
If we go back to the beginning of 2022, will the Russian-Ukrainian conflict still occur? Four variables affect the direction of the situation

author:Zhang Guoqing, Academy of Social Sciences

Today we will talk about if we go back to the beginning of 2022, will the Russian-Ukrainian conflict still be like this?

Half a year has passed since 2022, and everyone will think, if there is a chance to go back to the beginning of 2022, will the Russian-Ukrainian conflict occur at that time?

Will it still be what it is today after it happens?

The answer is yes.

If we go back to the beginning of 2022, will the Russian-Ukrainian conflict still occur? Four variables affect the direction of the situation

Although history cannot be assumed, all major events have their own internal logic and inevitable trajectory of development, and the Russian-Ukrainian conflict is no exception.

Although the Russian-Ukrainian conflict only began on February 24, it is imperative to start the Russian-Ukrainian conflict from New Year's Day.

From the perspective of the United States, this year has been in very difficulty. The first is that the epidemic cannot be controlled, which has repeatedly consumed a lot of national energy and governance energy in the United States. At the same time, many large enterprises are also facing the embarrassment of development and need more funds.

Biden thought of a very simple way to continue printing money and issuing bonds.

Inflation had just risen, not particularly strong, but there were already signs. In order to divert the internal contradictions of the United States, drag Russia into a possible war, and thus consume Russia.

After some deduction, the Wishful Thinking of the United States has crackled.

If we go back to the beginning of 2022, will the Russian-Ukrainian conflict still occur? Four variables affect the direction of the situation

At this time, the Russian-Ukrainian conflict is already imperative, and as soon as the cannon sounds, the gold will be ten thousand, and the military enterprises and energy companies will earn a lot of money. There seems to be no loss to the United States.

Under the impetus of the United States, under the interpretation of Ukrainian President Zelinsky, and in the deteriorating situation in Donbass, Putin naturally launched a special military operation against Ukraine. We refer to it simply as the Russian-Ukrainian conflict.

Since it is inevitable, since the United States has been preparing for a long time, it is obvious that development is also developed in accordance with the established policy of the United States.

The first is to force the ruble to depreciate sharply, and to make it difficult for Russia to move through sanctions. Then the freezing of Russian assets has excluded Russia from the rules of the international game, and all calculations are very satisfactory.

In the early days of the conflict, the Ukrainian army also played a game of chess with Russia.

Russia doesn't seem to have much of an advantage, and it's struggling. But unexpectedly, Russia is very united, coupled with Putin's ruble order, which cleverly alleviated the ruble crisis and Russia's economic difficulties.

If we go back to the beginning of 2022, will the Russian-Ukrainian conflict still occur? Four variables affect the direction of the situation

At the same time, because of the extreme sanctions against Russia, the energy shortage in Western countries has risen, and energy prices have risen, which has also led to an increase in the prices of related living and production factors. Soon both the United States and Europe were in a panic of high inflation, which was unexpected by the United States and Europe.

Today, the conflict has completely exceeded the imagination of the United States.

The first is that inflation has become difficult to contain, and the economic blow to Russia has not worked. Moreover, under the condition of abundant money and food supply, Russia has also won successive victories on the front line, and has constantly suppressed the Ukrainian side.

The Ukrainian side had no choice but to ask for western assistance. More critically, inflation does not now appear to be coming to an end. With the arrival of autumn and the entry into winter, the high inflation crisis in the United States and Europe can be seen.

Putin is not in a hurry, but the United States and Europe are anxious, especially the initiator of the United States is very anxious.

The United States did not drag Russia into the quagmire of war, did not consume Russia to the greatest extent, did not use the war to make war wealth, and plunged the United States into a high inflation crisis and into various social crises.

If we go back to the beginning of 2022, will the Russian-Ukrainian conflict still occur? Four variables affect the direction of the situation

At the same time, Russia withstood the initial pressure in this battle, and gradually entered a better situation, consolidating and laying the leading edge in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict through one victory after another in Ukraine.

Europe and Ukraine, on the other hand, are constantly caught up in passivity. Entering the winter will be a very difficult winter for Europe, including Ukraine, and a very disappointing winter for the United States.

Even the best abacus can't stand up to variables.

The first variable is Russia's strength and unity.

The second variable is Putin's wisdom and decisiveness.

The third variable is the already existing inflation crisis in the United States and Europe, which deepens as the war intensifies.

The fourth variable is that China, India and most Third World countries are not involved in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict.

If we go back to the beginning of 2022, will the Russian-Ukrainian conflict still occur? Four variables affect the direction of the situation

All this has surprised the United States, and it has not fully recognized and fully prepared for these accidents.

It seems that the United States has launched a wishful thinking, and it seems that the United States is fully prepared, but the development of the situation has exposed that the United States is ill-prepared in the face of any protracted war.

This also explains from another side why the United States has fought several wars in the past 20 years.

One is that the United States looks up to itself excessively;

The second is the difficulty of assessment that is too low;

Third, the military is full of strength, but the political power, the power of national governance, and the grasp of people's hearts and minds are not matched with a world superpower.

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