
How swedes spend Easter

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The beauty of Easter is hidden in these small rituals, in the details. Take a little thought and make life a little more sweet and colorful!

How swedes spend Easter

After Christmas, before Midsummer, it is fortunate that there is Easter to carry on the up and down, so that everyone has the opportunity to say hello to the spring solemnly. Swedes are very happy to celebrate Easter. From eating, to wearing, to home decoration, all kinds of details see the real chapter inside. If you've also thought about a very Swedish Easter, then grab the following points.

Eggs, lots and lots of eggs

How swedes spend Easter


When it comes to Easter, eggs are undoubtedly the protagonists of the game. During the Easter holiday week, Swedish eggs are consumed twice as much as usual. Why eat eggs for Easter? It is said that this is because there is traditionally a fasting period of almost forty days before Easter, during which the eggs laid by the hens cannot be eaten, and as a result, many eggs are saved, so after the iftar everyone has to eat them violently. Some media have investigated that in Sweden, the most common way to eat eggs on Easter is to boil the eggs and cut them in half, and then add various ingredients. Along with eggs, the Easter table usually includes herring and roast lamb.

How swedes spend Easter

Image: Annika Creutzer

Eggs appear not only on the table, but also repeatedly as a theme word for Easter. From small decorations to Easter garlands and bouquets, there is a place for it everywhere.

How swedes spend Easter

Image: Pinterest

How swedes spend Easter


Painting Easter eggs is a favorite Easter game for kids, and every kid is sure to enjoy it.

How swedes spend Easter

Image: Lena Granefelt/

However, whether you are a child or an older friend, as long as you have enthusiasm and imagination, who can stop you from drawing the coolest Easter egg in the world?

How swedes spend Easter


Sugar, lots and lots of sugar

How swedes spend Easter


By March, the Swedes finally got tired of eating the high-calorie semlor and began to eat lots and lots of sugar under the guise of Easter. All kinds of candy are packed in beautiful Easter eggs, appearing on the store counter, in the office, in the home, in the waiting room, in the waiting room... If you want to go with the flow, you have to learn like the Swedes: face them, accept them, eat them, forget them, and then continue tomorrow.

How swedes spend Easter

Image: Josefin Casteryd

You can buy Easter eggs in various sizes at the supermarket and buy your favorite bulk candy to fill them. You can also, of course, buy Easter eggs that are already filled with candy. For example, this 40cm Easter egg was already filled with 5.5 kilograms of sugar when it was bought.

How swedes spend Easter


Among the many candies, of course, can not be missing this yellow chicken-shaped marshmallow (Skumma höns). There is no more appropriate Easter candy than this.

How swedes spend Easter

Little witches, lots and lots of little witches

How swedes spend Easter

Image: Lena Granefelt/

At Easter, the family must have enough candy, because maybe a little witch will knock on the door to ask for candy.

How swedes spend Easter

Image: Fredrik Nyman/

The little witches painted round red faces, lit black freckles, wore flower scarves, tied flower aprons, flew over like little magpies, and when they saw them, who could not help but laugh? What's more, the little witches usually send their own Easter cards as a thank you for receiving candy, which is more pleasing than the Halloween little ghost heads.

Yellow, lots, lots of yellow

How swedes spend Easter

To have a very resurrection and very resurrection Easter, you have to accept a lot of tender yellow. This yellow, the cute and tender yellow of the newborn chick, echoes the freshness of spring perfectly.

How swedes spend Easter


During Easter, you can buy almost effortlessly anything yellow you want (please understand the meaning of this sentence correctly!). If you have an Easter party, you might as well dress up and go to it.

How swedes spend Easter


Of course, if you are really incapable of accepting yellow, you can also choose other spring colors, keeping in mind that the key word is "fresh and tender".

How swedes spend Easter


Feathers, many, many feathers

How swedes spend Easter


Easter without feathers, like the Lantern Festival without rabbit lights, must be incomplete.

How swedes spend Easter

Image: Eva Hallgren

Thanks to the efforts of animal protectionists, more and more artificial products have replaced the real feathers plucked from birds. Feathers are available in a wide range of colors. If you don't want to put a giant feather duster at home, you must have good aesthetic ability and color matching basic skills. Otherwise, choose monochrome.

How swedes spend Easter

Image: Lena Granefelt/

Branches, lots and lots of branches

How swedes spend Easter


The feather decoration is mostly hung on this dry branch (påskris). The branches usually come from birch trees, and you can liken them to Christmas trees that can be decorated to the fullest, but also test taste.

The most common elements on branches include: feathers, birds, chicks, eggs and many more. But there are also many young people who choose other small decorations that are more personalized. The color can be very bright, or it can be very calm and elegant.

How swedes spend Easter


Branches raised in water will sprout green leaves. But because many Swedes are allergic to these leaves, it seems more common to put branches in empty bottles without water. But if you don't have allergies, add some water and raise a small pot of green potted plants is also very beautiful.

How swedes spend Easter


Flowers, lots and lots of flowers

How swedes spend Easter


In terms of flowers, the main focus is of course the Easter daffodil (påsklilja), which can be grown indoors and outdoors.

How swedes spend Easter

Image: Aas Erlend /Scanpix

Also very common Easter flowers are tulips, daisies and so on. Flower shops will launch special Easter bouquets on Easter, buy a bouquet to place at home, and the festive atmosphere will suddenly become more intense.

How swedes spend Easter


The beauty of Easter is hidden in these small rituals, in the details. Take a little thought, make life a little more sweet and colorful, and Happy Easter!

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