
The survey shows China's influence in the hearts of African youth

author:Overseas network

Source: Xinhua News Agency

Nairobi, June 30 (Xinhua) -- According to the 2022 African Youth Survey, China has become the most influential country outside Africa on the African continent in the eyes of African youth, and China has made positive contributions to African countries in infrastructure construction and promoting local employment.

On June 13, the African Youth Survey 2022, commissioned by the Ichkowitz Family Foundation in South Africa, was released. The report conducted more than 4,500 face-to-face in-depth interviews with young people aged 18 to 24 in 15 African countries, of which 77% of respondents believe that China is the most influential country outside Africa on the continent; 76% said China's impact on their country and lives was positive.

The report said that China's investment and support for infrastructure construction on the African continent, high-quality and inexpensive goods, providing export opportunities for African products, and creating jobs for local people are the main reasons why African youth affirm China's positive impact on Africa.

Chinese products are loved by young people in Africa

In African countries, whether it is a small street shop or a large shopping mall, the shelves are full of "Made in China" goods, from clothes, shoes and hats and plastic products to household appliances.

"A lot of my household appliances are Chinese products, and they helped me a lot," said Muir, an African actress. ”

In addition to general daily necessities, Chinese manufacturers' electronic products have also become more and more popular among the young generation in Africa in recent years.

The survey shows China's influence in the hearts of African youth

A worker packs goods at kilimall's warehouse on the southern outskirts of Kenya's capital Nairobi on November 1, 2019. (Photo by Xinhua news agency reporter Yang Zhen)

Martin, a 30-year-old African self-media personality, describes himself as a "fan" of Chinese products. He told reporters that Chinese manufacturers offer a variety of goods at different price points, winning many consumers in Kenya.

"China is the manufacturing center of the world," Martin said, "and most of the products we consume come from China." He added that Chinese manufacturers have the expertise and constantly develop and innovate so that most families can afford their products.

Chinese mobile phone brand Transsion is widely popular in the African market, leading the African smartphone market in the fourth quarter of 2021, with the market share ranking first to 47.9%. According to the brand's product manager, Antonio Otino, the brand's products are mainly aimed at young people who are keen on fashion, and manufacturers will also adjust and customize the products according to the needs of African consumers, which is also the reason why Chinese products are popular in the local area.

Chinese investment brings more opportunities

Since the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding on Jointly Building the Belt and Road Cooperation with China, the development space of The East African country of Kenya has been expanding. According to the relevant research released by the Kenya African Policy Research Institute, China supports the construction of modern infrastructure projects such as railways, roads, ports, industry, and digital interconnection in Kenya to create more jobs for the local area, and thousands of Kenyan students are benefiting from Chinese scholarships and training opportunities, injecting vitality into the country's economic development.

The Mombasa-Nairobi Railway, built by a Chinese company, has just celebrated its fifth anniversary of operation, connecting Mombasa, the largest port in East Africa, with Nairobi, the capital of Kenya, greatly shortening the travel time taken by the two places, reducing logistics and transportation costs, making it more convenient for residents along the route, and bringing employment opportunities to many local young people.

The survey shows China's influence in the hearts of African youth

Passengers get on and off from a passenger train departing from Mombasa on the Nairobi Station of the Mombasa Railway in Kenya on 17 November 2021. (Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Dong Jianghui)

After graduating from university, 30-year-old Kenyan girl Tabitha Kiplimo came to work at The Mombasa Railway, where she received training from Chinese experts on train operation and became an excellent railway train driver by mastering signals, braking systems and engine working principles. She was promoted to a management position due to her outstanding performance.

"I am very proud to be part of the first batch of female drivers of the Mombasa-Nairobi Railway." Kiplimo thanked the Chinese side for nurturing her, saying that this opportunity is a good inspiration for the local young girls.

According to data from early 2022, since the establishment of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation, Chinese enterprises have built and remodeled more than 10,000 kilometers of railways and nearly 100,000 kilometers of roads on the african continent, creating more than 4.5 million jobs.

Learn from the "Chinese experience" to promote development

According to the 2022 African Youth Survey, by 2030, about 42% of the world's youth population will come from Africa, and youth will become an important force for peace, stability and social development in Africa. China has always vigorously supported the development of education in Africa, assisted in the construction of schools in many countries and shared teaching experience, and actively promoted cooperation and exchanges between China and Africa scientific research and teaching institutions.

In June this year, Tanzania launched the National Vocational Standards Development Project with Chinese participation, and a total of 43 Chinese vocational colleges participated in the formulation of vocational standards for 54 positions in Tanzania and supporting talent training programs. Adolf Rutayug, Chairman of tanzania's National Vocational Education Commission, said the National Vocational Standards Development Project would lay the foundation for the establishment of new educational standards and promote the development of vocational education and training in Tanzania. At the same time, the project helps to train a large number of high-quality skilled workers and ensures that vocational education graduates meet the needs of the international market.

The survey shows China's influence in the hearts of African youth

On June 24, 2022, at the University of Nairobi, Kenya, contestants showcase their talents. On the same day, the 21st "Chinese Bridge" World University Chinese Competition Kenya Regional Qualifier was held at the University of Nairobi. (Photo by Xinhua news agency reporter Long Lei)

In recent years, the number of African students studying in China has been increasing. Through studying and traveling in China, they learn more about China and gain inspiration from the "China Experience".

Cameroonian young Joseph Mendu is a doctoral candidate at the School of International Relations of Peking University, and has studied in many places in China to explore the "code" of victory in poverty alleviation. He believes that young people can play an important role in promoting dialogue between China and African countries and narrowing the gap in understanding.

Some young Africans want to seize the opportunities presented by China's rapidly growing e-commerce in recent years. Zimbabwean international student Tonga Milayi Mubona has participated in many e-commerce live broadcast events in China. He said that African youth have great enthusiasm for cross-border e-commerce, and e-commerce can help more distinctive high-quality African products enter the Chinese market.

People-to-people ties deepen China-Africa friendship

At present, more and more young Chinese people are going to Africa, taking root in this distant continent and contributing to local public welfare volunteer services.

Located on the outskirts of Nairobi, Kenya's capital, the Massare community is the second largest slum in Kenya. Liu Yimenghan, a 27-year-old Chinese youth, has been engaged in public welfare activities in Mazaré for eight years. Liu Yimenghan came here to teach during his university years, when he felt that he could do more to improve the educational environment and future life of local children. In 2014, Liu Yimenghan, who was still in college, and a group of like-minded young people co-founded the "Dream Making Public Welfare" organization.

They first transformed the tin classrooms into sturdy brick houses, and have since worked to provide free meals, scholarships, tutoring and better education for underprivileged children. Through years of hard work, three schools in Mazare have been renovated, enrolment rates have increased year by year, and children from poor families have access to free breakfast and lunch.

The survey shows China's influence in the hearts of African youth

Liu YiMenghan with children at a school in the Mazare slum of Nairobi, Kenya, on April 28, 2022. (Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Dong Jianghui)

With the support of some foundations and individual donations in China, "Dream Building Charity" has carried out public welfare activities in 6 African countries including Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. In addition to renovating schools and providing free meals, they have also carried out talent shows, football matches, dream exhibitions, youth training and other projects to help poor children pursue their dreams.

African youth are full of confidence in the future of China-Africa relations. In an interview with Xinhua News Agency, Ifuel Ichkowitz, chairman of the Chikowitz Family Foundation, said: "The vast majority of young Africans believe that Africa-China cooperation will bring a win-win situation. China continues to invest in Africa, bringing tangible benefits to the African people. Some Western countries have been saying that China is not conducive to Africa's development, but young Africans have the opposite view. (Reporters: Zhou Chuyun, Jing Jing, Bai Lin, Xie Hao, Xu Zheng, Xie Yuan, Cheng Lu, Wei Donghua; Video: Li Cheng, Zhou Chuyun; Editing: Si Yuan; Editors: Wang Shen, Tu Yifan, Yang Wei)

Jointly produced by the International Department of Xinhua News Agency and the Africa Branch

Produced by Xinhua News Agency's International Communication Integration Platform

The survey shows China's influence in the hearts of African youth

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