of shrimp, wait for the water to boil and then add prawns;

Approaching the three-volt day, no matter how busy you are, you must eat 5 kinds of "Yang Yang" food, warm yang to protect the vitality, and spend the summer safely

3, in the process of boiling, with a spatula to stir non-stop, so that the prawns in the pot heat evenly, cook until the shrimp becomes bent, the color becomes red can be fished out, and then put into the ice water to let the shrimp quickly cool down, maintain a refreshing and tender taste.

Approaching the three-volt day, no matter how busy you are, you must eat 5 kinds of "Yang Yang" food, warm yang to protect the vitality, and spend the summer safely

4. The dipping sauce is made according to personal and family preferences. Take a small bowl and pour some steamed fish soy sauce, add minced garlic and ginger, and dip the shrimp in the sauce.

Approaching the three-volt day, no matter how busy you are, you must eat 5 kinds of "Yang Yang" food, warm yang to protect the vitality, and spend the summer safely

★ Garlic moss

Garlic moss is the flower stem of garlic, has the taste of garlic, and is not as spicy as garlic, the taste is crisp and tender, rich in protein and vitamins, not only appetizing but also can help digestion, as well as the role of warm and lower qi, suitable for this season to supplement the body's yang qi, improve the body's ability to resist diseases.

Approaching the three-volt day, no matter how busy you are, you must eat 5 kinds of "Yang Yang" food, warm yang to protect the vitality, and spend the summer safely

Stir-fried minced meat with garlic moss

【Ingredients】: Garlic moss appropriate amount, pork appropriate amount, Cooking wine 1 spoon, salt 1 small spoon, ginger garlic appropriate amount, tempeh appropriate amount, dark soy sauce 1 tbsp, light soy sauce 2 tbsp, starch 1 tsp


1, garlic moss washed, drained and cut into granules, minced meat add soy sauce, salt, cooking wine, a little raw starch marinated for 10 minutes;

Approaching the three-volt day, no matter how busy you are, you must eat 5 kinds of "Yang Yang" food, warm yang to protect the vitality, and spend the summer safely

2: Put an appropriate amount of oil in the pot, more than usual stir-fry, add minced meat and fry until it changes color, then you can put it out for later.

Approaching the three-volt day, no matter how busy you are, you must eat 5 kinds of "Yang Yang" food, warm yang to protect the vitality, and spend the summer safely

3: Pour in the new oil, stir-fry the ginger garlic and tempeh over low heat to bring out the aroma, then add the garlic moss and stir-fry over high heat;

Approaching the three-volt day, no matter how busy you are, you must eat 5 kinds of "Yang Yang" food, warm yang to protect the vitality, and spend the summer safely

4: After the garlic moss is cooked, then add the meat that was put out before and stir-fry, add a little old soy sauce, two shovels of water and stir-fry for a while to taste and can be out of the pot.

Approaching the three-volt day, no matter how busy you are, you must eat 5 kinds of "Yang Yang" food, warm yang to protect the vitality, and spend the summer safely

★ Artemisia annua

Artemisia annua has the reputation of "emperor dish", and it will smell unique, this is because Artemisia annua contains volatile oil, not only the smell and aroma can nourish the mind, but also help the yang to rise, enhance appetite and promote digestion. For those with a poor appetite, don't miss the delicacy of Artemisia annua.

Approaching the three-volt day, no matter how busy you are, you must eat 5 kinds of "Yang Yang" food, warm yang to protect the vitality, and spend the summer safely

Steamed artemisia annua

【Ingredients】: Artemisia annua appropriate amount, flour appropriate amount, corn flour appropriate amount, minced garlic appropriate amount, sesame oil A little light soy sauce 2 spoons, balsamic vinegar 1 spoonful, sugar 1 tsp,


1, artemisia annua wash and control water, cut into large sections, add a little salad oil in advance to grasp evenly, wrapped in oil can make the leaf sticky powder appropriate;

2, put the vegetable leaves in a large pot, and then add corn flour and flour in a small amount of times to mix well, so that each vegetable leaf can be wrapped with cornmeal and flour;

Approaching the three-volt day, no matter how busy you are, you must eat 5 kinds of "Yang Yang" food, warm yang to protect the vitality, and spend the summer safely

3, boil the water in the steamer on high heat, put it into the steamer and steam for about ten minutes, take it out immediately after steaming, the steaming time should not be too long, so as not to affect the appearance of artemisia yellowing;

Approaching the three-volt day, no matter how busy you are, you must eat 5 kinds of "Yang Yang" food, warm yang to protect the vitality, and spend the summer safely

4, mix your favorite garlic paste or other spices, garlic paste, soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, sugar and sesame oil mix evenly, pour in the steamed vegetables and stir well to eat.

Approaching the three-volt day, no matter how busy you are, you must eat 5 kinds of "Yang Yang" food, warm yang to protect the vitality, and spend the summer safely

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