
A certain base of the Hong Kong garrison has created a strong military culture with an innovative spirit

author:Bright Net

Highlight the charm of the times of strong military culture

——A certain base of the Hong Kong Garrison has created a strong military culture with an innovative spirit

A certain base of the Hong Kong garrison has created a strong military culture with an innovative spirit

A certain base of the Hong Kong garrison has created a strong military culture with an innovative spirit and injected internal driving force into the comprehensive construction of the army. The picture shows the officers and men of the base visiting the "Exhibition From First Trial to First Demonstration - Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone". Photo by Ye Peng

The development of the times and the diversified needs of officers and men have put forward new propositions for the building of a strong military culture in our army. A certain base of the hong Kong garrison absorbed the nourishment of the reform and innovation culture of the SAR and continued to carry out a series of cultural construction practices with the characteristics of the times and the characteristics of the base, providing impetus for the comprehensive construction of the troops and providing us with useful references.

- Editor

"FireEye" laboratory model, large bionic robot... On this day, in the exhibition hall of the Shenzhen Qianhai International Convention Center, the dazzling achievements of "Shenzhen Intelligent Manufacturing" made the officers and men of a certain base of the Hong Kong Garrison feel the strong pulse of innovation and creation of the special zone. Hao Min, a college student soldier, wrote down his feelings in the guestbook - "How to go before, only innovation."

This is a moment of convergence between officers and soldiers and the innovative culture of the special zone, and it is also a cross-section of the base's efforts to build a strong military culture with an innovative spirit.

In recent years, nourished by the stirring and full atmosphere of reform and innovation in the special zone, the base has dared to try and forge ahead, and has continued to carry out a series of cultural construction practices with the characteristics of the times and the characteristics of the base, injecting internal driving force into the comprehensive construction of the troops, and playing a sonorous and powerful battle song of a strong army in the "City of Innovation.".


To this day, company commander Li Hua still clearly remembers the excitement brought to him by the singing competition 3 years ago.

"We are the sons of Tashan, remembering that our duty is not to disappoint..." On the eve of the 2019 National Day, the al-Qaida singing competition. The military song on the stage was loud, and the applause from the stage was warm. At the end of the competition, the 3 battalions of a certain regiment of the base won the championship, and everyone embraced and celebrated excitedly.

Chorus conductor and instructor of the camp, Ding Lichuan, patted Li Hua on the shoulder and breathed a sigh of relief – their innovative adaptation of the classic song was successful!

The required song of this singing contest is the "Song of the Base" that is familiar to the officers and men of the base. How to stand out? Before the rehearsal, Li Hua, who has musical expertise, put forward his opinion: "Compared with the preferences of young officers and soldiers, the existing arrangement methods of songs are somewhat traditional, and perhaps the melody can be newly arranged in combination with the elements of the times to enhance the appeal of the songs." ”

This idea was echoed by everyone. During that time, they adjusted one by one from the aspects of tune adaptation, voice division, and rhythm control. One by one, the ideological sparks from young officers and soldiers beat and shone on the staves.

In the end, they conquered the judges and the audience with their excellent singing skills and novel adaptations. Li Hua recalled: "Zhang Cong, a member of the participating team that won the third place, specifically found me and said that I did not expect that the old song could be adapted in this way, and I felt that there was a new era of military camp 'fireworks', which was very heartfelt. ”

However, while the "new" song has attracted applause, it has also attracted a lot of discussion: "As a song that officers and soldiers are familiar with and integrate into the 'spiritual imprint', how can we say that we can change it?" "Every era has its own 'weather vane', and we must fully respect the pioneering spirit of officers and soldiers"...

After investigation, a group of party committee members of the base came to a conclusion - the focus of the debate was not the song itself, but the collision of old and new concepts. Under the tide of the times, the way officers and men perceive has changed, the levels of demand have been diversified, and new topics have been put forward on how to build a strong military culture.

"Only by being good at upgrading the 'aged' of the years to the 'good wine' of the times and educating officers and soldiers in a way that young people like to hear can we make the culture of a strong army more effectively stimulate the consciousness of officers and men to inherit the red gene." A word from the leader of the base opened up ideas for everyone, and the "pool of spring water" of cultural innovation was also activated.

"I now hand over the meritorious car ZG2037 to you, I hope that you will be loyal to the mission and live up to the heavy trust after taking over..." On the basis of referring to the military ceremony activity specifications, they innovatively designed the ceremonial activity paradigm with unit characteristics and professional characteristics such as the handover of the meritorious vehicle and the training pacesetter hanging gold medal, and the mission and honor were continued and passed on through the ceremony carrier. In the camps of the base, 42 major historical theme oil paintings with the spiritual genealogy of the Chinese Communists as the main line, 3D holographic fans playing videos of heroes of the Weiguo Shubian, and outdoor large-scale projection lights projecting the slogans of the strong army... One by one, the mobile cultural fronts and the walking missionary classrooms have made the red culture play a role in casting the soul and cultivating the people and cultivating the foundation in a subtle way.

What has changed is the element of the times, and what has not changed is the bloodline inheritance. Traditional cultural activities are not obsolete, but only need a form of development that meets the needs of officers and soldiers. They also adopted methods such as writing about soldiers, conducting military exercises, and singing soldiers to put the teaching materials on the theme on the stage, turning "reading text books" into "appreciating stage plays," and enabling officers and men to act as both "playwrights" and "people in the play" in the innovative expression of "youthfulness" and "immersion," and truly receive spiritual baptism.


"Super-flammable, hardcore!" Not long ago, a film called "High Burning! The short video of "The Hard Core Strength of the Auto Soldiers of the Hong Kong Garrison" aroused the attention of netizens and rushed to the "hot search".

In the author's opinion, the deepest reason lies in the officers' and men's understanding and grasp of the building of a strong military culture.

Soldiers, with martial arts as the plant, with literature as the seed. The party committee of the base has a profound understanding of this: the base is stationed in a large city, coupled with the long-term peaceful environment, it is more and more necessary to create a cultural environment of elite force and strong ability and dare to defeat the war, and enhance the "combat content" of the strong military culture.

"Whether it is the 'dare to fight and win' of the Tashan spirit or the 'dare to try' of the spirit of the Special Administrative Region, the key lies in the word 'dare'. For our base, we must dare to compete for the first, dare to be the first, dare to take responsibility, and dare to fight and win. At that year's cadre meeting, the "four dares" demand put forward by the leaders of the base aroused universal resonance among officers and men.

In a subsequent competition, a fiery duel of "apprentice PK master" vividly reflected this "dare" cultural core.

In that "Shenzhen-Hong Kong Transport Elite Soldiers" competition, the driver training company of the base sent elite soldiers to compete with the "apprentices" they brought out and the officers and men of the automobile company.

"In the face of the squad leader of the driver training company, do you dare to challenge?" "As officers and men of the automobile company, can we win?" "Winning the championship trophy, do you have confidence?" At the beginning of last year, after getting the competition plan, Zhong Shuoxun, the instructor of the automobile company, threw out questions at the mobilization meeting. The officers and men of the company gave a positive answer with a shout.

This company is a special company in the sequence of our troops stationed in Hong Kong. They travel through two traffic laws and two legal systems every day, carry out transportation tasks back and forth between the two places, and have been awarded the honorary title of "Model Automobile Company with Loyal Mission" by the Central Military Commission, and are known as "the mobile representative team of the civilized division".

In that competition, they were determined to compete with the strong hands. Zhong Said: During that time, the officers and men of the company carried out transportation support tasks normally during the day, squeezed in time for additional training after taking lunch breaks and turning off the lights at night, but none of them cried bitterly and tired. With the training of the battle leader and the strict and meticulous training, they successfully trained the excellent skills of "being excellent in the left and right directions, understanding the driving maintenance, shenzhen and Hong Kong roads, and handling special situations and being able to fight", and finally defeated the "master" on the competition field and straightened the question mark of the outside world with strength.

"Difficulties are not intimidating, poor conditions are difficult, and tasks are not overwhelmed!" Not long after that competition, the officers and men of the Sichuan-Tibet Military Station Were invited to the base for discussion and exchange, and interpreted the spirit of the Sichuan-Tibet Line for the officers and men in simple language, which aroused wide resonance.

What are the characteristics of the combat culture of the "Sichuan-Tibet Line"? What can the "Shenzhen-Hong Kong Line" learn from the "Sichuan-Tibet Line"? A big discussion began with troops at the base.

"A soldier who has been practicing for a long time is not as good as a soldier who has been fighting for a long time." The reason for the defeat in that contest was that there was still a gap in our awareness and ability to 'fight'. During the discussion, the "masters" of the driver training company sighed. Subsequently, they learned from the experience of the "Sichuan-Tibet Line" actual combat training, highlighted the handling drills of complex situations, and strictly carried out training in many subjects such as parking in Hong Kong neighborhoods, changing tires without jacks, and transport defense in detachments.

Cultural "soft power" gives birth to "hard kung fu". The experience of the driver training company is a microcosm of the base's efforts to enhance the "combat content" of the cultural construction of a strong military. It has been learned that in recent years, the base has compiled and issued the "Collection of Stories of the Tashan Resistance War" and the "Collection of Film and Television Works on the Theme of Resisting US Aggression and Aiding Korea," and jointly held a "Spark of Fire" story meeting with the People's Liberation Army Publishing House to carry out in-depth activities such as studying combat history and combat examples and telling about combat heroes, and constantly endowing all kinds of cultural products with a bloody battle soul.


Approach the 24-hour self-service book lending machine, tap with your fingertips, and read on the "code"; Put on cool VR glasses, cross time and space, imagine intelligence... At the weekend cultural and sports activity center, a series of modern cultural and sports facilities attracted many officers and soldiers of the base to experience.

"How can you not master the 'trend' culture of being a soldier in a SPECIAL ZONE?" Next to the somatosensory game console, Sergeant Sun Junjie talked about his experience, "Over the years, we have also participated in many co-construction and co-education activities between the base and the local university. I have listened to many special lectures on the development of high and new technologies, which have broadened my horizons and updated the knowledge structure, and gained a lot of results. ”

In recent years, in order to enhance the level of educating people with culture and culture, the base has made full use of the advantages of the cultural resources of the special zone, organized officers and soldiers to visit the high-tech enterprises in the station, and walked into the Shenzhen traffic police command center, the Qianhai Free Trade Zone and other demonstration points for the modernization of the special zone's governance capabilities.

Improve yourself in the "Network +" education classroom, feel the "digital creativity" in high-tech enterprises... While appreciating the charm of innovation culture, officers and soldiers also have the power to stimulate innovation and creativity.

The natural color is like an orchid, and its aroma is self-exuberant. Ye Jing, an officer of the Shenzhen Municipal Foundation for Supporting the Military and Preferential Subordinates, who has participated in organizing the recruitment fair for retired soldiers stationed in Shenzhen for three consecutive years, said: "The soldiers cultivated by the base have the dual advantages of red heritage and innovative characteristics, which are welcomed by local employers. ”

At the end of the interview, a feeling stirred in our hearts: The construction of a strong military culture must always be in tune with the melody of the times, synchronized with the rhythm of the barracks, and resonated with the interests of officers and soldiers. When the red gene and the innovation factor are integrated, the strong military culture can highlight the charm of the times and exert greater benefits. (Wang Tang, Ye Peng, Zhuang Ziwei)

Source: People's Liberation Army Daily

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