
Global food prices soared, but the British media threw the pot to China, falsely claiming that "pigs eat more than Chinese"

author:Dean Yuan Zhou

The Economist, a British magazine once called "the propaganda tool of the financial aristocracy" by Marx but was regarded as the standard in the Western world, not only tried to throw the global food price soaring to China in a recent article, but even falsely claimed that "only pigs eat more than Chinese." Immediately after the article was published, it aroused criticism from netizens at home and abroad, angrily denouncing the behavior of economists as undoubtedly racist. Citing the news of the Observer Network on June 29, it is reported that the article published by the economist entitled "Most of the world's food is not eaten by humans" maliciously attacked China. The article cites some data in a spring and autumn style, trying to find the reasons for the current global food shortages and rising prices. But the author of the article deliberately puts China on the back of this black pot.

According to economists, global food production has grown by 17 percent since 2010, outpacing the growth of the global population at the same time, but there are still a large number of hungry people in the world. The reason is that 43 per cent of the food is used as biofuels and to feed livestock, which is six times the total food production of Russia and Ukraine.

Global food prices soared, but the British media threw the pot to China, falsely claiming that "pigs eat more than Chinese"

Then the article turned sharply, directly targeting China, saying that "in 2019, pigs ate 431 million tons of grain, 45% more than Chinese", because the Economist's article was too shocking and bottomless, so foreign netizens denounced the racist behavior of Economist Magazine while exposing the essence of this article through far-fetched attachment to Throwing the pot at China. In fact, the main protein feed for animals that is currently internationally recognized includes soybeans, and pork, as the main meat on the Chinese table, does consume a considerable amount of soybeans every year.

However, Soybeans imported from China are mainly used for oil extraction, and the soybean products raised for food pigs are the soybean meal that has been squeezed, not the raw materials for unprocessed soybeans. China's own soybeans are used in various soy products, such as soy milk, tofu, etc., it can be said that Chinese thousands of years of dietary wisdom, the role of a small bean to the extreme.

Global food prices soared, but the British media threw the pot to China, falsely claiming that "pigs eat more than Chinese"

Not only that, there are also objective differences in the demand for staple grains between China and foreign countries, in terms of data, China imports more than half of the world's soybeans, but this does not mean that other countries, especially developing countries, will also widely use soybeans on their own tables. According to public data, China's wheat production in 2020 reached 134,250 thousand tons, ranking first in the world, and China's wheat consumption was 150,000 thousand tons, which was also the world's first, but China's wheat imports were lower than Egypt's 12,149 thousand tons, ranking second in the world, while Egypt's total population was just over 100 million in 2019, and China's total population had already reached 1.4 billion.

Countless facts can prove that it is precisely because China has successfully protected its rice bowl that it has avoided joining the global wheat market as a "main buyer", otherwise the global wheat price will rise to a point that no developing country can afford with the wheat consumption of China's 1.4 billion people.

Global food prices soared, but the British media threw the pot to China, falsely claiming that "pigs eat more than Chinese"

Not only that, when economists began to maliciously attack the food needs of Chinese, they deliberately did not mention the four major grain merchants who controlled global food prices, three from the United States and one from France. If the West has the slightest pity for poor Third World countries, out of genuine pity, it should introspect itself and correct its mistakes, rather than speak ill of a responsible power.

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