
The holiday has arrived, the mythical beast is out of the cage, and the parents have made a good holiday plan?

author:The child teacher really loves you

The auspicious hour has arrived, and the divine beast is out of the cage! When the summer vacation is about to start, the big treasure and the second treasure are coming back! How exciting!

The holiday has arrived, the mythical beast is out of the cage, and the parents have made a good holiday plan?

Excited divine beasts

Dear baby beasts, how are your holidays arranged? For younger babies, parents can go to snacks to help the beast babies make holiday plans in advance and make arrangements.

Let's make a fun, feasible, and meaningful vacation plan for the baby beasts in the family.

First, the holidays can be relaxed and leisurely, but they cannot be left unchecked. Learning something new is always the first priority for children, and don't forget to grasp this fundamental at any time, otherwise, you may really lose at the starting line.

The cultivation of children's learning habits is the key to determining whether children's learning is good or bad in the future, and the regularity of work and rest time, the concentration of work, and the combination of work and leisure require parents to supervise and help children develop.

Here Xiaobian as a person who has come over, focusing on the importance of primary school mathematical thinking training, mathematical thinking to the white is actually Olympic number thinking, many parents who have not experienced it will generally disagree, thinking that this learning is not important. Here I tell my friends two true little stories:

1, Xiaobian's family in the countryside of Sichuan, when I was a child, my family was generally very poor, my 150 or so junior high school classmates, and finally only 1 was admitted to Harbin Institute of Technology, many years later, a chance, we chatted together to know, the reason why this classmate learned well from an early age, mathematics is a ride on the dust, all the way to the top, it turned out that he had an uncle who was a math teacher, gave him a book of mathematical thinking training, what is in the book "chicken rabbit cage", "frog jump high", "Yang Guang Triangle" Waiting for the math problems that could not be learned in the textbook, the student said that after he had learned the more difficult Olympiad book, he felt very simple to come back to the school's math textbook. So he also became the only key college student in the ten miles and eight townships of our time.

The holiday has arrived, the mythical beast is out of the cage, and the parents have made a good holiday plan?

2, my son has been in the third year of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics this year, the child has been from primary school to junior high school, and then to high school, has been relatively top-notch, especially the math score is very good. This is mainly due to the fact that the children have signed up for a very famous Olympiad training class in the local (provincial city) since the second grade of primary school, which is where the primary school bullies gather, and the mathematical results of these children are often among the best in their respective schools, and the son scored 149 points in the college entrance examination that year. The most interesting thing is that after my son went to the key junior high school and the key high school, he found that many of his classmates were students of the training class where they were studying Olympiad.

Through the above two short stories, I think parents and friends should have a certain understanding of the importance of the cultivation of Olympic number thinking, so I will talk about why this is so important.

1, from an early age to cultivate children's extraordinary concentration and meticulous logical thinking ability. We know that mathematics is not a subject like language, it can be very subjective, mathematics must follow rigorous reasoning, and finally get accurate answers, thinking carefully (or careful, also called not sloppy) is not only useful for mathematics, but also very useful for any other discipline.

2, the cultivation of Olympic number thinking can greatly enhance children's self-confidence in learning. Others will do the questions themselves, others will not be themselves, every exam is not full score or full score, a long time, this self-confidence and pride will naturally establish, parents and children will intentionally or unintentionally classify themselves into the category of excellent.

3, people over know that the real bully is basically not too partial, and mathematics is the subject that can best reflect a child's intellectual level, mathematics is also the subject that can pull points when the college entrance examination, the mathematics of the academic bully level is generally even if it is not a full score, at most it will deduct a few points, everyone thinks about it, mathematics is 150 points, and you are only 120 points, or even 100 points or less, in the fierce competition of the college entrance examination, the key universities will not have a relationship with you?

In summary, mathematics is really important, very important, must start from a young age, here to introduce a set of learning and thinking of primary school thinking training curriculum book, this set of books from shallow to deep, the content is relatively complete, is a rare material for the cultivation of primary school mathematical thinking, parents with conditions and ideas can click the following link to buy, so that their children win on the starting line.

Elementary School Mathematical Thinking Training ¥380 Purchase

Second, the summer vacation is relatively long, we must use this holiday to cultivate the habit of reading from an early age, and seriously read two good books.

Reading a few good books can not only enrich knowledge, cultivate children's elegant interests and hobbies, but also understand the principles of being a person in reading, find role models for hard work, develop the habit of thinking from an early age, and the most direct harvest can also improve the writing ability and language level. The language discipline is all accumulated little by little in the usual time, and if it is left behind from an early age, it will be difficult to catch up in the later stage.

Here is also a set of books suitable for children to read for parents and friends. This set of books tells a lot of inspirational stories, which is very helpful for children to develop reading habits from an early age and how to overcome difficulties in life. Like parents can buy a set for their children through the following link, 50 yuan is not expensive, but it can let children learn a lot of truths that we can't tell.

Learner Growth Notes ¥49.8 Purchase

Third, the holidays that are hard to look forward to, we also need leisure, maybe a trip is a good choice.

Parents who have time and conditions must use this holiday to accompany their children out for a walk. The world is so big, who wouldn't want to see it. Ancients Cloud: Read thousands of books, travel thousands of miles. Bringing children, a family of three, to a trip that will make the parent-child relationship more harmonious, and the parents and children will be more happy physically and mentally.

However, play is play, go out must pay attention to safety, advance strategy is a must, here Xiaobian also carefully recommended the following "Tourism Treasure Book and Geographical Encyclopedia" for parents and friends, which can be used by families with travel plans to do it.

Travel Guide Plus Geography Encyclopedia ¥99 Purchase

Fourth, strengthen physical exercise and maintain a charming body shape.

This is not only the need of children, in fact, parents and friends also need. From an early age to develop the habit of sports, such as running, playing ball, jumping rope, etc., the body is the basis of doing everything, strong physique, beautiful body shape, will surely benefit you for life.

The holiday has arrived, the mythical beast is out of the cage, and the parents have made a good holiday plan?

Sweat together

Exercise is expensive in persistence, do not fish for three days and dry nets for two days. Parents must accompany their children and develop the habit of exercise together.

Fifth, do housework, and if you have the conditions, you can also come twice to return to the pastoral home.

Children are the pearls in our hands, and many parents are reluctant to let their children do a little work, so that they have developed the vice of clothes to reach out and eat to open their mouths, which is a very wrong view.

The holiday has arrived, the mythical beast is out of the cage, and the parents have made a good holiday plan?

New curriculum standard labor requirements

Use the holidays parents can make meals with their children, sweep the floor and wash clothes, etc., so that children can develop the habit of loving labor from an early age, and if they have the conditions, they can also take their children to live in the countryside for a period of time, experience the idyllic scenery, do farm work, let the children know the hardships of labor from an early age, more understand and feel sorry for the hard work of parents every day, and develop a grateful heart.

In the new curriculum reform, there are also requirements for children's labor.

Sixth, it is also possible to use this time to cultivate children's special hobbies, such as painting, music, dancing, chess, etc., especially for some young children, you can take him (her) to try a special class, only through the trial class, you can find out what they really like.