
The consequences of fighting with Putin are particularly serious this time

author:The cow plays the piano
The consequences of fighting with Putin are particularly serious this time

Network composite diagram, but it's still interesting to see

The consequences of fighting with Putin are indeed particularly serious this time.

The recent G7 summit and NATO summit, the most grabbed the headlines, undoubtedly British Prime Minister Johnson. At the G7 summit, he was not shocked to death, publicly calling on leaders to take off their coats, and we should compare our chest muscles with Putin.

Putin, aren't you just showing your arms? You are alone, we G7 leaders are exposed together.

You know, one of Putin's most famous outdoor photos is that in 2009, he was naked and riding on horseback in the mountains of Siberia.

The consequences of fighting with Putin are particularly serious this time

Come to think of it, this photo showing Putin's tough side gave Johnson great stimulation. So Johnson said, we also have to show our chest muscles, to appear tougher than Putin.

But tough to expose the chest muscles? European Commission President von der Leyen exclaimed: It is best to ride a horse...

Don't discuss whether to take off your clothes or not, just ride a horse. Seeing that some foreign media commented: As the only woman in the G7 conference, von der Leyen did not comment on the issue of clothing.

How did Putin respond to Johnson's ridicule and ridicule?

If you don't increase your firepower and scold back, it is not Putin's style. Moreover, the scolding is even more absolute and more distinctive.

Putin, who was attending the Caspian Summit in Turkmenistan, replied in front of the reporters:

I don't know how they want to take it off, to the waist, or below the waist, but I think either way, it's a disgusting scenario.

Please pay attention to Putin's expression, and the corners of his mouth are still a little smiling, which is indeed damaged enough.

Johnson proposed to expose his chest muscles, but when it came to Putin's mouth, it became: I don't know how they want to take it off, whether it is to take it off to the waist or below the waist...

And, to add a conclusion: no matter how you take it off, it's a disgusting scene.

Typical pun intended.

The consequences of fighting with Putin are particularly serious this time

But that's not all, Putin has something to say to Johnson. He went on to say:

I remember that Pushkin once said, "To be a competent person, pay attention to the beauty of your nails." "I very much agree. Everything a person has should develop harmoniously, both in body and soul. In order for everything to develop harmoniously, it is necessary to quit excessive drinking and other bad habits, exercise, and engage in a sport.

There are words in the words.

1, quoting the scriptures, but also quoted the famous words of the great Russian poet Pushkin, look at it, this is Putin's impromptu speech, a small hand, indeed has enough connotation.

2, and there is also a pungent taunt, exhorting Johnson that everything in a person should develop harmoniously, both body and soul. Johnson, do you have one?

3, you must quit excessive drinking and change other bad habits, which is a direct punch in the face of Johnson. Because it is very simple, the big belly Johnson, a major crisis that has recently encountered, is to take the lead in violating the quarantine rules, drinking and eating in the prime minister's official residence; Moreover, he has also launched a series of "weight loss campaigns", what cycling, what call for everyone to lose weight and fight the epidemic...

But what about the effect?

On Western social media, many people silently published a comparison chart of Putin and Johnson's bare arms...

The consequences of fighting with Putin are particularly serious this time

Why is it that the hype is all About Johnson?

This may have something to do with Johnson's embarrassing situation. After Brexit, the European Union is very unwelcome, on the G7, the protagonist is the United States and the European Union, not to say something surprising, how does the world know that there is a United Kingdom?

Moreover, diplomacy is the continuation of internal affairs, and now the British country is in a mess, because of various problems such as lying and violating the law, Johnson himself has the risk of stepping down, do not take the opportunity to grab some international headlines, divert the domestic attention, then after returning home, it is even more impossible to mix...

Therefore, Johnson's thunderous words have been particularly numerous lately. For example, he also lamented: If Putin were a woman, then the war in Ukraine would not have happened.


Johnson's explanation was: "If Putin were a woman, of course he was clearly not, but if he were, I really don't think he would launch a crazy, macho, aggressive and violent war..."

This is very serious international politics, but it has become a problem of confrontation between men and women. It also hurts that Putin is not a woman, and Johnson is indeed bad enough.

But the wicked have their own wicked grinds, and Putin's counterattack arrived quickly, as he said:

I just want to remind him of the events in modern history that took place in that Margaret Thatcher had decided to launch a military operation against Argentina in the Falkland Islands. It was a military operation that a woman decided to launch. Where are the Falkland Islands? Where is the UK? This was entirely driven by imperial ambitions...

What do you mean?

1, what about women? Don't forget, it was you British Margaret Thatcher who started the War on the Falkland Islands. In the case of Britain itself, Putin taught Johnson a lesson.

2, Putin still has words in the back, where is the Falklands? Where is the UK? If you look at the map, you will know that the Falklands are next to Argentina, that you Britain have imperial ambitions, that you have started the war.

Johnson wanted to taunt Putin, but Putin sent him back, and he also gave Johnson a profound lesson in international politics.

Of course, after all, it is the president of a country, although he also said a little "below the waist" connotation is very rich words, but some words, after all, are not easy to say.

It doesn't matter, Putin is not convenient to say, the Russian Foreign Ministry continues.

In this international fight, I think, the most absolute thing is the counterattack of the Russian Embassy in China.

In addition to putting up Putin's rhetorical rebuttal, a cartoon was also included.

The consequences of fighting with Putin are particularly serious this time

In the comic, the top English reminds that this is this year's G7 summit, and the photos on the wall should be Putin who is riding a horse (a steppe god beast) with a bare arm, and below, it is the Western leaders who are anxious to imitate Putin's actions.

If I'm not mistaken, in this cartoon of the Russians:

The one riding the ostrich naked should be the female president of the European Commission von der Leyen;

At the bottom of a pig is German Chancellor Scholz;

With money in one hand and a wine bottle in the other, it was Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau;

He didn't ride anything, but he took the initiative to open his clothes to reveal a chest hair, which was French President Macron;

Only see the bare ass, but dead or alive is the yellow haired fat guy who can't climb on horseback, no doubt, it should be British Prime Minister Johnson;

Oh, and there's another one lying under a bicycle, which is like a fake bag, and it must be US President Biden who fell on his bicycle not long ago...

If I guessed correctly, it would be purely coincidental. Anyway, it was all done by Russian cartoonists, and it had nothing to do with me.

But the biggest feature of all the people in the painting is not just the problem of showing their arms, but the whole body is stripped naked. Especially Johnson, a good body, yellow hair is very prominent, the groove is also very deep, the feet are still cocked high, but how can not climb the horse's back, it is really amazing.

The last comment of the Russian Embassy is exactly the same sentence that Putin mocked: It is a disgusting scene.

The revenge of the Russians is indeed fierce enough to be distinctive!