
Raise it in a small teacup, and at 40 degrees it also blooms with pop-ups, standing tall and fragrant

author:Balcony garden vegetable garden

This year's summer was particularly hot, and in some areas the temperature could even reach 40 degrees, which is really rare in years. The weather is getting hotter and hotter, and for some sun-resistant plants that love flowers, be sure to raise them. In the indoor flower, many friends want to raise some flowers small and delicate, and fragrant plants, then plant pots and bowls of lotus, and like water and sun-resistant, fresh and beautiful. Bowl lotus is a miniature version of the lotus flower, even if it is kept in a bowl, it can bloom when placed in the sun at home, which is really interesting.

Raise it in a small teacup, and at 40 degrees it also blooms with pop-ups, standing tall and fragrant

The number of flowers in the bowl lotus is also very large, and the flowering period is particularly long, is it in line with your wishes? Mainly the price is not expensive, suitable for maintenance in the summer. However, there are also some precautions when raising bowl lotuses, otherwise it is difficult to raise flowers. So what are the points to pay attention to when raising bowl lotus?

Raise it in a small teacup, and at 40 degrees it also blooms with pop-ups, standing tall and fragrant

First, the choice of pots

Raise it in a small teacup, and at 40 degrees it also blooms with pop-ups, standing tall and fragrant

Bowl lotus, as the name suggests, can bloom in a tea bowl. In fact, it is true that in a small teacup, you can raise the bowl lotus to flower. But if you want the bowl lotus to blossom more, you must choose the right pot, because it also has to grow small lotus seeds continuously. Therefore, if the pot is too small, it may cause it to grow slowly, and it will grow a few leaves, and the flowering is not large.

Raise it in a small teacup, and at 40 degrees it also blooms with pop-ups, standing tall and fragrant

If the pot is chosen appropriately, not only can you continue to grow small seeds of lotus, but also you can open a stubble and a stubble of flowers. For the miniature bowl lotus you can buy, it is best to choose a large bowl of about 15 to 20 cm or a impermeable flower pot. The pot used is larger, its root system can be stretched, the flowering will be relatively large, and the flowering performance will be stronger.

Raise it in a small teacup, and at 40 degrees it also blooms with pop-ups, standing tall and fragrant

Therefore, buy a bowl of lotus pots do not be less than 20 cm, if you buy a medium-sized lotus pot, and then larger to about 30 cm, depending on the size of the lotus and the variety of bowl lotus to decide, do not use the pot is too small, will imprison its growth.

Raise it in a small teacup, and at 40 degrees it also blooms with pop-ups, standing tall and fragrant

Second, the soil where it is planted

Raise it in a small teacup, and at 40 degrees it also blooms with pop-ups, standing tall and fragrant

When planting bowl lotus, it is best to plant with pastoral soil or with pond mud, which is a necessary condition for raising bowl lotus. Do not use vegetative soils or grass charcoal soils, which are not suitable for the growth of bowl lotus. Because the bowl lotus grows in water, if the nutrient soil is used, the soil is too light or the grass charcoal soil is used, it is easy to float up after watering, and it will not be fixed to the seed lotus of the bowl lotus. If it is not closely combined with the seed lotus, the natural seed lotus will not grow well.

Raise it in a small teacup, and at 40 degrees it also blooms with pop-ups, standing tall and fragrant

Therefore, it is necessary to use pastoral soil with good water retention, or dig some pond mud in the river, such soil is more suitable for bowl lotus. When planting bowl lotus, you can add some fertilizer to it, so that its root system grows while absorbing nutrients, bowl lotus grows faster, and the growth trend is relatively robust.

Raise it in a small teacup, and at 40 degrees it also blooms with pop-ups, standing tall and fragrant

Third, the use of fertilizer

Raise it in a small teacup, and at 40 degrees it also blooms with pop-ups, standing tall and fragrant

When planting lotus roots, you can add a little slow-release fertilizer to let it release nutrients slowly in it, or mix it with the soil. Don't use too much, don't use too much, and don't use quick-acting fertilizers or nutrient solutions, which are inappropriate.

Raise it in a small teacup, and at 40 degrees it also blooms with pop-ups, standing tall and fragrant

Because the seed lotus has no root system at the beginning, if the fast-acting fertilizer sandwiched in it is melted by water and exposed to high temperature, the nutrients will soon be released, which will cause the situation of burning seedlings and burning the seed lotus. After the lotus grows green leaves, it can be properly fertilized. It can also be dissolved in water or slow-release fertilizer, directly in the soil to slowly release nutrients, which is very good for the growth of lotus.

Raise it in a small teacup, and at 40 degrees it also blooms with pop-ups, standing tall and fragrant

Fourth, planted close to the edges

Raise it in a small teacup, and at 40 degrees it also blooms with pop-ups, standing tall and fragrant

When planting lotus roots, many people will plant lotus roots in the middle of the pots. This kind of planting is wrong, and the bowl lotus is characterized by growing against the wall of the pot. Its seed lotus should grow in a circle, and it is best to plant it against the pot wall of the pot. However, planted in the middle of the pot, surrounded by soil, the lotus is easy to feel that the breathability is not good, it is easy to imprison the growth of the lotus, the flowering performance and growth performance will be weakened, which may cause leaf rot or non-flowering.

Raise it in a small teacup, and at 40 degrees it also blooms with pop-ups, standing tall and fragrant

Be sure to plant against the walls of the pots, which is a principle that must be followed. When planting lotus roots, you should hide your head and tail, what is hiding your head and tail? There is a wound on the tail of the lotus, which is left when taking the lotus, because the lotus is separated from each other, and this wound must be exposed to prevent rot in the water.

Raise it in a small teacup, and at 40 degrees it also blooms with pop-ups, standing tall and fragrant

Its head is pointed and hidden in the soil, so it is hidden with its head and tail exposed, with its small head facing down, its wounds facing upwards, and it is planted close to the edge of the pot. This is a detail that many friends of the bowl lotus know, its wound is exposed on the outside, try not to soak in the water, to prevent the situation of rotten lotus. It can be planted obliquely at an oblique angle of 45 degrees, with the section facing up and the small buds facing down.

Raise it in a small teacup, and at 40 degrees it also blooms with pop-ups, standing tall and fragrant

Its small buds will continue to grow in the soil, continue to grow, absorb nutrients, and will sprout small buds, flowering and growing new leaves. When it grows floating leaves, you can slowly add water to it. It usually grows to three or four floating leaves before it begins to grow standing leaves. The leaves standing on top of the water are very beautiful, like lotus flowers in a pond, and at this time the flower buds begin to bloom. If you see that its new leaves have grown a lot, be sure to fill it up.

Raise it in a small teacup, and at 40 degrees it also blooms with pop-ups, standing tall and fragrant

Fifth, it should be placed in a place with strong light for maintenance

Raise it in a small teacup, and at 40 degrees it also blooms with pop-ups, standing tall and fragrant

Bowl lotus, like lotus flowers, are light-loving plants, in the home maintenance should be placed on the south balcony, more basking in the sun, is conducive to its growth and flowering. If it is placed in the place of scattered light indoors, it only grows leaves and will not flower. Therefore, if you want to raise bowl lotuses, you must put them in a well-lit place or put them outside. If the light at home is not good, don't raise it, and it won't blossom if you raise it.

Raise it in a small teacup, and at 40 degrees it also blooms with pop-ups, standing tall and fragrant

And the bowl lotus blossoms, there are many varieties of flowers, just like the lotus flowers in the lotus pond, the flowers are fragrant, the pavilion is jade, special and beautiful, enjoying the flowers and drinking tea, it is really leisurely. Moreover, the flowering period of the bowl lotus is relatively long, and after the opening of one flower, small flower buds will emerge underneath.

Raise it in a small teacup, and at 40 degrees it also blooms with pop-ups, standing tall and fragrant

Lotus prefers a hot environment, and the higher the temperature, the faster it grows. Therefore, when planting, do not plant at low temperatures, it is best to go up to about 20 degrees in the spring temperature, and then plant the lotus of the bowl lotus. This grows relatively fast, and it is not easy to produce rotten roots and rotten roots in it.

Raise it in a small teacup, and at 40 degrees it also blooms with pop-ups, standing tall and fragrant

In the extremely hot season of summer, the lotus root grows one by one and grows leaves and blooms beautifully. Delicate and small, long-leaved flowers that are kept in pots and are fast. As the saying goes, even a small garden should have a water feature, and raising a pot of bowl lotus will add infinite fun to your garden. Favorite friends can plant in the spring and enjoy the flowers in the summer.

Raise it in a small teacup, and at 40 degrees it also blooms with pop-ups, standing tall and fragrant