
Can you choose a new energy vehicle for yourself?

author:Strike a tiger

Let's look at a set of data first:

1, the operation of public charging infrastructure, May 2022 compared with April public charging piles increased by 87,000 units, May increased by 60.5% year-on-year. As of May 2022, a total of 1.419 million public charging piles have been reported by member units of the Alliance, including 613,000 DC charging piles, 806,000 AC charging piles, and 485 AC and DC integrated charging piles. From June 2021 to May 2022, about 45,000 new public charging piles will be added every month.

2, the operation of public charging infrastructure provinces, autonomous regions and cities, Guangdong, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Beijing, Hubei, Shandong, Anhui, Henan, Fujian TOP10 areas of public charging piles accounted for 72.3%. The national charging power is mainly concentrated in Guangdong, Jiangsu, Sichuan, Zhejiang, Fujian, Hebei, Shaanxi, Hubei, Hunan, Shanxi and other provinces, and the electricity flow is mainly based on buses and passenger cars, and other types of vehicles such as sanitation logistics vehicles and taxis account for a relatively small proportion. In May 2022, the total charging capacity of the country was about 1.56 billion kWh, an increase of 140 million kWh over the previous month, an increase of 83.1% year-on-year, and an increase of 10.0% month-on-month.

3, the operation of public charging infrastructure operators, as of May 2022, the number of charging piles operated by the national charging operation enterprises is TOP15, namely: Star Charging operation 278,000 units, Special Call operation 277,000 units, State Grid operation 196,000 units, Cloud Fast Charging operation 178,000 units, Xiao orange charging operation 71,000 units, Weijingyun operation 51,000 units, Shenzhen Vehicle Power Grid operation 46,000 units, China Southern Power Grid operation 41,000 units, Yiwei Energy operation 37,000 units, Hui Charging operates 33,000 units, SAIC Anyue operates 24,000 units, Wanma Aichong operates 23,000 units, Wancheng Wanchong operates 22,000 units, China Putian operates 21,000 units, and Azure Express Operates 13,000 units. These 15 operators accounted for 92.4% of the total, and the remaining operators accounted for 7.6% of the total.

4, charging infrastructure and electric vehicles compared, from January to May 2022, the increase in charging infrastructure was 963,000 units, the sales of new energy vehicles were 2.003 million, and charging infrastructure and new energy vehicles continued to grow rapidly. The incremental ratio of pile vehicles is 1:2.1, and the construction of charging infrastructure can basically meet the rapid development of new energy vehicles.

5, June 10 news, according to the latest data of the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, China's automobile sales in May were 1.862 million units, down 12.6% year-on-year and up 57.6% month-on-month. From January to May, the cumulative sales volume of automobiles was 9.555 million units, down 12.2% year-on-year. Among them, the sales volume of new energy vehicles was 447,000 units, an increase of 105.2% year-on-year; From January to May, the company sold 2.003 million units, an increase of 111.2% year-on-year.

This is based on the data released by the China Charging Alliance on the operation of the national electric vehicle charging and replacing infrastructure in May 2022. Overall, the current momentum of charging pile development in China is quite strong, coupled with the strong support of some local governments, electric vehicles are still very attractive in terms of car costs.

Then when you plan to buy an electric car, you look up on the Internet, and all kinds of information are not recommended. For example, the battery life in the north of minus ten degrees is seriously shrunk, the air conditioner is seriously shrunk, the city with many mountain roads is seriously shrunk, the insurance cost is high, the battery cost is high, etc., and I am completely confused, whether I can buy it in the end. Today I will do some analysis and hope to help you do some references.

1 In terms of geography, the place north of the Yangtze River is currently recommended not to buy. North of the Yangtze River, most cities can drop to many degrees below zero in winter, and at this temperature, no matter what battery power can be directly reduced to the point where you suspect that you are buying a fake electric car. In the past, Apple mobile phone also gave you a direct dry shutdown. South of the Yangtze River, basically will not face this problem. However, the cities south of the Yangtze River, such as Chongqing, which has more slopes, the battery power actually drops relatively fast, and the power that opens the air conditioner uphill and downhill in the summer is also touching, of course, the construction volume of chongqing's current fast charging pile is still growing significantly, and it is fully charged for an hour and a half, which is actually not a problem for most people. On the whole, south of the Yangtze River, electric vehicles do not have enough endurance, basically do not exist.

2 Charging problem convenience, when buying a tram, the first consideration is the convenience of charging, their own community does not install charging piles, after buying a tram can not be charged, there is no commercial fast charging station around. This is indeed a headache. In fact, after 20219 began to move in the newly built community, according to national requirements, the distribution capacity of the community, specifically required that more than three percent of the capacity must be reserved, as the reserved power of the charging pile, including parking spaces, such as the overall load of your community is designed to be 10,000 kVA, then when you go to the power supply bureau to approve the procedures, the power supply bureau will tell the developer that you must install capacity to reach 13,000 kVA, and more than 3,000 is reserved for charging piles. Otherwise, no power is given. Therefore, this community after 2019, you just have to apply, you can definitely give the pile. In fact, as long as the load of the community can, the property generally will not be difficult for you, if the load is not enough, it can only be said separately. At present, some communities did not reserve the corresponding load before 19 years, but when he designed the load of each budget is relatively large, the property, it is recommended that you can pull a line to your parking space at the back end of your own home appliance meter, charge your car, this method is also OK, provided that your load has to be redundant. There is also a situation that your community is within a kilometer, if there is a commercial charging station, the person feels that there is no problem, more than an hour is full, you generally commute to work and commute to the electricity once every three or five days, relative to the current fuel cost, this can still save a lot of money. This is real. At present, local city companies, oil companies, as well as electric vehicle manufacturers, private enterprises, are in the southern cities to do charging farms, the layout of power stations, charging farms, charging farms, more than gas stations. The service area of the gas station on the highway basically has a charging field, and it will only increase. Therefore, once in a long time, do not worry about charging too long, charging will become more and more convenient.

3 In terms of economy, in fact, the Internet has always said that the battery is expensive, the time comes to you to change the battery car can buy a new one or something, indeed this price is really no way ha, but this thing has to depend on your own choice, in fact, the current battery, at least charge more than 3,000 times, in order to abolish, then each full charge according to 300 km to calculate, is 900,000 km, try to ask the fuel car how many can drive to this number, a discount, you open 500,000 km, according to the current oil price relative to the electricity price , saving 5 cents per kilometer is not too much, 500,000 kilometers can save 250,000 bar, especially now that electric vehicle manufacturers have also launched a replacement power station, you empty battery to the station for about 5 minutes, automatically give you a full battery is not charged, this is how fragrant. What car retention rate or something, don't talk about it, you ordinary people buy a car is a generation step, to achieve the purpose on the line, try to ask this retention rate is really useful, you buy a car to consider selling a car? When you have the money to replace a better car, will you sell ten thousand yuan less because of the last car, rather than choose not to change the car ?? In addition, some people are also mentioning that this electric vehicle premium is high, and it is indeed higher than that of fuel vehicles, but the maintenance cost of trams is much cheaper than that of fuel vehicles. Overall, look at how you measure it.

South of the Yangtze River, it is actually more suitable for electric vehicles. Of course, in some small cities, there are not many places where there are not many commercial charging farms, or wait and see before buying, because the construction of small urban charging farms cannot keep up, and your community does not charge you, you are in trouble.

A day of doing engineering runs everywhere and runs farther away from this kind of field, say go, this is not suitable for buying electric vehicles, sales staff are not suitable, for these people, time is money. There are also people who travel more than 400 kilometers a day for more than ten days in January, and it is not easy to buy an electric car, which is easy to miss.

Personal opinion, said not comprehensively, only do reference, choose in you.