
"Hero of Mine Clearance" Du Fuguo lost both hands and eyes, and won first-class merit in peacetime, what treatment did he enjoy?

author:Feather Sir History

In 2019, on CCTV, the program scene that touched China's top ten people of the year, there is such a special person, he is a soldier named Du Fuguo, but when he appears, his eyes are wearing gauze, and the sleeves of the military uniform on both sides appear empty because they do not have hands, and Du Fuguo can only rely on his relatives on both sides to help him walk onto the stage.

After stepping onto the stage, the host tearfully introduced the situation to Du Fuguo, the color of the steps on the stage was red, the trophy that touched China, and the heart-shaped square base.

In the interview, Du Fuguo introduced his comrades-in-arms to everyone and recalled the days of mine clearance with his comrades-in-arms, Du Jianguo said that although he lost his hands and eyes in the mine clearance mission, he did not regret it, and he would be stronger, more sunny and happy in the days to come.

"Hero of Mine Clearance" Du Fuguo lost both hands and eyes, and won first-class merit in peacetime, what treatment did he enjoy?

In 2018, Du Fuguo lost his protection teammates in a demining mission, his hands and eyes, although he was awarded the "first-class merit", he could no longer see this beautiful world, nor would he return to the demining battlefield to fight side by side with his comrades-in-arms, after being injured, Du Fuguo often taught himself to be a brother who was also a soldier, to shoulder the responsibility of a soldier, to serve the country and the people, and to fulfill the mission.

Next, let's go into the near rich countries and learn the stories of heroes and models who belong to the era of peace.

"Hero of Mine Clearance" Du Fuguo lost both hands and eyes, and won first-class merit in peacetime, what treatment did he enjoy?

Minesweeper Hero Du Fuguo

Du Fuguo was born in 1991 in an ordinary family in Meitan County, Zunyi City, Guizhou Province, with four children in the family, Du Fuguo ranked first, so Du Fuguo took on the responsibility of taking care of his younger siblings from an early age.

Among his peers, Du Fuguo always appears to be very stable, obedient and sensible, in Du Fuguo's heart, has always had a strong military complex, he wants to be a soldier, although it is now a peaceful era, there is no need to fight, but Du Fuguo still worships soldiers, he feels that soldiers are sacred and warm-blooded, and it is even more glorious to be able to do things for the country and protect the people.

Du Fuguo has always insisted on his dream, and finally joined the army in December 2010, officially became a soldier, he said goodbye to his parents with great excitement and entered the army, as a "recruit egg" Du Fuguo first had to face a three-month training of the recruit company.

"Hero of Mine Clearance" Du Fuguo lost both hands and eyes, and won first-class merit in peacetime, what treatment did he enjoy?

Although Du Fuguo, who also exercised regularly at home, was unable to resist for a while in the face of various high-intensity combinations of physical training in the training of the troops, he was often exhausted and breathless, and he could not catch his breath.

The five-kilometer run necessary every day is equivalent to running thirteen laps around the playground, which is a distance for ordinary people, even if they run lightly, it is very difficult, and Du Fuguo has to face every day on the curved mountain road, carrying equipment on his back, and completing cross-country running within a limited time of eighteen minutes.

Fear before running, pressure during running and physical exhaustion after running have become Du Fuguo's "commonplace meals", in addition to Du Fuguo's need to learn the rules and regulations of the army, queues, tactics, bomb throwing, shooting and a series of other essential items.

"Hero of Mine Clearance" Du Fuguo lost both hands and eyes, and won first-class merit in peacetime, what treatment did he enjoy?

Three months later, the new recruit company ended, and Du Fuguo gradually took the appearance of a soldier, and he was assigned to the fourth team of the Yunnan Mine Sweeping Brigade in the southern theater, so Du Fuguo officially began his military life.

In fact, Du Fuguo is not a particularly intelligent person, when he first entered the mine clearance team and learned the theoretical knowledge of mine clearance, Du Fuguo often did not understand it, so that in the first theoretical exploration examination, he only scored 32 points.

The first thorough examination did not pass, so that Du Fuguo was a little disappointed, but he did not lose heart, Du Fuguo found a lot of professional books, using the rest time to study theoretical knowledge, when others relax and entertain, he still persevered in studying hard.

It is also his spirit of "stupid birds flying first" that has slowly improved his results, experienced a stage of achievement rise, and Du Fuguo's results have slowly increased from 32 points to 57 points and from 70 points to 90 points.

"Hero of Mine Clearance" Du Fuguo lost both hands and eyes, and won first-class merit in peacetime, what treatment did he enjoy?

In ordinary life, Du Fuguo always gives people a very sunny and positive impression, in the army he is a brick, where to move, for others to receive water, repair electrical appliances, tables and chairs benches, cleaning, in short, others do not want to do the work, Du Fuguo always rush to do.

During Du Fuguo's senior military, because of his excellent performance in the army, he was recommended by the leader to participate in the training camp for the promotion of non-commissioned officers in preparation, and also served as a deputy squad leader.

In October 2018, when Du Fuguo learned that in a village on the border of Yunnan, 87 villagers were seriously injured by mines because they had mistakenly entered the minefield, and most of the villagers had lost their legs.

You back off and let me come

On the afternoon of October 11, 2018, the fourth team of the Yunnan Demining Brigade of the Southern Theater Army of Du Fuguo's unit came to the minefield to start demining operations.

This is the third major mine clearance on the Border between China and Vietnam, the last minefield of manual search, and it is also near a small village on the border of Yunnan, because there are villagers living around, so every demining team member is nervous, not slack at all, and every small action is very cautious.

"Hero of Mine Clearance" Du Fuguo lost both hands and eyes, and won first-class merit in peacetime, what treatment did he enjoy?

The 27-year-old Du Fuguo and his comrade-in-arms Ai Yan were assigned to a small team, the two were responsible for the search and platoon task on a hillside, the two had a clear division of labor, Du Fuguo slowly walked in front of Ai Yan to explore, and Ai Yan was closely behind with equipment ready.

Just as they were checking along the hillside little by little, Du Fuguo found a Type 67 aggravated grenade, the lethality radius of this grenade can reach seven to nine meters, Du Fuguo was shocked, and shouted to Ai Yan behind him at the first time: "Ai Yan, you stay away from me, I will check, you don't get close."

When Ai Yan heard Du Fuguo's report on the dangerous situation, he was stunned for a moment, and he shouted loudly: "Let me help you!" ”

"Don't come here, I can do it alone!" Du Fuguo once again stressed that Ai Yan stayed where he was out of his trust in his comrades-in-arms, but his heart was always hanging.

Only to see Du Fuguo slowly creep forward to the grenade, slowly sweeping away the dirt on the grenade. When Du Fuguo peeled off the camouflage layer of the grenade, the mine exploded, only to hear a bang, the scene was full of fire, smoke billowed out, and the surrounding mud was also blown up by the vibration.

"Hero of Mine Clearance" Du Fuguo lost both hands and eyes, and won first-class merit in peacetime, what treatment did he enjoy?

Du Fuguo fell in front of his comrade-in-arms Ai Yan at a critical moment, blocking the power of the bomb for him, Andi Yan was slightly injured, but Du Fuguo was seriously injured, and the protective clothing on his body was also exploded. The comrades-in-arms rushed to hear the news, and after the military doctor gave Du Fuguo a simple first aid, he bandaged the wound and sent it to the hospital.

On the way to the hospital, Du Fuguo's comrades-in-arms have been guarding his side and shouting: "Du Fuguo, you are sober, insist on not sleeping!" But at this moment, Du Fuguo had already fallen into a coma.

Du Fuguo was sent to the hospital, covered in blood, and he had many burns on his body, which frightened the doctors, Du Fuguo had completely lost consciousness and was in danger, in order to save this hero who risked death and demining, after temporarily stabilizing his life, the troops transferred trauma, orthopedics, and ophthalmology experts from all over the country for consultation.

"Hero of Mine Clearance" Du Fuguo lost both hands and eyes, and won first-class merit in peacetime, what treatment did he enjoy?

After expert consultation, several experts agreed that if du Fuguo's life was to be saved, it would be necessary to perform two-handed amputation and eye removal surgery.

Because among the countless wounds of all sizes in Du Fuguo's body, the damage to the eyes and hands was the most serious, and it had reached the point of deterioration and infection, and in order to save his life, he could only be removed.

This result made it difficult for everyone to accept, Du Fuguo's family and comrades-in-arms, asked the doctor to think of a way to save his hands and eyes, but there was really no other way to implement treatment, in order to save Du Fuguo's life, his father tearfully signed the consent to the operation.

Du Fuguo was pushed into the operating room, after the experts fought, a few hours later, the dying Du Fuguo was pushed out, the operation was successful, his life was saved, for everyone, this is the most fortunate news among the misfortunes.

Time slowly passed, Du Fuguo also woke up, the first sentence when Du Fuguo woke up was: "Ai Yan is okay, you are all okay", he is always most concerned about his comrades-in-arms, when he learned that his comrades-in-arms were all right, Du Fuguo breathed a sigh of relief, and a big stone in his heart finally fell.

"Hero of Mine Clearance" Du Fuguo lost both hands and eyes, and won first-class merit in peacetime, what treatment did he enjoy?

At this moment, Du Fuguo, who woke up at this time, found that his eyes could not see and his body could not move, but he always thought that he was only injured and was recovering, and he made a request to his comrades who were taking care of him, that is, when he was cooking, he should fight more meat and vegetables, so that he could grow meat, quickly recover, and return to the battlefield to fight with his comrades.

At this time, he did not know that he would not be able to clear mines since then, nor could he see this colorful world, and this cruel reality had never been there, to summon up the courage to tell Du Fuguo.

In the intensive care unit, Du Fuguo's father looked at his son who was injured and black in front of him, and he couldn't help but burst into tears at the thought that he had lost his hands and a pair of bright and clear eyes forever. But he did not want his son to immerse himself in beautiful fantasies all day, and he tearfully told Du Fuguo the cruel news.

Knowing this cruel reality, Du Fuguo's emotions were not very excited, although he was very sad, he was also very calm in the face, strong he would often comfort his comrades and relatives, tell them not to worry, tell their relatives that they would be strong and would live well.

"Hero of Mine Clearance" Du Fuguo lost both hands and eyes, and won first-class merit in peacetime, what treatment did he enjoy?

Du Fuguo's newlywed wife saw her husband and swallowed all the pain and bitterness herself, and her heart was very uncomfortable. But she knows that Du Fuguo did all this to make everyone shine and not to be sad for him.

In the hospital, Du Fuguo lay on a hospital bed and received a ceremony of first-class merit from the troops, on which he was dressed in a military uniform, with loud slogans, and with only half of his arms left, he saluted the standard military salute.

Born to the sun

At the handover ceremony of the mine clearance battlefield on November 16, 2018, Du Fuguo's comrades-in-arms held hands and sang military songs as they walked through the minefields that had been cleaned up by them, explaining to the people in this special way that every inch of land under their feet was safe.

When he learned that the task was successfully completed, Du Fuguo, who was in a hospital bed, showed a happy smile, "Finally everyone is safe."

"Hero of Mine Clearance" Du Fuguo lost both hands and eyes, and won first-class merit in peacetime, what treatment did he enjoy?

Because he lost his eyes and couldn't see things, in the process of recovery, Du Fuguo's body adapted a little slowly, and at the beginning he had no way to maintain the balance of his body.

Just getting up from bed was a dizziness, unable to control his legs, and even a moment could not even walk, but Du Fuguo was determined not to let the disability affect his life, he groped and tried again and again, trying to deal with psychological obstacles and discomfort.

Du Fuguo used his own severed limbs, slowly supporting the wall, he relied on the strength of the wall, little by little to move forward, in the process of rehabilitation, Du Fuguo experienced dozens of surgeries and postoperative recovery.

Finally, with Du Fuguo's efforts to persevere, he could get out of bed and walk, he did not lose his hands and eyes and was depressed, although after the injury, his life actions became very inconvenient, but Du Fuguo still did his best to slowly reduce these inconveniences.

"Hero of Mine Clearance" Du Fuguo lost both hands and eyes, and won first-class merit in peacetime, what treatment did he enjoy?

He began to exercise himself to fold quilts, wear clothes, wash his face and brush his teeth, in Du Fuguo's heart, he is not a disabled person who can't stand up, he is just a normal person who has changed his lifestyle.

In the rehabilitation center of the Southwest Hospital of the Army University, after a period of practice, Du Fuguo's physical function has returned to the same as before, and he can also run on the hospital's special treadmill, which takes thirteen minutes for three kilometers, compared to Du Fuguo, it seems that nothing can be difficult for him.

However, due to physical reasons, Du Fuguo could not return to his previous post, but in March 2020, the "Du Fuguo the Announcer" series of programs anchored by Du Fuguo was launched, and in August of the same year, Du Fuguo became the announcer of the military radio program "Voice of the Southern Land", in this year Du Fuguo did not leave the army he loved, and through his own efforts became a college student majoring in adult higher education administration at Guizhou University.

Now Du Fuguo is a fourth-level sergeant major, the monthly salary plus subsidy can reach more than 10,000 yuan, in life Du Fuguo also enjoys all the treatment given by the state for disabled soldiers, in the days to come, all the rehabilitation and treatment of Du Fuguo is responsible for the state to the end, not only has a guarantee in life, but also the state has made some relevant arrangements for Du Fuguo's family and children, reducing Du Fuguo's family burden.

"Hero of Mine Clearance" Du Fuguo lost both hands and eyes, and won first-class merit in peacetime, what treatment did he enjoy?

Although Du Fuguo can no longer see the great rivers and mountains of the motherland, he and his comrades-in-arms have cleared dozens of minefields in the past three years, and now they have become beautiful wilderness, Du Fuguo often said that he is often proud of being a soldier, but what Du Fuguo does not know is that the motherland also feels glorious because of Du Fuguo!