
What is the Chinese Communist Party and what the Chinese Communist Party does

author:Overseas network

Source: People's Daily

Another July is coming, and the Chinese Communist Party has gone through 101 years. History is like a long river of time, rushing from the past and going to the future, refining those deep and distant eternal questions.

Standing at the intersection of the past and the future, General Secretary Xi Jinping earnestly admonished the whole party to remember the original intention and mission in the journey of the new era, answer the fundamental question of "where to come from and where to go", and remember the fundamental question of what the Communist Party of China is and what it wants to do. This is a clear declaration of the historical mission and action value of the CPC, and demonstrates the profound historical self-confidence, high degree of historical consciousness, and strong historical initiative of the Chinese Communists in the new era.

To understand China, we must understand the Chinese Communist Party; Only by understanding the Chinese Communist Party can we understand China. The "Constitution of the Communist Party of China" clearly points out at the beginning: The Communist Party of China is the vanguard of the Chinese working class, the vanguard of the Chinese people and the Chinese nation, and the leading core of the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

Knowing where to come from, thinking about where to go, Fang Ming to go. History has proved and will continue to prove that the Communist Party of China is an enlightened person armed with Marxism, a guardian of the interests of the broadest masses of the people, a leader in the direction of the development of human society, and a strivers for the brightest, most just, and most magnificent cause.


Faith in Marxism, faith in socialism and communism, is the political soul of communists and the spiritual pillar for communists to withstand all kinds of tests. Having lofty and firm ideals and convictions and making unremitting efforts to fight for them is the unique spiritual identity of the Communist Party of China.

More than 170 years ago, Marx and Engels clearly pointed out that the lofty ideal of communists is to build an ideal society without oppression, without exploitation, equality for all, and freedom for all. This ideal depicts that the future society will be a "community of free men" for the free and all-round development of everyone, and pins all the feelings and aspirations of human beings for a better society; This ideal points to a way to leap from the kingdom of necessity to the kingdom of freedom, without having to dream of "utopia" as compassionately as the utopian socialists do; This ideal shows that "the demise of the bourgeoisie and the victory of the proletariat are equally inevitable" and that "Internacional must be realized". It is lofty, scientific, and firm, and beckons countless Communists to aspire to, rush to, and act with determination.

In modern times, in the face of the tragic situation of Shenzhou Lu Shen, the Chinese people have never bowed their heads and yielded to power, and have never stopped seeking light. The advent of Marxism in China has enabled the helpless advanced Chinese to see hope in the tide of the world revolution and ignited the light of ideals and convictions in their hearts. Istification is like a banner, leading generation after generation of Chinese Communists to lay down their lives to follow each other, injecting the power of ideals and beliefs into the historical blood of the great powers in the East, ushering in the "dawn of a brand-new era" in the land of Shenzhou, which has been silent for a long time, and pushing this ancient nation that has almost perished and disappeared toward independence, prosperity, strength, and rejuvenation.

Revolutionary ideals are higher than heaven. Countless Communists have gathered under the banner of faith, not seeking to be visible to the world, not seeking to gain temporary gains from themselves, and sacrificing their lives for the sake of their ideals and convictions. Li Dazhao shouted "Long live the Communist Party" at the gallows table and heroically righteously, Liu Renkan wrote "Long live the success of the revolution" with blood on his toes; Wang Jinxi shouted out "I would rather live for 20 years less and desperately want to take down the big oil field" for the construction of new China; Jiao Yulu "live in the sand dunes and die in the sand dunes" in order to fulfill the tasks entrusted by the party; Kong Fansen used his life to fulfill his promise that "qingshan is buried everywhere loyal bones, and blood is sprinkled on the plateau." The thousands of sentences and hot words reflect the spiritual soul and spiritual code of the Chinese Communists. They are the devotees of doctrine and the seekers of light, who have forged the monument of ideals and beliefs with their lives and blood, and paved the ladder for the Chinese nation to continue to climb upwards.

After walking through thousands of mountains and rivers, I still have the heart of a child. Since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping, with the firmness and persistence of a true Marxist, has always held high the banner of ideals and beliefs, demonstrated and led the whole party to lay a solid foundation of faith, replenish the calcium of the spirit, and truly achieve piety and persistence, faith and depth in ideals and beliefs. At the site of the First Congress of the Communist Party of China in Shanghai, the red boat in Jiaxing South Lake, on Jinggang Mountain, along the Long March, in the holy land of Yan'an... The majority of party members and cadres have realized the history of the revolution, relived the oath of joining the party, consciously inherited the red gene, and the original color of the original heart is brighter. In the frontline of reform and development, the battlefield of poverty alleviation, Liao Junbo, Huang Danian, Huang Wenxiu... One shining name after another shows the persistence and backbone of the communists. In the distant frontier and the heart of the motherland, the Zhengzheng oath of "clear love is only for China" and "please rest assured that the party has me" has echoed for a long time in the sky.

The reason for successfully coping with major challenges, resisting major risks, overcoming major obstacles, resolving major contradictions, and vigorously promoting great struggles with many new historical characteristics, making one "impossible" possible one after another, and cracking one "unsolvable problem" after another is because we have the firm belief of "although we die nine times, we do not regret it" and have the persistent pursuit of "walking thousands of miles under our feet." Keep the right path and open a new chapter, so that it is vast and subtle. Self-confidence, self-improvement, honesty, and innovation are not only a vivid portrayal of the national spirit of the new era, but also a sonorous declaration that the contemporary Chinese Communists will not change their aspirations and the tao will not change.

The light of ideals and beliefs shines into reality, the trend of "rising from the east to descending from the west" is becoming more and more obvious, we have sufficient reasons to strengthen road confidence, theoretical self-confidence, institutional self-confidence, cultural self-confidence, we have sufficient confidence to carry out the most promising cause in human history, the glorious dream of pursuing an ideal society!


The Communist Manifesto solemnly declares: "All movements in the past were movements of the minority or for the benefit of the minority. The movement of the proletariat is an independent movement of the overwhelming majority of the people, for the benefit of the overwhelming majority of the people. As a proletarian party, the Communist Party of China has always regarded seeking happiness for the people and rejuvenation for the nation as its original mission, always keeping in mind "for whom, who to rely on, and who I am"; it was born and died for the people, and it is in solidarity with the people, and the struggle of the party and the well-being of the people, the fate of the party and the fate of the people have long been deeply integrated.

A hundred years of style, the people's epic. The Communist Party of China comes from the people, is loyal to the people, and dedicates itself to the people, and whether it is engaging in revolution, construction, or reform, or saving the country, rejuvenating the country, or strengthening the country, it is to enable the people to live a good life. During the war, the party led the people to fight local tyrants, divide up the land, resist Japan, resist aggression, fight for democracy, and seek liberation, with the aim of overthrowing the oppression of the "three mountains" and establishing a new country and society of freedom and equality. In the era of peace, the party led the people to reorganize the mountains and rivers, lay the foundation for the establishment, emancipate their minds, reform and forge ahead, attack and pull out strongholds, and forge ahead, with the purpose of constantly consolidating the material foundation of socialist China and enabling all the people to enjoy a richer and happier life. A century of struggle and sweat has watered a country of blossoms, written in the abundance of materials and the lights of thousands of families, and in the lives of every Chinese.

The word "people" has the highest position and the heaviest weight in the hearts of Chinese communists in the new era. "The people's yearning for a better life is our goal of struggle", "I will live up to the people without myself", "Jiangshan is the people, the people are the Jiangshan", "Sharing happiness with the masses, sharing difficulties, salt and salt, salt and lightness", "the people are the greatest strength of our party's ruling power", "The will of the people is the greatest politics"... These sincere and emotional words give direction and guidance to the whole party and warmth and strength to the people.

Thousands of years of poverty and suffering, once the dream came true. In order to enable all the people to live a well-off life, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has mobilized the strength of the whole party and the whole country to launch the battle against poverty with unprecedented strength and determination, and has achieved the historical feat of eliminating absolute poverty by the Chinese nation as a whole. Today, the people of Chinese have completely bid farewell to the era of lack of food and clothing and material scarcity, and there is no longer a year of famine or the plague of frostbite, and hundreds of millions of people have truly lived a happy life where no one is full of food and warmth, and everywhere is well-off. People lament that the problem of poverty has plagued China for thousands of years and has not been completely solved, and many Western countries have not completely shaken off it, and china has been effectively solved in the new era.

Li Min's life is at stake, and the fire sees real gold. In order to fight the new crown pneumonia epidemic that has not been encountered in a century, the Party Central Committee proceeds from the nature and purpose of the Party, adheres to the supremacy of the people and the supremacy of life, leads the whole Party and the people of the whole country to do a good job in "external defense import and internal defense rebound", adheres to "dynamic clearance", efficiently coordinates epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, continuously adjusts prevention and control measures according to the time and situation, resolutely wins the battle of epidemic prevention and control, protects people's life safety and physical health to the greatest extent, and minimizes the impact of the epidemic on economic and social development. When the wind and rain strike, the party has always been the most reliable and strong backbone of the people.

The voice of folk suffering, the branches and leaves are always concerned. In order to properly solve the problems of the masses of the people's anxieties, difficulties, and hopes, our party has persisted in guaranteeing and improving the people's livelihood in the course of development, firmly grasped the most direct and realistic issues of interest that the masses of the people are most concerned about, firmly practiced the concept of "green waters and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains," firmly adhered to the positioning of "houses are for living," resolutely prevented capital from competing for profits with the people, and made up its mind to carry out the "double reduction" rectification of educational stubborn diseases, and to strike hard to sweep away the criminal and evil forces. One thing after another, year after year, so that the masses can truly see the changes and get benefits, and the broad masses of people have a sense of gain, happiness, and security.

Establish destiny for the people, struggle for common prosperity. In order to make the development results better and more equitable and benefit all the people, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has highlighted the issue of common prosperity and promoted it as an important task in comprehensively building a modern socialist country. We should not only make the "cake" bigger and better, but also cut and divide the "cake", promote common prosperity in the realization of high-quality development, constantly create and accumulate social wealth, constantly improve and improve the distribution system, the creative vitality of hundreds of millions of people continues to burst forth, and all the people run on the road of a better life.

"Yearn for your yearning, happy for your happiness." Facing the future, our party will always uphold the supremacy of the people, take the people as the center, always adhere to the big things that seek benefits for the nation and the people, think of what the people think, worry about the people's worries, and be anxious about the people's anxieties, take the party's mass line in the new era, and realize, protect, and develop the fundamental interests of the broadest masses of the people to the greatest extent possible.


The Communist Party of China was born for the rebirth of the nation and prospered for the rejuvenation of the nation. As the vanguard of the Chinese nation, it has always been deeply rooted in the land of China and deeply rooted in the soil of the nation.

Some foreign scholars lamented that the Communist Party of China has continued the three-thousand-year tradition of the Chinese nation, that is, the modern "group of scholars." It is precisely because in China's history there has always been no shortage of people who have buried their heads in hard work, those who have worked hard, those who have asked for the people's lives, and those who have sacrificed their lives to seek the law, that the Chinese nation can never die of soul, be unyielding in will, and never be scattered, and can it pass on the torch and live endlessly through the ups and downs of the wind and frost. The Communist Party of China, which has stepped forward at the tide of history, inherits the spiritual bloodline of the nation, shoulders the long-cherished aspirations of countless people with lofty ideals, and with the broadest representation, the most thorough revolutionary nature, and the strongest initiative, it has struggled and struggled for the future of the country and the destiny of the nation, and has become the backbone of the Chinese nation like steel.

The Opium War, the Sino-Japanese Sino-Japanese War, the Eight-Power Alliance's War of Aggression against China... The Treaty of Nanking, the Treaty of Maguan, the Treaty of Xinugu... The blows of one war of aggression after another, the shackles of unequal treaties, have pushed the Chinese nation into an unprecedented dark situation. "To crush the snare of all phenomena and to develop the world of their ideals... Where the truth lies, there is no turning around. "The Communist Party of China is like a ray of light, piercing through the dark night of modern China and illuminating the great voyage of national rejuvenation." The army called the Workers' and Peasants' Revolution, and the banner was sickle and axe. "The Communist Party of China is like a fire, igniting the hope of countless Chinese people to reverse the fate of the nation and raising the flame of the Chinese revolution.

Towards national rejuvenation and civilization, march forward! Over the past one hundred years, the Communist Party of China has united and led the Chinese people to carry out all the struggles, all the sacrifices, all the creations, which boil down to one theme: to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

The correct road opened up by the CPC over the past century has accumulated and accumulated solid and abundant material strength for national rejuvenation. Some people say that the state is the ship on the river of time. But the ship must have a directional navigator at the helm in order to keep the right direction and make the country stronger and stronger over time. Through unremitting efforts, the CPC has led the people to go through stages of positive superposition and accumulation of momentum, built a country that is "poor and white" into a remarkable "red-hot China", and achieved a historic leap from a backward era to catching up with the times and then leading the times. With its selfless and fearless continuous struggle, the Communist Party of China has enabled the Chinese nation to move from poverty and weakness to prosperity and strength, and staged a magnificent historical drama in the history of human development.

The correct path opened up by the CPC over the past century has built and consolidated a powerful and remarkable institutional force for national rejuvenation. The "Great Wisdom Rule System", the Zhou Li and Zhou Systems maintained the "long state" of the Zhou Dynasty for 800 years, the Shang Martingale Transformation Law laid the foundation for the unification of the Qin State from the system, and the bourgeois revolution in Britain, France and other countries revolutionized the old feudal system, clearing the obstacles to the development of capitalism... The system has fundamental and fundamental significance for a nation and a country. In the process of establishing and creating the system, the Communist Party of China has organically combined socialist principles with China's national conditions, historical and cultural traditions, explored and formed a set of gradually mature and stereotyped institutional systems, continuously promoted the modernization of the national governance system and governance capabilities, and ensured that we walk steadily, broadly, and farther on the road of rejuvenation with the "rule of China."

The correct path opened up by the CPC's century-long struggle has activated and radiated self-confidence and exuberance of spiritual strength for national rejuvenation. The ideological brilliance of Marxism and the spiritual temperament of the Communist Party of China have activated the profound and thick Chinese civilization and innovated the ever-changing national spirit, so that the Chinese have changed from passive to active in spirit. In the great struggle to change the heavens and the earth and fight against the heavens and the earth, the great spirit of party building, the spirit of Jinggangshan, the spirit of the Long March, the spirit of Yan'an, the spirit of resisting US aggression and aiding Korea, the spirit of "two bombs and one satellite", the spirit of special zones, the spirit of poverty alleviation, and the spirit of fighting the epidemic have been formed successively. This is a spiritual monument cast by suffering and splendor, and it is also a spiritual wealth that marches toward the future and moves forward courageously, and has been deeply integrated into the soul of the party, the blood of the nation, and the spiritual world of the people.

Today, we are closer, more confident and capable of achieving the goal of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation than at any time in history. In China in the new era, the historic achievements are inspiring, the historical changes have had a far-reaching impact, the cohesion, centripetal force, and creativity of the whole nation have been greatly stimulated, the ambition, backbone, and confidence of the Chinese people have been greatly enhanced, socialism with Chinese characteristics has been full of vigor and vitality, and the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has a more perfect institutional guarantee, a more solid material foundation, and a more active spiritual force.

Standing at the high point of history, the irreversibility of national rejuvenation is the "fruit" of the CPC's century-long struggle, and it is also the "potential" formed by taking the initiative and leading in the new era. By following the trend and resisting the wind, we will certainly be able to appreciate the great beauty of the future of the nation.


The right way in the world, the world is just. Socialism is a just cause and a bright cause, which comes from people's hopes for a better society for thousands of years and points to the inevitable future of human society with a common destiny.

The party's century-long struggle has fully proved that the CPC is a party that seeks happiness for the people and rejuvenation for the nation, as well as a party that seeks progress for mankind and unity for the world. Our party has always paid attention to the future and destiny of mankind from the perspective of the world, practiced the action value of not being alone in the road and being one family under the world, profoundly influenced the course of world history with its own struggles and achievements, and made important contributions to promoting human progress and promoting world peace.

The Communist Party of China has promoted the "rotation" of world history with the "rotation" of a century-long struggle. China is a big country, the Communist Party of China is a big party, and our struggle on our own land has not only changed our own destiny, but also affected the trend and pattern of world development. From resisting imperialist aggression in the revolutionary years, to uniting the third world countries against hegemony during the construction period, to reform and opening up to catch up with the trend of world development, these are all important components of the cause of human progress. Especially in the new era, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has taken charge of the overall situation, responded to the situation, and opened a new situation, so that the big country in the east with a population of more than 1.4 billion people can build a well-off society in an all-round way, so that the world's largest developing countries can continue to write the "two miracles", our development is getting better and better, the weight is getting heavier and heavier, we are getting closer and closer to the center of the world stage, and we are constantly growing the force of international justice.

The Communist Party of China has opened up a "new road" of human civilization with a "new version" of independent exploration. In the modern era of the world, modernization is an inevitable way to strengthen the country and enrich the people, and developed countries have created a "Western version" of modernization in the past few hundred years, but there is more than one road to modernization, which requires independent exploration by different countries in combination with specific national conditions and history and culture. Over the past one hundred years, in the turbulent wave of modernization, the CPC has led the people to stand on their own feet, make unremitting explorations, take human modernization as the origin of values, combine the compression of time and space with the continuity of development, the comprehensiveness of structure, and the coordination of elements, successfully embark on a development path that suits China's national conditions and conforms to the wishes of the people, writes a "Chinese version" of moving toward modernization, and creates a new form of human civilization.

The Communist Party of China leads the "datong" of a better future with the "avenue" of the world in mind. The rings of time tell the people of the world that the CPC has led the Chinese people to take the right path in the world, stand on the correct side of history, and win the hearts and minds of the people of the world. In today's world, the development of mankind has reached a new crossroads, where is the world going? Is it confrontation or cooperation with each other, is it closed and isolated or open to exchange, is it to be alone or to share a common destiny? ...... General Secretary Xi Jinping has a profound insight into the "changes in the world", scientifically answers the "questions of the world", and clearly puts forward major ideas and concepts such as promoting the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind, carrying forward the common values of all mankind, global development initiatives, and global security initiatives, which point out the way forward for solving global problems and provide Chinese wisdom for creating a better world.

The Chinese nation is a "great nation with a heart of human justice," China is a country that "should make greater contributions to mankind," and the Communist Party of China is "a political party struggling for the cause of human progress." The Communist Party of China in the new era has always insisted on developing itself, benefiting the world, benefiting the world, and transmitting hope, and will continue to create the great historical time of the Chinese nation in the great time and history of mankind, and forge ahead toward all the possibilities contained in the forefront of the development of human civilization.


"The winner is strong, and the self-winner is strong." The reason why the Communist Party of China has endured a hundred years of ups and downs and walked in the forefront of the times is that it has always maintained the spirit of self-revolution and the courage to turn the blade inward, and constantly purifies, surpasses and innovates itself.

From Shikumen to Tiananmen, from small red boats to majestic ships, from a faction of decay and withering to a thriving faction, from hunger and cold, to more than 1.4 billion Chinese people are enjoying a solid and happy well-off life... Always maintaining the party's youthful vitality, jumping out of the historical cycle rate of chaos and rise and fall, and ensuring that the party does not change its quality, color, and taste, the mysteries of which are thought-provoking, and the reasons for this are thought-provoking.

"Let the people supervise the government," Comrade Mao Zedong gave the first answer in the Cave Dwellings of Yan'an more than 70 years ago.

"The courage to carry out self-revolution", at the historical node of the centennial anniversary, General Secretary Xi Jinping gave the second answer.

Relying externally on developing people's democracy and accepting people's supervision, and internally relying on comprehensively and strictly administering the party and promoting self-revolution is the basic logic of the COMMUNIST Party of China, which has remained young after a hundred years of glory, and has grown into a towering tree and has grown into a new year. Witnessing the rise and fall of many big parties and old parties at home and abroad, we are extremely sober: the Communist Party of China is a Marxist ruling party and a Marxist revolutionary party. After the glorious course of building the party, rejuvenating the party, and strengthening the party, we are incomparably firm: to lead the great social revolution with the great self-revolution, and to promote the great self-revolution with the great social revolution.

Engels said: "A party that knows its own purpose and how to achieve it, a party that really wants to achieve it and has the tenacity that is indispensable to achieving it - such a party will be invincible." ”

Standing at the historical node of the intersection of a hundred years and moving towards the magnificent journey of rejuvenation of a strong country, the Communist Party of China in the new era is more mature, firmer and more confident. The persistent gaze will always move forward, and the pace of progress will never stop. Under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, and under the scientific guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, the Communist Party of China and the Chinese people have firmly remembered their original mission, united in struggle, and concentrated on running their own affairs well, and will surely overcome all difficulties and obstacles on the road ahead and win even greater victories and glory. (Declaration)

People's Daily (2022-06-30 01 edition)

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