
Does time traveler really exist? Is the warning from 2048 true?


Time travel is a very interesting topic, and this technology has only existed in movies until now. What about reality? Unfortunately, no!

Does time traveler really exist? Is the warning from 2048 true?

But some legends about time travel remain, and for years some have claimed that they have had success in the future or in the past. They often recount the various events they have experienced and share details of historical facts of the past, and these self-aggrandizing events even seem real at times. Today we will talk about these events!

Descriptions from the future

A woman named Mona said she was from 2100 when the U.S. government hired her for time travel. She said she visited the world in the 1950s and 1980s, but did not explain why. Mona lives in an underground neighborhood where she says everyone takes care of each other. In addition, according to Mona, money is useless in this community.

Does time traveler really exist? Is the warning from 2048 true?

Mona also said flying cars would only be used in Europe in the future. In the United States, people still drive regular cars powered by solar panels. She did not say who would become president of the United States in 2100. It was also revealed that the usable president will be 65 years old when he succeeds him, very amiable, and will resolve the Asian crisis (whether it is the Russo-Ukrainian War) and establish peace. Another traveler, claiming to be from 2365, said he was a British citizen hired by the British government to travel through time. He reportedly lived for six days in 2365 in a city with an unknown future. He remembers standing on top of a skyscraper from where he could explore unknown cities and see the traffic of the future: planes, flying buses and cars. The man also said that in the future, people on Earth will live side by side with other civilizations.

Food for 2200 years

Does time traveler really exist? Is the warning from 2048 true?

A man named Davis claimed that he had come to the future and returned with 2200 years of food. He shared the so-called pill foods that, in the future, will be distributed to people every month, and one such pill will be enough to provide the body with the energy it needs for an entire week. Davis said the pills were distributed free of charge, which addresses the serious problems of hunger and plastic pollution of the planet. Davis said it would become a commercial service, like air travel today, but only the wealthy could afford it. According to him, the time machine will look like a circle through which one can enter another dimension. In addition, humans will learn to live on other planets.

Warning from 6491

A man who passed a lie detector test, James Oliver, who claimed to be a time traveler, claimed that he was not from Earth but from another planet. According to him, he has been here since 6491. Although it is well known that lie detectors are easy to make mistakes, if you answer vaguely it will not pass at all, so the man's statement has attracted the attention of many people, after all, he successfully passed all the tests of the lie detector. According to Oliver, his time machine is broken, so he was stuck in 2018 and now has to stay here.

Does time traveler really exist? Is the warning from 2048 true?

James's profession is a futuristic archaeologist. He would go to different periods to study them and collect different artifacts. James believes that humanity must prepare for the greatest natural disasters and must pay special attention to the Yellowstone Crater. He claimed that humans are waiting for the eruption of a supervolcano with a crater of 55×72 kilometers long. This new catastrophe will not only deal a terrible blow to the United States, but will also lead to the release of large amounts of volcanic ash into the atmosphere. This will lead to a collapse in global traffic, as well as a long and harsh winter as sunlight cannot penetrate the dense black fog. James said it would take at least five years for the effects of the eruption to disappear. For a long time, the territory of the United States has been barren and it is impossible to engage in agriculture. James also said that global warming will make the planet warmer, that the world will be ruled by a unified government in the future, and that in the future, devices endowed with artificial intelligence will be ubiquitous. Of course, only time will tell if all this is true.

Photos from 6,000 years later

One man said he was a member of a secret organization that began to travel through the future in the 1990s. He also talked about how the Earth has changed over 6,000 years, and also showed a photograph that appeared to have been taken from the future. However, it should be noted that this photo is too blurry and looks more like a children's watercolor. The traveler explained that the reason for the blurring of images is that during time travel, images tend to be distorted.

Does time traveler really exist? Is the warning from 2048 true?

They also said that in the future, the earth will be ruled by artificial superintelligence, which will solve another problem – the world's overpopulation. At the end of the conversation, the man stressed that time travel will become commonplace by 2029.

Humanity will be destroyed in the future

Does time traveler really exist? Is the warning from 2048 true?

A woman who claimed to be from 3800, Bella, showed a photo from the future, according to which she lived in Albania and knew the secret techniques of time travel. According to Bella, one day she met a Belarusian physicist named Alexander Kozlov. According to Bella, this man succeeded in creating a time machine. Bella said he used a machine to send her to 3800, where she managed to take pictures of the futuristic world. Bella recounts how Kozlov's machine worked, and when she found herself in the future, she saw surrounding houses destroyed and equipment damaged. In the future, she said, humans will be destroyed by machines with artificial intelligence.

Mystery mail

Does time traveler really exist? Is the warning from 2048 true?

In 2003, programmer Dave Hill received a number of emails that were flagged as spam. The message was sent by a man named Bob White, who claimed to be a time traveler trapped in 2003. In his message, Bob asked for help creating a capacitor that would convert time into a large module of generators with induction motors. Bob may need this device to create a new time machine. It turns out that not only did Dave receive such an email, but many others from the United States as well, and rumors that these people who agreed to help Bob find the items he needed were rewarded with $5,000.

Warning from 2048

Does time traveler really exist? Is the warning from 2048 true?

A man claiming to be from 2048 warned that aliens would invade Earth in the future. However, the man was later arrested. According to police, the man was detained in early October 2017 because drinking alcohol that was high in alcohol may have led to hallucinations. But Johnson insisted that he did successfully return to the state from 2048 to warn people of an alien attack. He urged all residents of the city to leave their homes immediately and also asked for the opportunity to speak with the city's mayor and even the president. According to Johnson, he managed to return with the help of the aliens who drugged him. Subsequent medical examinations and police officer testimony confirmed that the man was very drunk.

I have to say that after reading these stories, I really admire the brain holes of these people, as to whether you believe these stories or not, everyone has their own opinions, but they are really told by real people, and only time can tell how many of these stories are true.