
Have you ever seen water droplets playing and snowflakes dancing? Bring your kids to the China Millennium Monument to explore the "Magical World of Water"

Aquatic life, all things return to water, "water" has long become a worldwide issue. Recently, The World Art Cloud Atlas 2022 - "1 Drop of Water , 1 World" ANOBO World Children's Science and Technology Art Tour exhibition opened at the China Millennium Monument Art Museum in Beijing. This playful exhibition is specially created by education experts for children, and the works are created by children and artists from many countries, creating an immersive scene-based teaching mode with the help of professional exhibition means and scientific and technological means, so that visitors can experience the importance of water.

Have you ever seen water droplets playing and snowflakes dancing? Bring your kids to the China Millennium Monument to explore the "Magical World of Water"

In recent years, quality education has attracted much attention, and "taking the baby to see the exhibition" has become an emerging choice for many parents to enrich their children's artistic literacy. After seven years of exploration, the brand project "World Art Cloud Map" of China Millennium Monument Art Museum has also focused on the curatorial direction of children's art technology since this year. The organizer hopes that under the guidance of art and cultural education, the self-cultural identity of young children and young people will be improved, the ability to communicate and cooperate in a multicultural world will be acquired, and they will become global citizens who have in-depth dialogue with society in learning and creative reflection on the global pattern, so as to provide a steady stream of creativity for building a beautiful, tolerant and sustainable world.

With aesthetic education as the core, the exhibition "1 Drop of Water, 1 World" is divided into four units and 16 exhibition items, guiding children to understand and feel water from the dimensions of physical properties, natural history, civilization history, and ecosystems.

Have you ever seen water droplets playing and snowflakes dancing? Bring your kids to the China Millennium Monument to explore the "Magical World of Water"

The main exhibition "The Magical World of Water" creates a fairy tale world where art and technology intertwine. Here, crossover artist Wen Zhu can be seen playing with children using computer programs to "direct" water droplets. Drops of water fall on the surface of pots, buckets, drums and other objects, like a band playing beautiful music. In the cave wall that surrounds the band, paintings by young artists from 8 countries are hidden, waiting for attentive children to discover. German new media artist Wood developed sound and light interactive software that can co-create a liquid light show with visitors. Visitors create liquid paintings in glassware with water and oil-based pigments, while interactive sound and light installations generate a piece of music based on the picture, allowing visual and auditory creations to be created at the same time. Many children are reluctant to leave when they play here. In the "Blooming Digital Snowflakes" exhibition area, the audience can generate a light and shadow snowflake that follows their own play according to the prompts, the snowflake moves with the audience's footsteps on the floor of the exhibition hall, and the real people and virtual snowflakes together compose a beautiful dance.

Have you ever seen water droplets playing and snowflakes dancing? Bring your kids to the China Millennium Monument to explore the "Magical World of Water"

Yin Shaochun, director of the Children's Art Committee of the China Artists Association, said that the profoundness, uniqueness, richness, subtlety and emotion of the experience distinguish it from general theoretical understanding. This exhibition is to make children realize the importance of water in an immersive experience, which is not so much an exhibition as a special classroom. Some children who participated in the exhibition also thought that participating in such an exhibition was more attractive than simply winning an art competition award, because they could personally design the exhibition wall and climb onto the ladder to set up the exhibition, which was a very precious experience.

It is reported that the exhibition will be on display until October 7.

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